Loyola University Chicago

Department of Sociology

Moriah and Gina's work with the Englewood Womens' Initiatve

Moriah Johnson is a Sociology PhD Student and CURL Graduate Fellow. 

Dr. Gina Spitz is an Assistant Research Professor in CURL and part time Sociology instructor.

Moriah and Gina work with the Englewood Women's Initiative (EWI). The EWI is in its third year right now and have just added three more community partnerships making it a collaboration of 11 community organizations. The goal of the initiative is to provide services and programs that ultimately increase the economic stability and independence of women in Englewood using a wrap-around service model. This model means that they don't just target or serve one need at a time, but rather seek to understand the holistic needs of woman from her socio-emotional needs to her educational needs to her family goals to her economic goals. The initiative sees it all as connected and equally important. Outside of our model, the initiative is unique because it is woman funded (Chicago Foundation for Women), women-led (each partner org is represented by a woman and/or run by women) and women-researched (Moriah Johnson, Dr. Gina Spitz and the CURL team).