Unisex Restroom Locations
All restrooms on this page listed are considered by some to be gender-neutral, but are often marked as 'family' restrooms, or single-sex stalls. Due to their signage and our efforts to be transparent, they are referred to in our materials as unisex.
Unisex Restroom Locations:
Lake Shore Campus
Facilities Link to Lake Shore Campus Locations
Damen Student Center 1st floor – Adjacent to the Food Court (ADA Accessible)
Damen Student Center 1st floor – Gentile Hall of Fame (ADA Accessible)
Damen Student Center 1st floor – Halas, 2 private accommodations (ADA Accessible w/showers)
IC/Cudahy Library – Basement, adjacent to the lower level of the stacks
Cudahy Science Hall 2nd Floor - Located on the right wall directly next to womxn's restrooms
Cudahy Science Hall 3rd Floor – Located on the right wall directly next to womxn's restrooms
Coffey Hall – Room 108 (ADA Accessible)
Mundelein Center – Rooms 156, 422, 717 (ADA Accessible)
Cuneo Hall – Room 005 – Adjacent to the Elevators (ADA Accessible)
Madonna Della Strada Chapel – Adjacent to the side entrances closest to the lake
San Francisco Hall – Behind Engrained, right next to Sad Francisco Desk
De Nobili Hall – Across from the De Nobili Dining Hall Entrance
Mertz Hall – First Floor Lounge (Must have student access to this building in order to use)
Messina Hall – Bottom floor near the reception desk (Must have student access to this building in order to use)
Fordham Hall – Behind Fordham Desk (Must have student access to this building in order to use)
Fairfield Hall – One on either side of the Fairfield Lounge located between Fairfield A&B (Must have student access to this building in order to use)
Water Tower Campus
Facilities Link to Water Tower Campus Locations
Terry Student Center 1st floor – Adjacent to the Elevators (ADA Accessible)
Schreiber Center 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th floors – near women’s restrooms (ADA Accessible)
Corboy Law Center 4th floor