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Sustainability at Loyola

Sustainability at Loyola is driven by our Jesuit tradition of social justice, our service to humanity, and our role as an institution of higher education. It is embodied in an educational experience for our students and activities that seek to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. We are committed to an inclusive process considering social, economic, and environmental impacts and exemplified in a transformative education for our students. 

Sustainability across Loyola

Academic and research integration is a cornerstone of sustainability efforts at Loyola. It is our societal obligation and commitment to our students that they graduate with a deep understanding of environmental issues and their personal responsibilities to respond.

  • 65% of academic departments offer at least one sustainability course
  • 58.5% of students graduate with a degree that comes with a sustainability-related learning outcome in its core requirements
  • 52% of academic departments have a sustainability researcher
  • 12.1% of researchers incorporate sustainability into their research

Learn more about Loyola's sustainability-related academic programs.

Our Community

Students in front of the Information Commons

Two Decades of Sustainability

A commitment to the planet's health has become a lodestar for Loyola's leadership, influencing decisions massive and marginal

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Crowd cheers at a Loyola basketball game

Trash Talk

At Loyola University Chicago's Gentile Arena, every sporting event is zero waste.

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working installing a solar panel

Loyola Commits to Green Power in Illinois

A new solar project will provide 100 percent of the University's electricity needs.

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Loyola's Office of Sustainability

The goal of the Office of Sustainability at Loyola is to support the faculty, staff, students, and alumni in making the University a leader in the Chicago region and internationally among Jesuit institutions. Loyola University Chicago is embracing sustainability through our campuses, curriculum, and community. 

The Office of Sustainability also supports Loyola’s sustainability commitments by administering the University Sustainability Committee, comprised of students, faculty, staff, and administration.


Loyola’s sustainability initiatives are guided by the following principles:

  • We seek to have the lowest environmental footprint in Illinois
  • We support sustainability across the curriculum
  • We believe sustainability is about Social Justice
  • We facilitate the campus as a learning laboratory
  • We support a pathway to careers (that empower a just future for all)
  • We envision the campus as a community change-agent


Sustainability at Loyola

While our School of Environmental Sustainability leads the way in training students for lifelong, rewarding careers across fields and industries—every campus at Loyola is dedicated to bringing green-thinking to the forefront. Discover why we're one of the nation's greenest.

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