Loyola University Chicago

Department of Theology

Faculty & Staff Directory

Devorah Schoenfeld, PhD

Title/s:  Associate Professor

Office #:  Crown Center 303

Phone: 773.508.2369

Email: dschoenfeld@luc.edu

CV Link: Schoenfeld CV


Devorah Schoenfeld, PhD has her doctorate from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley and an MA from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. She has previously taught at St. Mary's College of Maryland, at University of California Davis, and at the Conservative Yeshiva. Her book "Isaac on Jewish and Christian Altars: Genesis 22 in Rashi and in the Glossa Ordinaria", Fordham University Press. Her research interests include medieval Bible commentaries and Jewish-Christian relations and she has also published on dream interpretation in the Talmud and on proofs for the existence of God in medieval Jewish philosophy.