Discrimination at Loyola

Moriah Johnson, CURL Graduate Fellow
CURL is pleased and honored to be able to share and promote this thoughtful and timely work – Racism and Discrimination at Loyola: A Report on the Experiences of Students of Color at Loyola University Chicago.
It is the work of one of our graduate colleagues – Ms. Moriah Johnson, MPP and Doctoral Student in Sociology – who did this work on her own time because she knew that the more complete story of students of color needed to be amplified. She saw the need to move beyond merely counting the numbers of students on campus and took the time to shine a light on the deeper reality and truth for this part of Loyola’s community.
We know that the report is already in circulation around campus and so we want to be sure that Moriah is given the credit she deserves in taking this work up. More importantly, we want to see her wisdom and expertise - and the wisdom and expertise of all of our students - brought to the forefront of this work on campus.
We would encourage all members of the Loyola community to read this report carefully. Sit with the information even if we find it discomforting. And then, let us reflect on what it means for our particular roles and positions on (and off) campus. This fall, CURL plans to play our part in collaboratively using this document to further our conversations on anti-racism work at CURL and throughout the university.
Most importantly, however, we hope that we all use a report like this to further our shared anti-racist actions across the campus to make Loyola a safe, supportive, and equitable educational environment for all students.
- CURL Faculty, Staff, and Students
Read full report here: Discrimination at Loyola Report