Loyola University Chicago

Safety Net Coalition

Cannabis Awareness Week 2022

Loyola's Safety Net coalition, which is a group composed of Loyola staff, students, and community organizations, tabled in Damen in February 2022 for three days. 

The purpose of the tabling event was to educate students on Loyola's cannabis policies and also clear up some misconceptions around cannabis use and safety. We provided snacks and free basil plants for students. Overall, the coalition engaged with around 90 students over three days and had some helpful conversations about cannabis policies at Loyola and harm reduction.

See below for common questions about Loyola's cannabis policies, Loyola's Good Samaritan policy, and harm reduction tips. 

 A: Students cannot use any type of cannabis products (THC or CBD) on or off Loyola's campus, as cannabis is federally illegal and universities accept federal funding. Students can also not come back to campus after smoking cannabis, as this could violate Loyola's public intoxication policy.

A: Medical cannabis use is not allowed at LUC. Please visit the Wellness Center or talk to your physician for an alternative plan while you reside on campus.

A: Yes! As a public health measure, LUC recently became a smoke-free university, which means that tobacco use and vaping is prohibited at all of our campuses, inside and outside.

A: Loyola's Good Samaritan policy makes it easier for students to seek help during alcohol and other drug emergencies. If a student gets help for a peer, they and the person who needs help will not be found responsible for underage drinking or drug use by the university.


1. Call for help: If you are in a situation where you and a peer have been using alcohol or drugs and you are concerned about your friend's safety, contact Campus Safety (773-508-7233) or notify Residence Life staff.

2. Stay with the student who needs help until medical assistance arrives.

3. Participate in all follow-up with the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution.

A: Yes, you can also call for help for yourself if you are under the influence of alcohol or other drugs and need help.

The policy does not apply if students do not proactively seek help from the university. It also does not apply if during the incident, students violate other parts of the Community standards, such as engaging in abusive conduct or property damage.

Yes! There has been a positive increase in the number of students using Good Sam to help their friends and peers.

Edible gummies, brownies, and other snacks can contain a high concentration of THC (the psychoactive compound in cannabis). They take 30 minutes on average to feel any effects, which can be dangerous if consumed too quickly.

Just like drunk driving, driving high can impair your spatial abilities and reasoning, which is very dangerous to yourself and others on the road. If you've smoked or consumed any amount of cannabis, get a ride or take the bus to be safe.

Smoking cannabis may be a way to relive stress. If this becomes your only stress reliever, it may affect motivation and memory, resulting in more stress.

Purchasing cannabis from a licensed dispensary is the only way to ensure you know its ingredients. Buying products elsewhere could mean it is laced with other drugs, which can lead to life-threatening health complications.

One way to help yourself use less often are to put your cannabis products out of sight and only access them at scheduled times. It is also helpful to develop more of a daily routine and incorporate exercise and other activities into times when you may have typically used cannabis.