Academic Integrity
Policy of the Department of Classical Studies concerning Academic Integrity
The policy of the Department of Classical Studies incorporates the Academic Integrity Statement of the College of Arts and Sciences. (Follow the link to consult this statement directly.) Learning is wholly personal: it only happens if you do it yourself.
Any practice of academic dishonesty (e.g., cheating, plagiarism, obstructing the work of other students) perpetrated in a Classical Studies course will result, at a minimum, in a grade of zero for every assignment in which the dishonesty was practiced. Instructors may impose penalties up to and including failure of the course. Hearing boards constituted by the chairman or the academic dean of the student's college may determine more serious penalties are also appropriate. Expulsion may be recommended if the seriousness of the misconduct warrants it. All instances of academic dishonesty must be reported by the instructor to the chairperson of the department involved, to the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and to the academic dean of the college in which the student is registered. In the case of multiple instances of academic dishonesty, the academic dean of the student's college may convene a hearing board. Students have the right to appeal the decision of the hearing board to the academic dean of their college. The decision of the dean is final in all cases except expulsion. The sanction of expulsion for academic dishonesty may be imposed only by the Provost upon recommendation of a dean.
Students have a right to appeal any finding of academic dishonesty against them. The procedure for such an appeal can be found at; the Department of Classical Studies follows the procedures outlined there. For other types of academic appeals, see
The College of Arts and Sciences maintains a permanent record of all instances of academic dishonesty. The information in that record is confidential. A student may, however, be asked to sign a waiver which releases that student’s record of dishonesty as a part of the student’s application to a graduate or professional school, to a potential employer, to a bar association, or to similar organizations.
Resources and Definitions
For basic principles and definitions of academic integrity, see the subsection on "Academic Integrity" in Loyola University Chicago's General Academic Standards and Regulations. As the College of Arts and Sciences states (see the link above; the next several paragraphs following here reproduce the same document), a basic mission of a university is to search for and to communicate the truth as it is honestly perceived. A genuine learning community cannot exist unless this demanding standard is a fundamental tenet of the intellectual life of the community. Students of Loyola University Chicago are expected to know, to respect, and to practice this standard of personal honesty.
Academic dishonesty can take several forms, including, but not limited to cheating, plagiarism, copying another student's work, and submitting false documents.
Academic cheating is a serious act that violates academic integrity. Cheating includes, but is not limited to, such acts as
- Obtaining, distributing, or communicating examination materials prior to the scheduled examination without the consent of the teacher
- Providing information to another student during an examination
- Obtaining information from another student or any other person during an examination
- Using any material or equipment during an examination without consent of the instructor, or in a manner which is not authorized by the instructor
- Attempting to change answers after the examination has been submitted
- Unauthorized collaboration, or the use in whole or part of another student’s work, on homework, lab reports, programming assignments, and any other course work which is completed outside of the classroom
- Falsifying medical or other documents to petition for excused absences or extensions of deadlines
- Any other action that, by omission or commission, compromises the integrity of the academic evaluation process
Plagiarism is a serious form of violation of the standards of academic dishonesty. Plagiarism is the appropriation of ideas, language, work, or intellectual property of another, either by intent or by negligence, without sufficient public acknowledgement and appropriate citation that the material is not one's own. It is true that every thought probably has been influenced to some degree by the thoughts and actions of others. Such influences can be thought of as affecting the ways we see things and express all thoughts. Plagiarism, however, involves the taking and use of specific words and ideas of others without proper acknowledgement of the sources, and includes the following
- Submitting as one's own material copied from a published source, such as print, internet, CD-ROM, audio, video, etc.
- Submitting as one's own another person's unpublished work or examination material
- Allowing another or paying another to write or research a paper for one's own benefit
- Purchasing, acquiring, and using for course credit a pre-written paper
The above list is in no way intended to be exhaustive. Students should be guided by the principle that it is of utmost importance to give proper recognition to all sources. To do so is both an act of personal, professional courtesy and of intellectual honesty. Any failure to do so,whether by intent or by neglect, whether by omission or commission, is an act of plagiarism.
In addition, a student may not submit the same paper or other work for credit in two or more classes without the expressed prior permission of all instructors. A student who submits the same work for credit in two or more classes without the expressed prior permission of all instructors will be judged guilty of academic dishonesty, and will be subject to sanctions described below. This applies even if the student is enrolled in the classes during different semesters. If a student plans to submit work with similar or overlapping content for credit in two or more classes, the student should consult with all instructors prior to submission of the work to make certain that such submission will not violate this standard.
Many websites offer information and strategies by which you can keep yourself clear from plagiarism. For example: Loyola University Writing Center, Princeton University, and Purdue University (follow links at these sites for more useful suggestions).
The Council of Writing Program Administrators and offer additional comments and resources, including links, focused especially at helping instructors head off impulses to plagiarism and other forms of intellectual dishonesty in academic work.
This page last updated 9 February 2021 by lgawlinski