Loyola University Chicago

Department of Theology

Emeritus Faculty

Susan Ross, PhD

Title/s:  Professor Emerita

Email: sross@luc.edu

CV Link: Ross CV 2016


Dr. Susan A. Ross is a Professor of Theology and Emerita Faculty at Loyola University Chicago. She received her BA from Manhattanville College (NY), and her MA and PhD from the University of Chicago. Prior to joining the faculty at Loyola, she taught at St. Norbert College and Duquesne University. From 2006–08 she served as the Director of the Ann Ida Gannon, BVM, Center for Women and Leadership at Loyola, and from 2008-2016 she served as the Chair of the Department of Theology.

Dr. Ross is the author of three books and numerous journal articles and book chapters. She is a Past President of the Catholic Theological Society of America, and a former Vice-President and member of the Board of Editors of Concilium, the international theological journal. She is the recipient of a Louisville Institute Sabbatical Grant, the Book of the Year Award from the College Theology Society in 1999, an Honorable Mention for Best Gender Issues Award from the Catholic Press Association in 2007, and the Ann O’Hara Graff Award from the Catholic Theological Society of America.

Program Areas

Systematic, feminist, and sacramental theology and ethics

Research Interests

Feminist Theology and Ethics; Theological Anthropology

Selected Publications

  • Anthropology: Seeking Light and Beauty (Liturgical Press, 2012)
  • Extravagant Affections: A Feminist Sacramental Theology (Continuum, 1998)
  • For the Beauty of the Earth: Women, Sacramentality and Justice (Paulist, 2006)
  • Co-editor with Maureen A. Tilley, of Broken and Whole: Essays on Religion and the Body (University Press of America, 1995).