
2014 Graduate Award Recipients

Distinguished Graduate Instructor Award:

Matthew Hoffmann

 2014 Matt Grad Instructor

 Matthew Hoffmann and Dr. Talmadge Wright

2014 Honors Reception


Robert McNamara Award:

Soulit Chacko

‌‌2014 Soulit McNamara

 Soulit Chacko with Dr. Talmadge Wright

2014 Honors Reception


Richard L. Block Prize:

Gwendolyn Purifoye - Winner

Julie Hilvers - Honorable Mention

2014 Gwen Block

Dr. Gwendolyn Purifoye with Dr. Talmadge Wright

2014 Honors Reception

2014 Julie Block

 Dr. Julie Hilvers with Dr. Talmadge Wright

2014 Honors Reception


Peter Whalley Award:

Courtney Irby


‌Outstanding Graduate Student Award:

Latrese Monden‌

Distinguished Graduate Instructor Award:

Matthew Hoffmann

 2014 Matt Grad Instructor

 Matthew Hoffmann and Dr. Talmadge Wright

2014 Honors Reception


Robert McNamara Award:

Soulit Chacko

‌‌2014 Soulit McNamara

 Soulit Chacko with Dr. Talmadge Wright

2014 Honors Reception


Richard L. Block Prize:

Gwendolyn Purifoye - Winner

Julie Hilvers - Honorable Mention

2014 Gwen Block

Dr. Gwendolyn Purifoye with Dr. Talmadge Wright

2014 Honors Reception

2014 Julie Block

 Dr. Julie Hilvers with Dr. Talmadge Wright

2014 Honors Reception


Peter Whalley Award:

Courtney Irby


‌Outstanding Graduate Student Award:

Latrese Monden‌