Loyola University Chicago

Financial Services

ProCard Expense Transfer Form Instructions

The ProCard Expense Transfer Request Form can be used to redirect ProCard transactions between accounting units within 60 days of the expense date. Requests seeking only to move accounts within the same AU will likely be rejected. Other vendor payments can be transferred by using the Accounts Payable Expense Transfer Form.
Please note: When seeking to move expenses either into or out of a SPA Accounting Unit (beginning with 103, 104, 105, 107, 2, 5, or 9), requesters should reach out directly to the SPA team for review/processing at GRNTCON@luc.edu.

  1. After opening the form, click "Enable Macros" or "Enable Content" if prompted.
  2. At the top left, enter today's date in "Date" field.
  3. Enter your name in the "Prepared By" field, the Cardholder’s Name, and the Budget Administrator’s name.
  4. Enter a meaningful description in the box labeled "Enter a reason for the transfer request." Note: This field is required.
  5. In the first available row, enter the Accounting Unit (6-digit), Account (4-digit), Transaction Reference #, and then an Amount in the Decrease column. The Decrease column is used to decrease the total amount of expenses for the accounting unit/account combination on the same row. Please note that the Transaction Reference # can be located in the Business Intelligence application for the transaction being transferred.
  6. In the next available row, enter the Accounting Unit (6-digit), Account (4-digit), Transaction Reference #, and an Amount in the Increase column. The Increase column is used to increase the total amount of expenses for the accounting unit/account combination on the same row.
  7. If you are transferring expenses between multiple accounting unit/account combinations, confirm that your totals balance to zero in each section before submitting the form for approval.
  8. After saving and/or printing the form for your records, click the "Click here to email this form to ProCard" button. Note: Forms should be sent in an Excel format. PDF Forms will not be processed.
  9. A blank email message will be created containing the form as an attachment. If this does not happen automatically, please save the file and attach it to a new email message.
  10. Attach a PDF of supporting documentation for your expense transfer. (i.e. reports from WebFocus showing the expense(s) being transferred, etc.)
  11. In the 'To' field on the new message, enter your supervisor's email address, if necessary. Once approved, the form should be emailed to Procard-admin@luc.edu.
  12. Indicate an explanation for the Expense Transfer in the body of the email message and attach any supporting documentation.
Please direct any questions or form issues to FinancialSystems@luc.edu.