Internships and Practicum
Women’s Studies and Gender Studies encourages the practical application of feminist principles. Like any field of study, it has its theoretical concerns; however, at its core, it is also a commitment to action.
Internships and practicums are extensions of the coursework, but, unlike coursework, they take place not in the classroom but in the field.
A Practicum/internship is an independent venture that may provide the capstone experience of the student’s academic program. Practicums and internships are designed to enable creative, transformative, and unconventional research methods and knowledge production. Practicums/internships may be taken for 1, 2, or 3 credit hours and should be designed in coordination with the Graduate Program Director.
Possible Practicum/Internship Sites at Women-Focused Agencies:
A Friend's Place—DV
Constance Morris House—DV and shelter
Deborah's Place—homeless women
Genesis House—women who have been involved in prostitution
Hospice Horizon—lesbian women; death and dying
Hull House Uptown DV Counseling Center
Rape Victim Advocates
Sarah's Inn—DV counseling and shelter
Lake County Sexual Assault Program—adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse
Arlington Heights Sexual Assault/DV Program—physical and sexual assault on women
WSGS/Social Work Dual Degree Internship Placement
Students in the dual degree program must complete two social work field placements, one each year, which are focused on women. This means that the placements must provide students with experience in modalities of treatment that are women focused and/or involve students in advocacy activities in areas of concern for women.
While there are some agencies that clearly meet these criteria by virtue of their focus and service population (some are listed above), other agencies may be considered if at least 50% of the student's activities in these agencies meet the criteria listed above. All placements must be supervised by social workers with an MSW.
Click here for the WSGS Practicum & Internship Guidelines.
Click here for the WSGS Practicum & Internship Agreement. NOTE: Make sure to save this form with your changes after filling it out.
Click here for more information on the WSGS/Social Work Dual Degree field placements for the School of Social Work.