Keunwoo Kwon
PhD Candidate
Dissertation Title: “Democracy, Social Conflict, and Mutual Recognition: A Political Theology of Conflict in a Pluralistic World”
theological ethics, religious ethics, political theology/theory, liturgy and ethics, social ethics, secularization and post-secularity, human dignity and rights, gender theory, vulnerability studies, critical philosophy of race, Hegelian theories of recognition, social epistemology/feminist epistemology, ignorance studies
“The Crisis of Democracy, the Crisis of Truth?: Post-Truth Politics and Truth-Telling” Societas Ethica Annual Conference 2021 (on Zoom), August, 2021.
“How to be Recognized as a Dignified Person: Robert Spaemann and J. M. Bernstein on Human Dignity and Recognition” The 14th Annual Loyola-Marquette Graduate Theology Colloquium, Loyola University Chicago, February 2017.
“Gendered Violence as Misrecognition of Women’s Embodied Dignity: #MeToo Movement and the Struggle for Recognition in South Korea” Societas Ethica Annual Conference 2018, University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, August 2018.
“Liturgy as a Prophetic Resistant Performance: A Political-Theological Consideration of Liturgy” 2nd Annual Political Theology Network Conference, Union Theological Seminary, NYC, October 2019.
Jonathan Tran, Asian Americans and the Spirit of Racial Capitalism (Oxford University Press, 2021), The Journal of Asian American Theological Forum 8:2 (December, 2021)
Kwok Pui-Lan and Francis Ching-Wah Yip, eds., The Hong Kong Protests and Political Theology (Rowman & Littlefield, 2021), Reading Religion (January, 2022)
Jean Porter, Justice as a Virtue: A Thomistic Perspective (Eerdmans, 2016), Reading Religion (April, 2018)
For NewsM:
“재난과 묵시: 팬데믹이 드러낸 것들과 우리가 보아야 할 것들 (COVID-19 Apocalypse: What Pandemic Unveiled, What We Must See)” (10 May 2020)
“인종주의, 눈먼 영혼, 그리고 하나님의 형상 (Racism, Soul-Blindness, and the Imago Dei)” (11 June 2020)
“장벽이 아니라 다리를: 정체성과 경계지대 (Build a Bridge, Not a Wall: Identities and Borderland)” (28 June 2020)
“탈진실 정치, 진리-말하기, 그리고 민주주의: 다원적 민주주의 사회에서 그리스도교의 예언자적 진리-말하기는 가능한가 (Post-Truth Politics, Truth-Telling, and Democracy: How Can a Christian Prophetically Speak Truths in a Pluralistic Democracy?)” (2 September 2020)
Master of Arts in Religion, 2016
Yale Divinity School
Master of Theology, 2013
Presbyterian University & Theological Seminary (South Korea)
Master of Divinity, 2011
Presbyterian University & Theological Seminary (South Korea)
Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy, 2008
Sogang University (South Korea)
Introduction to Christian Theology (Theo 100)
Loyola University Chicago, Chicago IL
Fall 2019, Spring 2020, and Spring 2021
Introduction to Christian Ethics (Theo 185)
Loyola University Chicago, Chicago IL
Fall 2021

PhD Candidate
Dissertation Title: “Democracy, Social Conflict, and Mutual Recognition: A Political Theology of Conflict in a Pluralistic World”
theological ethics, religious ethics, political theology/theory, liturgy and ethics, social ethics, secularization and post-secularity, human dignity and rights, gender theory, vulnerability studies, critical philosophy of race, Hegelian theories of recognition, social epistemology/feminist epistemology, ignorance studies
“The Crisis of Democracy, the Crisis of Truth?: Post-Truth Politics and Truth-Telling” Societas Ethica Annual Conference 2021 (on Zoom), August, 2021.
“How to be Recognized as a Dignified Person: Robert Spaemann and J. M. Bernstein on Human Dignity and Recognition” The 14th Annual Loyola-Marquette Graduate Theology Colloquium, Loyola University Chicago, February 2017.
“Gendered Violence as Misrecognition of Women’s Embodied Dignity: #MeToo Movement and the Struggle for Recognition in South Korea” Societas Ethica Annual Conference 2018, University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, August 2018.
“Liturgy as a Prophetic Resistant Performance: A Political-Theological Consideration of Liturgy” 2nd Annual Political Theology Network Conference, Union Theological Seminary, NYC, October 2019.
Jonathan Tran, Asian Americans and the Spirit of Racial Capitalism (Oxford University Press, 2021), The Journal of Asian American Theological Forum 8:2 (December, 2021)
Kwok Pui-Lan and Francis Ching-Wah Yip, eds., The Hong Kong Protests and Political Theology (Rowman & Littlefield, 2021), Reading Religion (January, 2022)
Jean Porter, Justice as a Virtue: A Thomistic Perspective (Eerdmans, 2016), Reading Religion (April, 2018)
For NewsM:
“재난과 묵시: 팬데믹이 드러낸 것들과 우리가 보아야 할 것들 (COVID-19 Apocalypse: What Pandemic Unveiled, What We Must See)” (10 May 2020)
“인종주의, 눈먼 영혼, 그리고 하나님의 형상 (Racism, Soul-Blindness, and the Imago Dei)” (11 June 2020)
“장벽이 아니라 다리를: 정체성과 경계지대 (Build a Bridge, Not a Wall: Identities and Borderland)” (28 June 2020)
“탈진실 정치, 진리-말하기, 그리고 민주주의: 다원적 민주주의 사회에서 그리스도교의 예언자적 진리-말하기는 가능한가 (Post-Truth Politics, Truth-Telling, and Democracy: How Can a Christian Prophetically Speak Truths in a Pluralistic Democracy?)” (2 September 2020)
Master of Arts in Religion, 2016
Yale Divinity School
Master of Theology, 2013
Presbyterian University & Theological Seminary (South Korea)
Master of Divinity, 2011
Presbyterian University & Theological Seminary (South Korea)
Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy, 2008
Sogang University (South Korea)
Introduction to Christian Theology (Theo 100)
Loyola University Chicago, Chicago IL
Fall 2019, Spring 2020, and Spring 2021
Introduction to Christian Ethics (Theo 185)
Loyola University Chicago, Chicago IL
Fall 2021