Loyola University Chicago

Faculty Center for Ignatian Pedagogy

Keynote Address Recordings

Below, access recordings of past keynotes:

hooks-Freire Keynote Address 2023 - Dr. Dana K. Harmon

Dr. Dana K. Harmon's (Loyola School of Social Work) address, titled, "Superwoman: Black Women’s Resilience, Perseverance, and Being Intellectual Giants" centers on the genius of bell hooks and her lasting impact on pedagogy and education writ-large. Introductory remarks were given by Dr. Mark Anthony Torrez (Stritch School of Medicine).

"Paulo Freire and Black Feminist Pedagogy," delivered by Sydney Curtis, Ph.D. Candidate, Loyola University Chicago School of Education with introductory remarks by Lillianna Carrera, Ph.D.,
Postdoctoral scholar at Texas State University in the Department of Organization, Workforce, and Leadership Studies