Special Events
Spring 2025
12 February (Wednesday): Eta Sigma Phi Initiation Ceremony, 4:30pm, Crown Center 572 (Library) and Crown Center 530.
26 February (Wednesday): Callahan Lecture, Dr. Jay Crisostomo (University of Michigan), "'The Past, Present, and Future of Ancient Dead Languages: Sumerian, e.g". 4:30pm, Quinlan Life Sciences Auditorium.
10 March (Monday): Works-in-Progress and Coffee and Cookies. Luc Bieri presents "On the Tension between Philosophy and Religion in Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura and Cicero’s De Natura Deorum.” 4pm, Crown Center 572 (Library).
3 April (Thursday): Coffee and Cookies, 4pm, Crown Center 572 (Library).
24 April (Thursday): Humanism of Antiquity II Oral Demonstrations, 4:15-5:30pm (room TBD), followed by reception (room TBD).
Fall 2024
9 September (Monday): Coffee and Cookies! 4pm, Crown Center 572 (Department Library).
23 October (Wednesday): Conversations in Democracy, hosted by the Classical Studies Department. 5pm, Crown Center Lobby.
5 December (Thursday): Humanism of Antiquity I Oral Demonstration, 4:15pm-5:30pm, followed by end-of-year party
Spring 2024
30 January (Tuesday): Coffee and Cookies! 4pm, Crown Center 572 (Department Library).
5 February (Monday): Cuneiform Table, 4pm, Crown Center 572 (Department Library).
19 February (Monday): Eta Sigma Phi Initiation Ceremony, 5pm (Department Library).
18 March (Monday): Works-in-Progress poster presentation (Campbell Rosener), with Coffee and Cookies to follow, 4pm, Crown Center 572 (Department Library).
10 April (Wednesday): Dr. Patrice Rankine (University of Chicago) gives the annual Callahan lecture: "Does History Have a Mood? Herodotus at the Dawn of Athenian Democracy" (4pm, Life Sciences Building AUD 142).
25 April (Thursday): Humanism of Antiquity II Oral Demonstration, 4:15pm-5:30pm, Crown Center 114 followed by End of Year party (Crown Center 530).
30 April (Tuesday): finals pizza study break with Classics alum Brian Fitzpatrick, 5pm, Crown Center 572 (Department Library).
Spring 2023
13 February (Monday): Dr. Debbie Felton (Department of Classics, University of Massachusetts Amherst) presents "Serial Killers in Ancient Myth and History" for the Department of Classical Studies John F. Callahan Lecture. 4:00 pm, Crown Center 140, Lake Shore Campus.
21 February (Tuesday): Coffee and Cookies! 4pm, Crown Center 572 (Department Library).
14 March (Tuesday): "Exitium Caesaris"! commemorate the Ides of March with this performance of the death of Caesar presented in Latin. 5:30pm, Galvin Auditorium, Sullivan Center, Lake Shore Campus. The performance lasts about 20 minutes.
27 March (Monday): Reading Greek Tragedy Online, it will take place at 5pm on UIC's campus, where we will read Antigone. Here is the website for the project, through the Center for Hellenic Studies: https://chs.harvard.edu/programs/reading-greek:tragedy-online/.
18 April (Tuesday): Dr. Glenn Most (University of Chicago) presents "From Athens to China and Back: A Western Student of Ancient Greece Looks at the Chinese Classical Tradition." 4pm, Information Commons, 4th floor, Lake Shore Campus.
27 April (Thursday): Humanism of Antiquity II Oral Demonstration, 4:15pm-5:30pm, Crown Center 530, followed by End of Year party, McCormick Lounge (Coffey Hall 139).
Fall 2022
13 September (Tuesday): Coffee and Cookies! 4pm, Crown Center 572 (Department Library).
18 October (Tuesday): Coffee and Cookies! 4pm, Crown Center 572 (Department Library).
28 October (Friday): The Departments of Classical Studies, English, and Modern Languages & Literatures invite Loyola students, staff, and faculty to "Scary Stories, Near and Far." 6:00-8:00pm, Crown Center Lobby and Auditorium. Refreshments will be served before a reading of spooky stories. If you are interested in reading, please contact Dr. Boychenko (lboychenko at luc.edu).
15 November (Tuesday): Coffee and Cookies! 4pm, Crown Center 572 (Department Library).
21 November (Monday): Works in Progress Seminar. 4pm. Dan Sanders, Title TBA. Crown Center 572 (Department Library).
29 November (Tuesday): Works in Progress Seminar. 4pm. Richard Hutchins, "Becoming a Place: Speaking Landscape in the Homeric Hymn to Apollo." Crown Center 572 (Department Library).
8 December (Thursday): Humanism of Antiquity Oral Demonstration, 4:15pm-5:30pm, Crown Center 140. Friends and supporters most welcome. Followed by End of Semester party, Crown Center 200EW and lobby.
Exhibits and Performances
6-9 October. Loyola University Chicago presents Somewhere, a play set in a potentially parallel timeline where a climate apocalypse has wiped out animals and insects. Interspersed throughout the play are references and homages to Greek and Roman mythology, including characters influenced by mythological figures and elements of magical realism.
Past Department Events
March 2022
16 (March) Wednesday: "Exitium Caesaris"! commemorate the Ides of March with this performance of the death of Caesar presented in Latin. 5:30pm, Galvin Auditorium, Sullivan Center, Lake Shore Campus. The performance lasts about 20 minutes.
April 2022
11 April (Monday): Dr. Adrienne Mayor (Stanford University), presents "Biological and Chemical Warfare in Ancient Myth and History" for the Department of Classical Studies Spring John F. Callahan Lecture. 5:00pm-6:30pm, virtual: register here for zoom link. Free and open to the public.
October 2021
25 October (Monday): Dr. Katherine Blouin (University of Toronto Scarborough), presents "Born Again: Alexandria's Foundation Story and Modern Colonial Imaginations" for the Department of Classical Studies John F. Callahan Lecture. 5:00pm-6:30pm, virtual: register here through eventbrite to receive the zoom link. Free and open to the public.
March 2020
22 March (Monday): Dr. Christopher Polt (Boston College) presents "urbs procul est, urbs magna, Chicago: Latin Drama, Jesuit Education, and the 1893 Chicago World's Fair," Department of Classical Studies, John F. Callahan Lecture. 5:00pm-6:30pm, virtual (zoom link forthcoming). Part of Loyola University Chicago's 150th Anniversary celebrations.
February 2020
- 12-26 February (Fridays): Chicagoland Classics invites you to the NonHomerathon, virtual readings of Aeschylus' Oresteia, sponsored by the Department of Classics and Mediterranean Studies at University of Illinois at Chicago. 4:30pm. Readings followed by talk-backs on the theme of justice. Sign up to participate or access the zoom link to watch.
- 12 February: Agamemnon. Theme: Justice as a Democratic Principle. Guest discussant: Dr. Allannah Karas, Asst. Prof. of Greek and Roman Studies, Valparaiso University
- 19 February: The Libation Bearers. Theme: Retribution in the Modern Justice System. Guest Discussant: Dr. Jessica Bird Visiting Asst. Prof. of Criminology, Law, and Justice at UIC.
- 26 February: The Eumenides. Theme: transformative justice.Dr. Sangeetha (Sangi) Ravichandran, Associate Director of the Arab American Cultural Center at UIC
November 2019
11 November (Monday): Dr. Krishni Burns (University Illinois-Chicago) presents "Bringing Mother Home: Roman Multiculturalism and Magna Mater" for the Department of Classical Studies. 5:00pm, Institute for Environmental Studies Room 110, Loyola University Chicago, Lakeshore Campus. Open to the campus and public. Reception to follow.
October 2019
30 October (Wednesday): Seneca's Thyestes, 5:00pm, Galvin Auditorium, Sullivan Center.
May 2019
4 May (Saturday): Memorial for Dr. Ed Menes, Professor Emeritus. Memorial Mass, 10:00am, Ignatius House (6324 N. Kenmore). Luncheon, 11:30am, NEW LOCATION--Palm Court, Mundelein Center, 4th floor (1020 W. Sheridan Rd.). Lecture by Dr. Thomas Strunk (Xavier University, Loyola alum), "Two Things Equal to a Third Thing: Students and Teachers, Long Ago and Nearby," 1:15pm, NPalm Court, Mundelein Center, 4th floor. Loyola University Chicago, Lakeshore Campus.
October 2018
1 October (Monday): Dr. Alexandra Carpino, Professor of Art History and Department Chair, Comparative Cultural Studies, Northern Arizona University, "The Taste for Violence in Etruscan Art: Debunking the Myth," 5:00 pm, Damen Student Center Cinema.
April 2018
10 April (Tuesday): Emily Wilson, University of Pennsylvania, presents "Translating the Odyssey: How and Why," the 42nd annual Edward Surtz Lecture in the Humanities, Loyola University Chicago. 4:00-5:30pm, reception to follow. Piper Hall, Lake Shore Campus.
11-14 April (Wednesday-Saturday): The 114th Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Two Loyola students will present their research: Henry W. Lanphier (Post-Baccalaureate Program), "Didactic Medea: Problems and Possibilities in Using Medea to Study Athenian Gender Roles in the Classroom," and Stephanie Wong (BA Classics), "Dominance through Permanence: Schoolboy Graffiti in the Greco-Roman World." Lanphier and Wong will also moderate the Round Table Discussion "Ancient Mores and Modern Sensibilities."
March 2018
28 March (Wednesday): Barry Powell, University of Wisconsin-Madison, presents "The Origins of Mythic Representation in Greek Art" for the Department of Classical Studies. 5:00-7:00pm, Damen Student Center Cinema, Lake Shore Campus. Reception to follow.
February 2018
13 February (Tuesday): Loyola Classical studies student Keegan Sims presents his paper "Agriculture and Debt-Slavery in Archaic Greece" for the Department of Classical Studies. 4:30-5:30pm, Crown Center 572 (Department Library). Mr. Sims will be featured at the Seventh Annual Tennessee Undergraduate Classics Research Conference, Knoxville, TN, February 24.
November 2017
14 November (Tuesday): Lisl Walsh, Beloit College, presents "Making Stuff Up (sort of): Roman Tragedy and Classics as a Creative Discipline," for the Department of Classical Studies, Loyola University Chicago. 7:00-8:00pm. Information Commons, 4th Floor, Lake Shore Campus. Free and open to the public.
29 November (Wednesday): Andrea DeGiorgi, Florida State University, presents, "Antioch the Great: An Elusive Metropolis." Archaeological Institute of America lecture hosted by Loyola University of Chicago Department of Classical Studies. 7:00-8:00pm, Damen Student Center Multipurpose Room (2nd Floor), Lake Shore Campus. Archaeological Institute lectures are always free and open to the public.
October 2017
25 October (Wednesday): "Fasces or Fascism? The Balbo Monument in Chicago," panel discussion sponsored by the Department of Classical Studies at Loyola University Chicago. Featured panelists: Laura Gawlinski (Classical Studies), Anthony Cardoza (History), Andrew Donnelly (Classical Studies/History), Tim Libaris (BA-Classics). 5:30pm, Cudahy Science 202, Lake Shore Campus.
last updated 29 January 2024 by lhardison
Spring 2025
12 February (Wednesday): Eta Sigma Phi Initiation Ceremony, 4:30pm, Crown Center 572 (Library) and Crown Center 530.
26 February (Wednesday): Callahan Lecture, Dr. Jay Crisostomo (University of Michigan), "'The Past, Present, and Future of Ancient Dead Languages: Sumerian, e.g". 4:30pm, Quinlan Life Sciences Auditorium.
10 March (Monday): Works-in-Progress and Coffee and Cookies. Luc Bieri presents "On the Tension between Philosophy and Religion in Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura and Cicero’s De Natura Deorum.” 4pm, Crown Center 572 (Library).
3 April (Thursday): Coffee and Cookies, 4pm, Crown Center 572 (Library).
24 April (Thursday): Humanism of Antiquity II Oral Demonstrations, 4:15-5:30pm (room TBD), followed by reception (room TBD).
Fall 2024
9 September (Monday): Coffee and Cookies! 4pm, Crown Center 572 (Department Library).
23 October (Wednesday): Conversations in Democracy, hosted by the Classical Studies Department. 5pm, Crown Center Lobby.
5 December (Thursday): Humanism of Antiquity I Oral Demonstration, 4:15pm-5:30pm, followed by end-of-year party
Spring 2024
30 January (Tuesday): Coffee and Cookies! 4pm, Crown Center 572 (Department Library).
5 February (Monday): Cuneiform Table, 4pm, Crown Center 572 (Department Library).
19 February (Monday): Eta Sigma Phi Initiation Ceremony, 5pm (Department Library).
18 March (Monday): Works-in-Progress poster presentation (Campbell Rosener), with Coffee and Cookies to follow, 4pm, Crown Center 572 (Department Library).
10 April (Wednesday): Dr. Patrice Rankine (University of Chicago) gives the annual Callahan lecture: "Does History Have a Mood? Herodotus at the Dawn of Athenian Democracy" (4pm, Life Sciences Building AUD 142).
25 April (Thursday): Humanism of Antiquity II Oral Demonstration, 4:15pm-5:30pm, Crown Center 114 followed by End of Year party (Crown Center 530).
30 April (Tuesday): finals pizza study break with Classics alum Brian Fitzpatrick, 5pm, Crown Center 572 (Department Library).
Spring 2023
13 February (Monday): Dr. Debbie Felton (Department of Classics, University of Massachusetts Amherst) presents "Serial Killers in Ancient Myth and History" for the Department of Classical Studies John F. Callahan Lecture. 4:00 pm, Crown Center 140, Lake Shore Campus.
21 February (Tuesday): Coffee and Cookies! 4pm, Crown Center 572 (Department Library).
14 March (Tuesday): "Exitium Caesaris"! commemorate the Ides of March with this performance of the death of Caesar presented in Latin. 5:30pm, Galvin Auditorium, Sullivan Center, Lake Shore Campus. The performance lasts about 20 minutes.
27 March (Monday): Reading Greek Tragedy Online, it will take place at 5pm on UIC's campus, where we will read Antigone. Here is the website for the project, through the Center for Hellenic Studies: https://chs.harvard.edu/programs/reading-greek:tragedy-online/.
18 April (Tuesday): Dr. Glenn Most (University of Chicago) presents "From Athens to China and Back: A Western Student of Ancient Greece Looks at the Chinese Classical Tradition." 4pm, Information Commons, 4th floor, Lake Shore Campus.
27 April (Thursday): Humanism of Antiquity II Oral Demonstration, 4:15pm-5:30pm, Crown Center 530, followed by End of Year party, McCormick Lounge (Coffey Hall 139).
Fall 2022
13 September (Tuesday): Coffee and Cookies! 4pm, Crown Center 572 (Department Library).
18 October (Tuesday): Coffee and Cookies! 4pm, Crown Center 572 (Department Library).
28 October (Friday): The Departments of Classical Studies, English, and Modern Languages & Literatures invite Loyola students, staff, and faculty to "Scary Stories, Near and Far." 6:00-8:00pm, Crown Center Lobby and Auditorium. Refreshments will be served before a reading of spooky stories. If you are interested in reading, please contact Dr. Boychenko (lboychenko at luc.edu).
15 November (Tuesday): Coffee and Cookies! 4pm, Crown Center 572 (Department Library).
21 November (Monday): Works in Progress Seminar. 4pm. Dan Sanders, Title TBA. Crown Center 572 (Department Library).
29 November (Tuesday): Works in Progress Seminar. 4pm. Richard Hutchins, "Becoming a Place: Speaking Landscape in the Homeric Hymn to Apollo." Crown Center 572 (Department Library).
8 December (Thursday): Humanism of Antiquity Oral Demonstration, 4:15pm-5:30pm, Crown Center 140. Friends and supporters most welcome. Followed by End of Semester party, Crown Center 200EW and lobby.
Exhibits and Performances
6-9 October. Loyola University Chicago presents Somewhere, a play set in a potentially parallel timeline where a climate apocalypse has wiped out animals and insects. Interspersed throughout the play are references and homages to Greek and Roman mythology, including characters influenced by mythological figures and elements of magical realism.
Past Department Events
March 2022
16 (March) Wednesday: "Exitium Caesaris"! commemorate the Ides of March with this performance of the death of Caesar presented in Latin. 5:30pm, Galvin Auditorium, Sullivan Center, Lake Shore Campus. The performance lasts about 20 minutes.
April 2022
11 April (Monday): Dr. Adrienne Mayor (Stanford University), presents "Biological and Chemical Warfare in Ancient Myth and History" for the Department of Classical Studies Spring John F. Callahan Lecture. 5:00pm-6:30pm, virtual: register here for zoom link. Free and open to the public.
October 2021
25 October (Monday): Dr. Katherine Blouin (University of Toronto Scarborough), presents "Born Again: Alexandria's Foundation Story and Modern Colonial Imaginations" for the Department of Classical Studies John F. Callahan Lecture. 5:00pm-6:30pm, virtual: register here through eventbrite to receive the zoom link. Free and open to the public.
March 2020
22 March (Monday): Dr. Christopher Polt (Boston College) presents "urbs procul est, urbs magna, Chicago: Latin Drama, Jesuit Education, and the 1893 Chicago World's Fair," Department of Classical Studies, John F. Callahan Lecture. 5:00pm-6:30pm, virtual (zoom link forthcoming). Part of Loyola University Chicago's 150th Anniversary celebrations.
February 2020
- 12-26 February (Fridays): Chicagoland Classics invites you to the NonHomerathon, virtual readings of Aeschylus' Oresteia, sponsored by the Department of Classics and Mediterranean Studies at University of Illinois at Chicago. 4:30pm. Readings followed by talk-backs on the theme of justice. Sign up to participate or access the zoom link to watch.
- 12 February: Agamemnon. Theme: Justice as a Democratic Principle. Guest discussant: Dr. Allannah Karas, Asst. Prof. of Greek and Roman Studies, Valparaiso University
- 19 February: The Libation Bearers. Theme: Retribution in the Modern Justice System. Guest Discussant: Dr. Jessica Bird Visiting Asst. Prof. of Criminology, Law, and Justice at UIC.
- 26 February: The Eumenides. Theme: transformative justice.Dr. Sangeetha (Sangi) Ravichandran, Associate Director of the Arab American Cultural Center at UIC
November 2019
11 November (Monday): Dr. Krishni Burns (University Illinois-Chicago) presents "Bringing Mother Home: Roman Multiculturalism and Magna Mater" for the Department of Classical Studies. 5:00pm, Institute for Environmental Studies Room 110, Loyola University Chicago, Lakeshore Campus. Open to the campus and public. Reception to follow.
October 2019
30 October (Wednesday): Seneca's Thyestes, 5:00pm, Galvin Auditorium, Sullivan Center.
May 2019
4 May (Saturday): Memorial for Dr. Ed Menes, Professor Emeritus. Memorial Mass, 10:00am, Ignatius House (6324 N. Kenmore). Luncheon, 11:30am, NEW LOCATION--Palm Court, Mundelein Center, 4th floor (1020 W. Sheridan Rd.). Lecture by Dr. Thomas Strunk (Xavier University, Loyola alum), "Two Things Equal to a Third Thing: Students and Teachers, Long Ago and Nearby," 1:15pm, NPalm Court, Mundelein Center, 4th floor. Loyola University Chicago, Lakeshore Campus.
October 2018
1 October (Monday): Dr. Alexandra Carpino, Professor of Art History and Department Chair, Comparative Cultural Studies, Northern Arizona University, "The Taste for Violence in Etruscan Art: Debunking the Myth," 5:00 pm, Damen Student Center Cinema.
April 2018
10 April (Tuesday): Emily Wilson, University of Pennsylvania, presents "Translating the Odyssey: How and Why," the 42nd annual Edward Surtz Lecture in the Humanities, Loyola University Chicago. 4:00-5:30pm, reception to follow. Piper Hall, Lake Shore Campus.
11-14 April (Wednesday-Saturday): The 114th Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Two Loyola students will present their research: Henry W. Lanphier (Post-Baccalaureate Program), "Didactic Medea: Problems and Possibilities in Using Medea to Study Athenian Gender Roles in the Classroom," and Stephanie Wong (BA Classics), "Dominance through Permanence: Schoolboy Graffiti in the Greco-Roman World." Lanphier and Wong will also moderate the Round Table Discussion "Ancient Mores and Modern Sensibilities."
March 2018
28 March (Wednesday): Barry Powell, University of Wisconsin-Madison, presents "The Origins of Mythic Representation in Greek Art" for the Department of Classical Studies. 5:00-7:00pm, Damen Student Center Cinema, Lake Shore Campus. Reception to follow.
February 2018
13 February (Tuesday): Loyola Classical studies student Keegan Sims presents his paper "Agriculture and Debt-Slavery in Archaic Greece" for the Department of Classical Studies. 4:30-5:30pm, Crown Center 572 (Department Library). Mr. Sims will be featured at the Seventh Annual Tennessee Undergraduate Classics Research Conference, Knoxville, TN, February 24.
November 2017
14 November (Tuesday): Lisl Walsh, Beloit College, presents "Making Stuff Up (sort of): Roman Tragedy and Classics as a Creative Discipline," for the Department of Classical Studies, Loyola University Chicago. 7:00-8:00pm. Information Commons, 4th Floor, Lake Shore Campus. Free and open to the public.
29 November (Wednesday): Andrea DeGiorgi, Florida State University, presents, "Antioch the Great: An Elusive Metropolis." Archaeological Institute of America lecture hosted by Loyola University of Chicago Department of Classical Studies. 7:00-8:00pm, Damen Student Center Multipurpose Room (2nd Floor), Lake Shore Campus. Archaeological Institute lectures are always free and open to the public.
October 2017
25 October (Wednesday): "Fasces or Fascism? The Balbo Monument in Chicago," panel discussion sponsored by the Department of Classical Studies at Loyola University Chicago. Featured panelists: Laura Gawlinski (Classical Studies), Anthony Cardoza (History), Andrew Donnelly (Classical Studies/History), Tim Libaris (BA-Classics). 5:30pm, Cudahy Science 202, Lake Shore Campus.
last updated 29 January 2024 by lhardison