Current Members

CAS Dean's Office

Dean - Peter J. Schraeder 
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs & International Initiatives - Jacqueline Long 

Department Representatives

Anthropology - Thea Strand (Curriculum Committee)
Biology - Michael Burns (Curriculum Committee)
Chemistry and Biochemistry - Joerg Zimmerman (AC Chairperson)
Classical Studies - Jenn Finn
Computer Science - Ronald Greenberg (By-laws Committee)
Criminal Justice & Criminology - Damon Petrich [F24]; Zhandarka Kurti [Sp25]
Engineering - 
English - Joseph Janangelo (Elections Committee)
Fine and Performing Arts - DeRon Williams
History - John Donoghue
Mathematics and Statistics - Rafael S. Gonzalez D'Leon
Military Science - Captain Andrew J. Toaddy
Modern Languages and Literatures - David Beltran (Online Instruction Committee)
Philosophy - Matt Dunch, S.J.
Physics - Robert McNees
Political Science - Amanda Savage
Psychology - Jason Pych
Sociology - 
Theology - Tom Wetzel (By-laws Committee)

Student Government of Loyola Chicago - Academic Affairs Committee


University Libraries, LSC - 

Interdisciplinary Programs Representatives

Polish Studies - John Merchant (Curriculum Committee)
Psychology of Crime & Justice - Loretta Stalans

At-large Representatives

Chemistry and Biochemistry - Zachary Osner
Computer Science - Eric Chan-Tin
Theology - Olivia Stewart Lester