
Your Loyola Experience begins today

As an admitted student to Loyola, we see great things in your future. You will receive a strong liberal arts education, one that stresses the importance of knowledge, curiosity, global perspective and cura personalis, or ‘care of the whole person’. You will benefit from being in Chicago through hands-on research and internship opportunities, as well as through networking with faculty, alums, and professionals in your area of interest. Your four years ahead will be filled with great memories and life-long friendships. Deposit today and join the Loyola community – a community that will support your professional and personal growth so that you can live your extraordinary life.

Submit your $500 enrollment deposit to join Loyola's Class of 2027.

Say yes to Loyola! Make your $500 enrollment deposit via your student portal by May 1, 2023. If you have any trouble accessing your portal, please email for assistance.

Talk to an admission counselor:

Loyola admissions counselors are available to meet with students and family members as they finalize their college choice. Here are some different ways to connect with us:

Schedule a Zoom appointment with a counselor to learn more about next steps and life as a Loyola student. These appointments are intended for admitted students and their families with specific questions. 

Call to speak with a counselor, weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Central Time at 773-508-3075 or 800-262-2372.

Email a counselor at

Talk to Financial Aid

You can reach the Financial Aid team by calling 773-508-7704 or emailing The office is open weekdays between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Central time.

Talk to a current student:

Want an opinion from your future classmates and peers? Reach out to students directly via or text your questions to 773-305-6582.