
Tania M. Schusler, PhD
Title/s: Assistant Professor
Specialty Area: Community engagement, environmental education, food systems, environmental justice
Office #: BVM Hall 425
Phone: 773.508.8954
CV Link: Schusler-CV-2024
Dr. Schusler is an environmental social scientist who has worked at the interface of people and environment throughout her career as an educator and researcher. She conceives of “environment” broadly to include natural and built environments and their biophysical and social dimensions. Habitat destruction and climate change are obvious environmental issues as are racism and poverty. She is especially interested how participatory approaches to environmental management can contribute to environmental stewardship, social equity, cultural vibrance, and economic vitality in local communities.
- PhD, Natural Resource Policy & Management, Cornell University, 2007
- MSc, Natural Resource Policy & Management, Cornell University, 2001
- BSc, Forestry, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, 1993
Research Interests
Schusler's research focuses on community participation in environmental management. Her research presently investigates how environmental sustainability intersects with racial and economic justice within food systems, urban land use, air quality, and environmental education.
Courses Taught
- ENVS 284: Environmental Justice
- ENVS 350F: Solutions to Environmental Problems (STEP) Food Systems
- ENVS 350A: STEP Water
- ENVS 350C: STEP Climate Action
- ENVS 383: Human Dimensions of Conservation
- ENVS 402: Sustainable Systems – Social Science Perspectives
- ENVS 483: Human Dimensions of Conservation
Selected Publications
Schusler, T. M., Krings, A, Melstrom, R. T. (2023). Experiences with environmental gentrification: Evidence from Chicago. Landscape and Urban Planning. 236, 104765.
Obach*, R., Schusler, T., Vaca*, P., Durkin*, S., & Sheikh, M. (2023). Connectivity and racial equity in responding to COVID-19 impacts in the Chicago regional food system. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. 12(2), 305–320.
Rafferty*, F., Schusler, T., & Valencia Mestre, M. C. (2023). College student food security during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 12(2), 79–96.
Zanetell, B. A. & Schusler, T. M. (2022). Building STEM pathways for students of color to natural resources careers: the Northern New Mexico Climate Change Corps. J Environ Stud Sci.
Schusler, T. M., Espedido, C. B., Rivera, B. K., Hernández, M., Howerton, A. M., Sepp, K., Engel, M. D., Marcos, J. & Chaudhary, V. B. (2021). Students of colour views on racial equity in environmental sustainability. Nature Sustainability, 4: 975-982.
Krings, A. & Schusler, T. (2020). Equity in sustainable development: Integrating social work and environmental justice to prevent environmental gentrification. International Journal of Social Welfare, 29: 321-334.
Schusler, T., Krings, A., & Hernández*, M. 2019. Integrating youth participation and ecosocial work: New possibilities to advance environmental and social justice. Journal of Community Practice.
* indicates student author mentored by Dr. Schusler
For a complete list of her publications, awards, and affiliations, please see CV.