
Teacher Licensure


Alabama State Department of Education

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The Degree Equivalent Career and Technical Certificate to a Professional Educator Certificate

An individual seeking the Class B Secondary Professional Educator Certificate must hold a valid Alabama prerequisite Career and Technical Certificate in the same technical education program area. Degrees must be from a regionally accredited senior institution. The acceptable prerequisite Career and Technical Certificates in a technical education program area are:

  • Master’s Equivalent Technical Education 4; or
  • Sixth -Year Equivalent Technical Education 5; or
  • Specialty Area 4; or
  • Specialty Area 5

An individual seeking the Class B Secondary Professional Educator Certificate must hold a valid Alabama prerequisite Career  and Technical Certificate in Health Science. The acceptable prerequisite Career and Technical Certificates in health science are:

  • Master’s Equivalent Health Science 3; or
  • Sixth -Year Equivalent Health Science 4; or
  • Specialty Area 4; or\
  • Specialty Area 5

The Educator Certification Section is unable to determine eligibility for Alabama certification until ALL of the components required below have been received. Applications will not be assigned to a certification specialist for review until at least a completed Form PTC including the personal data barcode page, this Supplement PTC, the $30.00 nonrefundable application fee, and background clearance have been received. The submission of supporting documents ONLY (e.g., official transcripts) does not constitute making application for the Class B Secondary Professional Educator Certificate. Applicants must meet all Alabama certification requirements in effect on the date the application is received in the Educator Certification Section of the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE). Since certification requirements are subject to change, applicants should review current requirements at www.alsde.edu/EdCert (click Career/Technical Certificates - Career and Technical Education to Professional Educator Certificate).

Incomplete forms will delay the review of the application packet. APPLICATION FORMS AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ARE NOT ACCEPTED BY FAX OR E-MAIL. Additional documentation may be requested upon review of the file. An application packet for the Class B Secondary Professional Educator Certificate through this approach must include the items listed below (as applicable):

  • Submission of Supplement CIT with supporting documentation verifying United States citizenship or lawful presence in the
    United States.
  • Submission of Application Part 1 of 2 (Supplement PTC).
  • Submission of Application Part 2 of 2 (Form PTC) including the personal data barcode page.
  • Submission of a $30.00 nonrefundable application fee. The fee must be paid by cashier’s check or money order made payable to the Alabama State Department of Education or through the Alabama State Department of Education Educator Certification Online Payment System, with a major credit card, at www.alabamainteractive.org/education (a $4.00 transaction fee will be applied). Neither personal checks nor cash will be accepted. The cashier’s check, money order, or copy of the receipt verifying the confirmation number for the online payment must accompany the application packet. Each additional certificate for which an applicant is determined to be eligible will require a $30.00 nonrefundable fee for issuance.
  • Background clearance based on a fingerprint review. Applicants for initial certification, additional certification, and certificate  renewal who have not been cleared by both the Alabama State Bureau of Investigation (ASBI) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) through the Educator Certification Section of the ALSDE are required to be fingerprinted for a criminal history background check through the ASBI and FBI. Instructions regarding the fingerprinting process through Gemalto Cogent may be obtained at https://www.aps.gemalto.com/al/index_adeNew.htm or by calling (866) 989-9316 (toll free). Applicants may verify whether their ASBI and FBI criminal history background checks have been completed and whether they are suitable and fit to teach under state law at http://tcert.alsde.edu/Portal/Public.
  • Electronic submission by the testing company of the applicant’s successful completion of the requirements of the Alabama Educator Certification Assessment Program (AECAP) basic skills assessment and prescribed Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT) test on test dates prior to the date the application is received in the Educator Certification Section:
    • Passing scores on the ACT WorkKeys basic skills assessment in Applied Mathematics, Reading for Information, and Writing. The final administration date for testing with the ACT WorkKeys basic skills assessment was July 8, 2017. Although this assessment is no longer offered, individuals who passed all three portions can use the results to satisfy the basic skills requirement; OR
    • Passing scores on the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators (Core) basic skills assessment in Mathematics, Reading, and Writing earned on test administration date(s) prior to the date the application is received in the Educator Certification Section. Information about the Core may be found at www.ets.org/praxis/al.

      Note: Scores from the ACT WorkKeys basic skills assessment and the ETS Praxis Core basic skills assessment cannot be combined to meet the basic skills assessment requirement.
    • A current passing score on the Alabama prescribed Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT) test. Information about the PLT may be found at www.ets.org/praxis/al (click Other Certification Approaches  Career and Technical Certificate to Professional Educator Certificate). An applicant who holds a valid Alabama Professional Educator Certificate or Professional Leadership Certificate is exempt from the PLT requirement.
  • Submission of the official transcript of the applicant verifying credit earned (must hold at least a master’s degree for areas of instructional support), prior to the date the application is received in the Educator Certification Section, for coursework in Strategies for Teaching Special Needs Students in Inclusive Settings, with a grade of "C" or above, at an Alabama college or university with State-approved educator preparation programs.

    All credits must be verified on official transcript(s) and submitted to the Educator Certification Section in a sealed envelope from the institution. The applicant’s current full name and social security number must accompany the transcript(s). Official transcripts may also be submitted securely to the Educator Certification Section through electronic transmission by only the following transcript services:
    • Credentials Solutions’ TranscriptNetwork™, or
    • eSCRIP-SAFE, or
    • National Student Clearinghouse. (Note: There are two methods that National Student Clearinghouse uses to submit transcripts electronically (1) Electronic Transcript Exchange and (2) Electronic PDF. Electronic PDF transcripts will not be accepted by this Section.)


Alaska Department of Education

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Teacher Certification Introduction

In Alaska, responsibility for the certification of teachers and other school professionals is assigned to the Teacher Education and Certification office within the Department of Education & Early Development. Decisions are based on Alaska statutes and regulations, which require the completion of an approved teacher education, administrative, or special services program and the recommendation of a regionally accredited institution of higher education.

Initial applications for teacher certification will only be accepted if the applicant has approved official passing scores on file in the Teacher Certification office.

The date that the complete application packet is received by Teacher Certification, establishes the effective date of the certificate.

If you completed certification through another state, you may be eligible for Initial Teacher certification in Alaska.

If your preparation program does not meet the requirements, you may enroll in an accredited institution that uses either the NCATE standards for teacher preparation or is a state-approved program that meets the requirements for an approved teacher education program. After you have fulfilled their requirements, they will be able to sign off, indicating you completed an approved program meeting the required standards.

If you have completed an approved teacher and/or administrative program outside the United States, you must, in addition to the certification requirements, obtain an evaluation of course work by a recognized international evaluation agency to determine equivalency to U.S. standards and obtain a letter from the official national, state, or provincial education agency on official letterhead, attesting to the accreditation of your preparing institution and stating that your certificate or license is in good standing.


Arizona Department of Education

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Arizona Application for Certification

Reciprocity Information

Step 1: Review the Certificate, Endorsement, or Approved Area Requirements to verify that you meet all applicable requirements for the service you are requesting.

Step 2: Apply for an Arizona Department of Public Safety Identity Verified Prints (AZ DPS IVP) Fingerprint Clearance Card.

Step 3: Request official transcript(s) and appropriate supporting documentation needed to qualify for the requested service(s). Applicants using foreign degrees or coursework must submit an original foreign credential evaluation from an Approved Foreign Credential Evaluation Agency.

Important! Official Transcripts/Foreign Credential Evaluations must meet the following criteria:

  • Electronic official transcript(s) must be emailed directly to the Certification Unit at Certification@azed.gov
  • Paper official transcripts must be original (no photocopies), on official/security paper, and bear the embossed or raised college seal and registrar’s signature.
  • Foreign credential evaluations must be original (no photocopies) and from an Approved Foreign Credential Evaluation Agency.

Step 4: Complete the Application for Certification.

  • Check the requested service(s). Indicate one approved area, if required.
  • Answer all Background questions, sign and date
  • If you answer “Yes” to a Background Question, complete an Explanation of Incident form for each

Step 6: Submit this application with the following:

  • A check or money order for $60 per certificate, endorsement, or approved area requested made payable to the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) with your completed application. Credit card payments  (Visa and MasterCard) may be accepted for in-person applicants at the Phoenix Certification Office. Certification fees are nonrefundable.
  • A photocopy of the AZDPS IVP fingerprint card
  • Official transcript(s) and supporting documentation


Arkansas Department of Education

Division of Elementary & Secondary Education

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Provisional Professional Teaching License

The Provisional Professional Teaching License is a three-year, provisional Educator license issued to an experienced professional for the purpose of teaching on a part-time or full-time basis as teacher-of-record in an Arkansas public school.


To obtain a Provisional Professional Teaching License for middle childhood grades (4-8) Math, Science, Language Arts, Social Studies or secondary grades (7-12) content areas, a candidate must:

  • Provide an official transcript reflecting a Bachelor’s Degree from an institution of higher education that is regionally or nationally accredited by an accrediting organization that is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
  • Document a minimum of three (3) years of working experience in the specific content area of the class to be taught. Verification should be completed by previous employer listing specific job duties and dates.
  • Provide documentation of an offer of employment to teach classes for credit in an Arkansas public school.
  • Submit a statement of justification expressing the relevance of the applicant’s specific experience/credentials to teach the content subject area.
  • Have two (2) professional letters of recommendation relating to content area experience submitted by references to the Office of Educator Licensure.
  • Pass the appropriate state required content knowledge exam(s) for the content area to be taught.
  • Clear the required Arkansas State Police, Federal Bureau of Investigation and Child Maltreatment Central Registry background checks.
  • Submit an application requesting the Provisional Professional Teaching license.
  • Submit the professional development training for child maltreatment, teen suicide prevention, and parental involvement. Arkansas History professional development must also be completed when licensing in any Middle Childhood or Secondary Social Studies area.

The holder of a Provisional Professional Teaching License shall complete twenty-four (24) hours of training in pedagogy as determined by the ADE in the first year of licensure. These twenty-four (24) hours of training in pedagogy shall be in addition to and not considered a part of the professional development required for teachers by state law or by their employing public school district. The Provisional Professional Teaching License shall be revoked if the professional fails to obtain the required training within one (1) year of the date of licensure. Training provided on the Frameworks for Teaching may count as the pedagogy hours.

Conversion to a Standard Teaching License

The Provisional Professional Teaching License will be converted to the standard, five-year educator license upon providing documentation of:

  • Having completed the third year of teaching under the Provisional Professional Teaching License.
  • Successful completion of the required pedagogy assessment or approved micro-credentials assessing pedagogy as determined by the Building Level Administrator.
  • Is recommended for full licensure by the superintendent of the employing school district.
  • Paying the applicable licensure fee.
  • Submitting an application requesting the five-year, standard educator license.
Application for Provisional Professional Teaching License

Applicants for the Provisional Professional Teaching license are encouraged to contact the Office of Educator Licensure at 501-682-4342 for information on the required testing for any licensure area they may be interested in or for clarification on the required background checks.

All applications along with the required documentation will be sent to the Office of Educator Licensure. Please submit the application, official transcripts, letter of justification and verification of content specific work experience for evaluation before proceeding with additional requirements.


California Department of Education

California Commission on Teacher Credentialing

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Teaching Credential Requirements 

California has a two-tier credential structure. A preliminary credential is the first document issued after an individual meets basic credential requirements. The preliminary credential is issued for a maximum of five years. A clear credential is issued when all credential requirements have been completed. If requirements for the clear credential are not completed before the expiration of the preliminary, the holder will be unable to teach in California’s public schools with that credential until those requirements are met and the document is renewed.

Single Subject Teaching Credential authorizes the holder to teach the specific subject(s) named on the credential in departmentalized classes such as those in middle and high schools. However, a teacher authorized for single subject instruction may be assigned to teach any subject in his or her authorized subject(s) at any grade level: preschool, grades K–12, or in classes organized primarily for adults.

To qualify for the Single Subject Teaching Credential, individuals may determine from the routes listed which one best applies to their circumstances. Individuals who have completed their professional preparation program outside of California may apply directly to the Commission for their initial credential by submitting an application packet by mail consisting of all of the following:

  1. Completed application (Form 41-4), and, if not previously submitted to the Commission, a completed Live Scan receipt (Form 41-LS). Out-of-state residents must submit two fingerprint cards (FD-258) in lieu of a Live Scan receipt. If submitting fingerprint cards, current fingerprint processing fees must accompany the application packet in addition to the application processing fee. Fingerprint cards may be ordered by sending an email to Fingerprints@ctc.ca.gov.
  2. Application processing fee
  3. Official transcripts, letters of experience, verification of completion of the basic skills requirement (if applicable), photocopies of out-of-state credentials, and performance evaluations as applicable to the route used to earn the credential.


Colorado Department of Education

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General Requirements for Licenses and Authorizations
License Types
Teacher/Special Services Provider/Principal/Administrator (administrator = superintendent, director of special education or director of gifted education)

Initial (issued for 3 years):

  • Bachelor’s or higher degree from a regionally accredited college/university
  • Completion of an approved preparation program which led to licensure in the state in was approved
  • Demonstration of content-area knowledge (by degree and/or exam(s), depending on content area) Please review the endorsements page for specific requirements for the license type and endorsement area(s) sought
  • Student teaching/practicum/internship
  • Please note: Applicants for an initial principal license must also have three or more years of full-time experience under a state-issued teacher or special services license in a K-12 (elementary and/or secondary) school.

Professional (issued for 5 years):

  • Initial Colorado license-holder (or meets the requirements for a Colorado initial license)
  • Completion of a Colorado State Board of Education-approved induction program (out-of-state applicants may qualify with three consecutive years of full-time, licensed teaching experience)

Master Certificate (issued for 7 years):

  • Professional license-holder
  • Teacher: valid National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certificate
  • SSP/Principal/Administrator: portfolio review of documentation of ongoing professional development and training, advanced competencies or expertise, or outstanding achievements in their field


Connecticut Department of Education

Link(s) to state resources
I want to become a certified education webpage
Regulations on planned program requirements:

Connecticut certification regulations require the completion, at a regionally accredited college or university, of general academic course work and professional education. The professional education must be part of an approved planned program in the field and at the level for which certification is sought, and must include formal a student teaching practicum/administrative internship, and lead to an institutional recommendation for certification. Additionally, all applicants must fulfill additional assessment requirements, or be eligible for a three-year deferral.

State Reading, Writing, and Mathematics Competency Examination Requirements

Under Public Act 16-41: An Act Concerning the Recommendations of the Minority Teacher Recruitment Task Force, effective July 1, 2016, the Praxis Core Academic Skills Test is no longer required for state certification. However, Connecticut educator preparation programs (EPPs) must ensure that candidates take the Praxis Core Mathematics, Reading and Writing tests or one of the following State Board of Education approved equivalent assessments for diagnostic purposes to meet the state competency examination requirements for reading, writing and mathematics:

  • SAT
  • ACT
  • GRE

Each person formally admitted to a State Board of Education (SBE) approved teacher preparation program shall take the state reading, writing and mathematics competency examination prescribed by and administered under the direction of the State Board of Education. The results shall be used as a diagnostic tool, in accordance with guidelines adopted by the SBE, to provide necessary remediation and support while enrolled in the preparation program. Questions regarding requirements for individual educator preparation programs should be submitted to the specific college, university or alternate route program. Questions regarding assessment requirements for certification should be emailed to teacher.cert@ct.gov.

Required Steps:

  1. Completed application (Form 41-4Open PDF in current window.), and, if not previously submitted to the Commission, a completed Live Scan receipt (Form 41-LSOpen PDF in current window.). Out-of-state residents must submit two fingerprint cards (FD-258) in lieu of a Live Scan receipt. If submitting fingerprint cards, current fingerprint processing fees must accompany the application packet in addition to the application processing fee. Fingerprint cards may be ordered by sending an email to Fingerprints@ctc.ca.govMailto link. This opens in connected mail client.".
  2. Application processing fee.
  3. Official transcripts, letters of experience, verification of completion of the basic skills requirement (if applicable), photocopies of out-of-state credentials, and performance evaluations as applicable to the route used to earn the credential.


Delaware Department of Education

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Licensure and Certification: Initial License 
Initial License

All Delaware applicants must also apply for at least one Standard Certificate simultaneously when applying for an Initial License. An Initial License cannot be issued if the applicant does not also meet requirements for certification.

The Department may issue an Initial License to an applicant who meets current Delaware reciprocity provisions and who also is currently licensed as an educator in another jurisdiction with less than four years of successful credentialed teaching experience.

Initial License Requirements

Prior to the Department issuing an Initial License, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Provide official documentation of current degree requirements.
  • Achieve a passing score on an approved content readiness exam that has been adopted by the Delaware Professional Standards Board and approved of the Delaware State Board of Education.
  • Achieve a passing score on an approved Performance Assessment that has been adopted by the Delaware Professional Standards Board and approved of the Delaware State Board of Education.
  • Complete an approved student teaching program or an approved alternative route to student teaching program.
  • Complete all other requirements of the 14 DE Admin. Code 1510 Issuance of Initial License.

An applicant who previously held a Delaware Initial License that has since expired (for more then five years) will be treated as a new applicant and must meet all current requirements in law and regulation.

In addition to an Initial License, applicants must also apply for a Standard Certificate to practice in the particular area, to teach a particular subject, or to instruct a particular category of students and must verify that they possess the prescribed knowledge, skill or education to practice in that area, subject, or category.

An Initial License cannot be issued if the applicant does not also meet requirements for certification

Initial License Documentation Requirements

The following items must be sent:

  • Official Transcript(s) – minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree.
  • Student Teaching on an official transcript.
  • Copy of current and valid out-of-state license, if applicable.
  • Form E (Verification of Teaching Experience) - if you have over one year of out-of-state teaching experience
    Test scores should be forwarded to the Delaware Department of Education electronically upon your request.
    • For certificates requiring Praxis II, Educational Testing Service (ETS) administers the Praxis tests. Please use reporting code R7065.
    • For certificates requiring American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Language Testing International administers the ACTFL tests.
    • For submitting passing scores for the Performance Assessment, Educational Testing Service (ETS) administers the PPAT; and Pearson administers the edTPA.

All documents, with the exception of copies of out-of-state and/or national certificates (if applicable), must be official, meaning that they must be sent directly from the appropriate third party (e.g., the college/university, testing organization, former employer, independent credentialing agency) to the Department, or forwarded unopened to the Department by the candidate. Applicants submitting test scores should be sure to review the Delaware Professional Standards Board testing requirements for test-specific submission procedures.

Applicants with Foreign Credentials:
Applicants graduating from foreign institutions shall provide an official analysis of the degree equivalency in a format approved by the Department, along with all other required application materials, which shall be reviewed and approved by the Department.


Florida Department Of Education

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General Certification Requirements: General Knowledge
You may demonstrate mastery of General Knowledge by any one of the following:
  • Achievement of a passing score on the Florida General Knowledge Test earned no more than ten (10) years prior to the date of application
  • A valid standard teaching certificate issued by a US state or territory
  • A valid certificate issued by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards or the American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence
  • Completion of two (2) semesters of full-time college teaching experience or the equivalent in part-time college teaching experience
  • Effective for tests administered on or after July 1, 2015, achievement of passing scores, as identified in Rule 6A-4.0021(12), F.A.C., on test sections of the GRE® revised General Test
    • GRE Analytical Writing combined score of 4 out of 6 acceptable for GK Essay
    • GRE Quantitative Reasoning scaled score of 147 acceptable for GK Mathematics
    • GRE Verbal Reasoning scaled score of 151 acceptable for both GK English Language Skills and GK Reading

During the 2014 Legislative Session, the passage of House Bill 433 amended s. 1012.56, FS, to eliminate the obsolete option of achieving a passing score on the CLAST earned prior to July 1, 2002, to satisfy the general knowledge requirement. To be accepted, passing scores on examinations or tests adopted or approved for educator certification, including the Florida General Knowledge Test or the GRE® revised General Test, must be earned no more than ten (10) years prior to the date of application.

Florida has two reciprocity routes for certified teachers and administrators to qualify for our Professional Certificate.

Route 1: Valid Standard Certificate Issued by a State Other than Florida

The certificate shall be the valid standard educator's certificate issued by that state which is comparable to a Florida Professional Certificate, and
Be issued in a subject comparable to a Florida certification subject, and
Require the same or higher level of training required for certification in that subject in Florida, and
The certificate must be currently valid (not expired or revoked).

Route 2: Certificate Issued by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS)

The NBPTS certificate must be currently valid.
The Florida certificate will reflect the Florida subject considered comparable to the NBPTS subject.


Georgia Department of Education

Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC)

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Steps to Become a Georgia Teacher

If you already have a bachelor’s degree, you may be able to qualify for a Provisional certificate. This is a 3-year, non-renewable certificate that allows you to teach while you complete a certification program. This certificate can only be issued once you are hired to teach in a Georgia school (referred to as a Georgia LUA - Local Unit of Administration). The minimum requirements you must meet before seeking employment are as follows:

  • A bachelor’s degree or higher. If your highest degree is a bachelor’s degree and it was earned less than 10 years prior to the date of application, you must have a minimum overall GPA of 2.5. If you do not, you may still qualify by submitting proof of acceptance into a GaPSC-accepted educator preparation program or an accredited advanced degree program;
  • Passing score on the GACE Program Admission Assessment, or exemption. GACE scores are transmitted electronically to the GaPSC, but an exemption must be documented by a copy of an official score report for an eligible exam;
  • Induction level or higher passing score on the appropriate GACE content assessment. These scores are transmitted electronically to the GaPSC. If you are seeking employment as a consultative Special Education teacher, you are not required to pass the GACE content assessment before being eligible for certification;
  • Completion of the Georgia Educator Ethics Assessment - Program Entry (Test Code 350). This score is also transmitted electronically to the GaPSC.


Hawaii State Department of Education (HIDOE)

Hawaii Teacher Standards Board

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Standard License Requirements

There are multiple ways to meet the requirements for this license. A renewable standard license may be granted for five (5) years when you meet the following criteria:

  1. Possess a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution or the equivalent from a non-U.S. institution;
  2. Complete a State-approved teacher, librarian or counselor education program;
  3. Meet basic skills and content knowledge requirements;
  4. Clear the professional fitness check;
  5. Verify three (3) years out of the last five (5) years of full-time teaching experience in a P-12 contracted position in a school or another jurisdiction; and
  1. Possess a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution or the equivalent from a non-U.S. institution;
  2. You hold a valid National Board Certification in the license field;
  3. Clear the professional fitness check;
  4. Verify three (3) years out of the last five (5) years of full-time teaching experience in a P-12 contracted position in a school or another jurisdiction; and
  1. Possess a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution or the equivalent from a non-U.S. institution;
  2. You hold a teaching license from another jurisdiction with the Meritorious New Teacher Candidate (MNTC) designation;
  3. Clear the professional fitness check;
  4. Verify three (3) years out of the last five (5) years of full-time teaching experience in a P-12 contracted position in a school or another jurisdiction; and
  1. Possess a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution or the equivalent from a non-U.S. institution;
  2. You have a license issued by another qualifying jurisdiction that was issued for the first time on or after July 1, 2006;
  3. Clear the professional fitness check;
  4. Verify three (3) years out of the last five (5) years of full-time teaching experience in a P-12 contracted position in a school or another jurisdiction; and
  1. Possess a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution or the equivalent from a non-U.S. institution;
  2. You have a license issued by another qualifying jurisdiction that was issued before July 1, 2006, from another state for at least three (3) out of the last five (5) years;
  3. Meet basic skills and content knowledge requirements;
  4. Clear the professional fitness check;
  5. Verify three (3) years out of the last five (5) years of full-time teaching experiencein a P-12 contracted position in a school or another jurisdiction; and
  1. Possess a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution or the equivalent from a non-U.S. institution;
  2. Pass a board approved performance assessment normed for Hawaii in combination with any other requirements determined by a Hawaii preparation program to be recommended for licensure by the program;
  3. Meet basic skills and content knowledge requirements;
  4. Clear the professional fitness check;
  5. Verify three (3) years out of the last five (5) years of full-time teaching experience in a P-12 contracted position in a school or another jurisdiction


Idaho State Department of Education

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Apply for Educator Certification
Out-of-State Applicants
Certificate for Out-of-State Applicants

For individuals who are from out-of-state who:

  • Hold a current, valid certificate in another state, or
  • Have completed an educator preparation program approved by NCATE/TEAC/CAEP within the last two years

A complete application must include the following items:

  • Completed and Signed Application
  • Application fee of $75
  • Compleded Background Investigation Check (BIC) Packet
  • Copy of current, valid out-of-state license
  • Official Transcripts
  • Content Area Assesement


Illinois State Board of Education

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Educator Licensure: PEL Teaching Endorsements

If you hold a valid, comparable out of state license:

  • A copy of your valid, comparable out of state license
  • A bachelor’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution of higher education

If you do not have a valid, comparable out of state license:​

  • A bachelor's degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution of higher education
  • Proof of completion of a State Approved Program ​(Use form 80-02: State Approved Program and Completion of Standards Verification PDF Document)
  • Student teaching or equivalent experience
  • Completion of coursework* addressing methods of teaching exceptional children, reading methods, content area reading, and methods of teaching English learners (Use form 80-02: State Approved Program and Completion of Standards VerificationPDF Document)
  • Licensure Tests: All test scores are valid indefinitely. View the options below to see the required tests for each area. Click here to register for the tests.
    If completing a program at an Illinois institution, please work closely with the institution to ensure their specific requirements/timeframes are met.

More detailed information can be found on  webpage


Indiana Department of Education

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Licensing - Teacher - Out-of-State Preparatory Program
Out-of-State Preparatory Program

Indiana’s process for applying reciprocity to out-of-state license holders changed in 2016, making the process much easier. If you hold a valid out-of-state license and have completed an NCATE/CAEP accredited or state approved teacher preparation program in another state and want to obtain an Indiana teaching license, or if you are from another state and do not hold a teaching license but would like to obtain an Indiana teaching license, there are licensure paths available for you.

Please note, however, that Indiana requires an applicant to pass a content (subject matter) licensure test in every content area that will appear on the Indiana license issued. In content areas in which you have not passed a test, you may be eligible for a one-year temporary reciprocal permit if you hold a valid out-of-state license, on which you may teach while meeting Indiana’s testing requirements. Eligibility for the reciprocal permit means that both some of the Indiana requirements for licensure have been met and one holds a valid (unexpired) out-of-state license. Reciprocity does not obligate Indiana to waive certain deficiencies, nor to exempt individuals from requirements set forth by Indiana administrative law/rule.

Also, there are seven licensure content areas which cannot be added to an Indiana license or transferred from an out-of-state license if the way that content area was obtained was through testing alone. In these seven areas, completion of an approved program of coursework is required in addition to testing. These areas are: English Learners, Exceptional Needs, Communication Disorders, Elementary Generalist, Early Childhood Generalist, High Ability and Fine Arts (visual art, music, theater). If you were issued a license in another state in one or more of these seven areas through testing alone and you have not completed a program of coursework in the content area, you may be eligible for a temporary reciprocal permit on which you can teach while you meet Indiana’s coursework requirements.

Indiana also requires all applicants to complete CPR/Heimlich/AED training, including hands-on skill practice on a mannequin in person with an instructor and suicide prevention training. Depending on your application path and type of Indiana license being issued the timing of these required trainings varies, but you may be required to complete these trainings in order to submit your application.

For Step-by-step instructions on how to create an account in our online license application system called LVIS and to apply using the application option that best meets your circumstances, please refer to the weblink above.

Required Documents for Out-of-State Applications

All documentation must be provided (uploaded) together in the application. If additional documentation is needed, your application will be returned to you. Applications marked as Additional Documentation Required will be held for 90 days, after which they will be closed. You will be required to apply again and submit another fee.

  • Valid CPR certification from an IDOE approved provider 
  • Suicide prevention training certificate 
  • Valid out-of-state license or certificate issued by a government agency, or a statement that no valid license or certificate is held. Provide both instructional and administrative licenses.
  • Educational experience verification letters signed by employers on letterhead stating position and number of years of experience. To be considered for an Administrative license, you must provide verification of two (2) years instructional experience.
  • Official transcripts for all coursework completed:
    • Obtain an official transcript for your own records and upload to the application.
    • The signature of the registrar must be visible.
    • Unofficial transcripts, diplomas, and grade reports are not accepted.
    • Electronic transcripts: ensure the document is not locked, expired, or password protected.
    • Paper transcripts: scan each transcript double-sided into one PDF file.
    • If the file is over 5 MB, use a PDF compression tool such as smallpdf.com
    • Please do not mail transcripts directly.
    • If necessary, transcripts can be emailed to transcript@doe.in.gov (link sends e-mail)(link sends e-mail)
  • Official score reports for tests that support an out-of-state license or certificate


Iowa Department of Education

Iowa Board of Educational Examiners (BOEE)

Link(s) to state resources
License and Authorization Information
Regional Exchange Teaching License - Out of State Applicants
Requirements - First Issuance: 
Completion of a full state-approved teacher preparation program for college semester hour credits from a regionally-accredited institution outside Iowa, and coursework deficiencies were identified after a BoEE transcript review. Applicants who have completed non-traditional programs should contact our office before applying to determine eligibility.
2 years
Full teaching instruction within grade levels and endorsements listed on the license. Also holds substitute authority including long-term subbing.
Yes - if more time is needed to complete the deficient coursework.
Applicants will convert to full licensure once the course deficiencies have been met.
Other Informaton:
Additional applications requirements include official transcripts, verification of program completion, valid or expired teaching license from another state, verification of required assessments (if required),  and experience verification (if applicable). 


Kansas State Department of Education

Link(s) to state resources
License Applications
Form 2 Initial Out-of-State

Before you apply or renew a License...

You must submit one fingerprint card and a $50 fee for the purpose of a KBI and FBI background clearance if:

  • You are applying for your first Kansas license
  • Your most recent Kansas certificate/license has expired
  • You have never submitted a fingerprint card or fee as part of any previous application for a Kansas certificate or license
Form 2 Initial Out-of-State
  • Regulations provide a number of licensing options to guarantee access to start teaching to all applicants who hold a valid full or standard out-of-state license or certificate issued after the successful completion of a state approved preparation program.
  • It is critical to provide all requested documentation. If additional documentation is required, you will be notified in writing.
  • Information for future renewing or upgrading of the Kansas license will be printed on the license and included on information sheets provided with the license.
Requirements for a Kansas Teaching License:
  1. Bachelors degree - awarded by a regionally accredited institution
  2. Teacher preparation program successfully completed
  3. Valid out-of-state teaching license. CLICK HERE For COVID-19 Out of State License Policy
  4. Fingerprint - background clearance
  5. “Recency” - one year of teaching experience or eight semester credit hours completed within the last six years
  6. Content and Pedagogy testing requirements OR exempted by accepting out-of-state tests or experience
School Leadership and School Specialist License:
  1. Graduate degree and 3.25 graduate GPA
  2. Completion of the appropriate, approved program
  3. Valid out-of-state school specialist or school leadership license. CLICK HERE For COVID-19 Out of State License Policy
  4. Accredited experience and/or teaching license
  5. “Recency”— one year of teaching experience or eight semester credit hours completed within the last six years
  6. Content test

Level of license issued is determined by the length of experience in leadership or specialist positions.


Kentucky Department of Education

Division of Educator Licensure and Quality

Link(s) to state resources
Certification FAQs
Candidates Trained Outside of Kentucky

The Office of Educator Licensure and Effectiveness is responsible for issuing and renewing certificates for all Kentucky teachers and administrators.

Certification Specialists work closely with local school districts in the hiring process to ensure a properly credentialed educator in every professional position in Kentucky schools.

For additional information contact:

Division of Educator Certification and Preparation
Phone: (502) 564-4606
Fax: (502) 564-7092

Candidates Trained Outside of Kentucky

Does Kentucky have full reciprocity regarding teaching certification?

Reciprocity is a term often used when educators need to transfer their certification from one state to another. This does not mean, however, that a state with “reciprocity” will automatically grant the same certification as was held in another state, since each state has its own special requirements or regulations. Kentucky is part of the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) Interstate Agreement; therefore, the state accepts recommendations from teacher preparation programs from state-accredited colleges and universities in many states. Cases are evaluated on an individual basis. 

Out-of-state applicants must have completed a state approved teacher preparation program at a regionally accredited educator preparation institution or a state-approved alternative training program. In addition, candidates must comply with the state ancillary requirements such as GPA, testing and internship. 

Below you will find the application process when coming from out of state.  


The CA-1 form can be located by creating/logging into your EPSB account, clicking on the Online Document Submission link under the My Profile section, and downloading application “A: Application for Kentucky Certification or Change in Salary Rank”.  

Beginning May 1, 2019: applicants must upload their completed applications through the Online Document Submission portal located in your EPSB account. All documents required for the application except for transcripts are permitted to be uploaded through your account.


The $85.00 fee will need to be paid online through your EPSB account. If you need assistance with username/password resets or account registration, please contact our Help Desk at (502) 564-4606
Submitting Official Transcripts: 

Official Bachelor’s and Master’s/graduate (if applicable) transcripts must be submitted in addition to the application.

Transcripts are only considered official if submitted one of the following ways:  

  • Sent by mail on official transcript paper to

KDE Certification
300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601.  

*Official transcripts that are mailed or dropped off at the office are NOT returned to the applicant.  
  • Electronic transcripts sent DIRECTLY from the institution's third-party transcript provider to KDELicensure@education.ky.gov. Electronic transcripts are not accepted if printed by or forwarded by the applicant. 

Out of State Certificate: 
Kentucky state regulation 16 KAR 4:030 requires out of state graduates to provide a copy of their out of state teaching certificate, or a printed copy from that state's website verifying that they have obtained certification in the state where their program was completed. 
PRAXIS Tests: 
If you are supplying the verified two years of experience, the Kentucky PRAXIS tests are not required and you may skip that part of the application. If not supplying the experience requirement, the Kentucky PRAXIS requirements can be found on the ETS website.  If you have tested outside of Kentucky, select the Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board (code 7283) to have ETS electronically submit your scores to our office.  Out of state tests do not replace the required Kentucky PRAXIS tests unless they have the same PRAXIS test code.

PLEASE NOTE: Kentucky does NOT recognize teaching credentials which were gained in another state only by the passage of an assessment. Applicants must meet the requirements of Kentucky regulations regarding out-of-state preparation as found in 16 KAR 4:030.


Louisiana Department of Education

Link(s) to state resources
Out of State (OS) Application (Rev. 4/16/2020)
Out of State (OS) Application (Rev. 4/16/2020)

Louisiana offers two types of teaching certificates to applicants holding a standard out-of-state teaching certificate. Both are valid certificates and make the holder eligible for a teaching assignment in a Louisiana classroom. The certificate that is issued to the applicant depends on whether or not the applicant has met Louisiana’s Praxis and/or NTE testing requirements.

  1. Level 1 (LV1) Professional Certificate is a standard, three-year Louisiana teaching certificate that authorizes certification for the levels or subjects available in Louisiana and that are consistent with those currently on the applicant’s Out-of-State teaching certificate. A Level 1 certificate is issued to individuals who have completed the Louisiana PRAXIS and/or NTE requirements.
  2. Out-of-State (OS) Certificate is a standard, three-year, non-renewable Louisiana teaching certificate that authorizes certification for the levels or subjects available in Louisiana and that are consistent with those currently on the applicant’s Out-of-State teaching certificate. An Out-of- State (OS) certificate is issued to individuals who have not met Louisiana’s PRAXIS and/or NTE requirements.

A letter of eligibility for Out-of-State certification will be issued to individuals who meet requirements as described above. The OS certificate will be issued upon employment as a teacher of record per the request of the Louisiana employing school system. Louisiana employing school systems have been informed that a letter of eligibility issued by the Division of Educator Licensure is sufficient to identify you as being eligible for employment and receipt of a certificate upon their request.


Maine Department of Education

Link(s) to state resources
Initial Credentialing Information

There are more than 150 different endorsements for Administrators, Education Specialists, Teachers, and CTE Teachers each with its own requirements. Please see our certification home page for a requirements list for each of these endorsements. This will help you understand which endorsement(s) you may qualify for.

Most endorsements have three essential pathways to certification:

  • Pathway 1 - Approved Programs (Applications received from graduates of a Maine state approved educator preparation program.)
  • Pathway 2 - Transcript Analysis (Applications received without having attended a formal education preparation program. These applications typically have multiple transcripts with the requirements piece-mailed. Please ensure you include the transcript with your Bachelors confer date.)
  • Pathway 3 - Interstate Agreement (We do not have direct reciprocity, but provide either a Conditional or Professional certificate depending on conditions listed below)
    • If you have taught for 5 of the last 7 years under the teaching endorsement being sought in Maine, have graduated from any state approved teacher education program, and have a valid certificate in the endorsement being sought, you may qualify for Professional Certification in Maine.\
    • If you graduated from any state approved teacher education program and have a valid certificate in the endorsement being sought you may be eligible for a Conditional Certificate.
    • If you did not attend an approved program, your application will be reviewed in our normal transcript analysis pathway.
      We recommend submitting your application with a resume, valid teaching certificate, all transcripts, and any tests you may have taken.

Note* - CTE endorsements do not require a Bachelor's degree and give greater weight to work experience.

For all applications we recommend receiving your evaluation letter prior to signing up for any tests or courses.


Maryland Department of Education

Link(s) to state resources
Out-of-State Educator Preparation Program Graduate

If you have graduated from an out of state educator preparation program and do not have teaching experience or an out of state certificate, please submit the following:

  • Official transcript(s), which must show the degree and date of conferral, sent in an unopened mailer. Student copies in an unopened mailer are also acceptable​.
  • Basic Skills tests scores or a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 on the most recently earned degree (teacher applicants only)
  • Content and Pedagogy test scores (if applicable)
  • An initial application for certification
  • A cover letter with your name, mailing address, last 4 digits of your social security number, date of birth, personal email address, and the area of certification you are seeking.
Details for submission can be found via the webpage linked above.


Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Link(s) to state resources
How to Become an Educator in Massachusetts
Out-of-State Applicants
What Type of License Should I Apply For?

Out-of-state applicants seeking their first license in the State of Massachusetts could qualify for one of three (3) types of Academic PreK-12 educator licenses: Temporary, Provisional, or Initial. To figure out for which type you should apply for, consider the following:

  1. Do you hold a valid comparable license from another state and have you worked under it for three (3) years?

If you answered "yes" to this question, you could qualify for a temporary license. A temporary license is valid for one (1) year of employment. This enables out-of-state applicants to seek and obtain employment in the Commonwealth while they work to take and pass all required MTEL tests.

Please note that passing all required MTEL tests or failed MTEL results will not qualify you for the temporary license.

  1. Do you hold a valid comparable license from another state or have you completed one (1) of the following:
    1. A 'traditional' higher education state/jurisdiction-approved educator preparation program outside of Massachusetts?
    2. A state/jurisdiction approved 'alternative/non-traditional'educator preparation program and possess the equivalent of an initial license from that state/jurisdiction?
    3. An educator preparation program sponsored by a college or university outside of Massachusetts that has been accredited by one of the following: the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), the Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC), or the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you could qualify for an initial license through the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) Interstate Agreement. Massachusetts participates with every state and the District of Columbia through the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement for almost every license issued by the DESE Office of Educator Licensure. An initial license is valid for five (5) years of employment from the date of issuance in the State of Massachusetts.

Please note that additional requirements may apply to this type of license and could include but may not be limited to:

  • Passing all required MTEL tests
  • Earning the Sheltered English Immersion Endorsements (SEI) – required for the following Academic PreK-12 licenses:
    • Academic Teacher: early childhood and elementary teachers, teachers of students with moderate disabilities, teachers of severe disabilities, and teachers of the following academic subjects: English, reading or language arts, mathematics, science, civics and government, economics, history, and geography
    • Academic Administrator - principal/assistant principal, or supervisor/director

Massachusetts does not include the following licenses within the NASDTEC agreement: school psychologist, school nurse, or the speech, language, and hearing disorders teacher specialist.

  1. Have you completed all of the requirements in the previous question (#2) but do not hold the SEI endorsement? You may qualify for a Provisional license. The provisional license is good for five (5) years of employment.

  2. Did you get your Bachelor's and/or Master's degree from a DESE recognized accredited organization? To find out if your College or University is accredited by any of the DESE recognized organizations you can contact your institution directly or conduct a search yourself using the databases of the national accrediting organizations that are recognized by DESE.
How Do I Apply for a Massachusetts License?

The fastest way to apply for a Massachusetts license is through the Educator Licensure And Recruitment (ELAR) system. Additional information, required forms, and access to the ELAR system can be found in the Applying for/Checking the Status of a License section of our website.

Expediting an Educator Licensure Application for Military Personnel and/or the Spouse of Military Personnel

Information on how to expedite you or your spouse's licensure application can be found on our How to Become an Educator in Massachusetts webpage.

Applicants with a Degree(s) Obtained in Another Country

Was your Bachelor's degree obtained in a country other than the United States?

Applicants seeking licensure on the basis of foreign (non-U.S.) coursework and/or diplomas must provide the Office of Educator Licensure with a detailed equivalency report or course-by-course evaluation of any college-level credit completed


Michigan Department of Education

Link(s) to state resources
Certification Guidance
Out-of-State Application PDF

Michigan has signed an Interstate Compact Agreement (ICA) with every state agreeing to accept out-of-state teacher preparation programs and teaching certificates on a reciprocal basis for initial certification. However, the terms of the agreement address both traditional teacher preparation programs and alternative route teacher certification programs and each certificate and/or program must be evaluated under the terms of this agreement.

Out-of-state certification programs and credentials may differ from Michigan programs and credentials; however, under the ICA, the Department attempts to match out-of-state certificates, grade levels and content endorsements, as closely as possible.

To determine reciprocity under the ICA, an evaluation must be completed. For this to happen, an application must be submitted using the Michigan Online Educator Certification System (MOECS). MOECS will determine the certificate type (standard or professional) being applied for based on answers to the application questions. Accurate responses and supporting documentation are required. Reciprocity notwithstanding, Michigan certification is not guaranteed and ancillary state requirements exist in Michigan law (e.g., testing).


Minnesota Department of Education

Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board

Link(s) to state resources
Apply for an Initial License
Licensure Requirements: Out-of-State Applicants

If you have obtained a regionally-accredited bachelor's degree from a state-approved teacher preparation program with field-specific student teaching equivalent to requirements of Minnesota programs, you may qualify for a Minnesota teacher license under the tiered licensure structure. 

You may qualify for a Tier 3 license if:

An out-of-state teacher may apply for a Tier 2 license prior to passing the MTLE content and pedagogy exams if they have met all Tier 2 licensure requirements and have been offered a position by a Minnesota public school district or charter school. 


Mississippi Department of Education

Link(s) to state resources
Educator Licensure Homepage
Reciprocity License (for out-of-state applicants)
Five Year Reciprocity License

A Five-Year Educator License – Reciprocity is granted to applicants who possesses a valid standard license from another state in an area in which Mississippi issues an endorsement and meets Mississippi’s minimum licensure requirements or equivalent.

In the 2011 state legislative session, House Bill 641 changed the state statute for Reciprocity applicants. Now, Section 37-3-2 (8)(a) states: The department shall grant a standard license to any individual who possesses a valid standard license from another state and meets minimum Mississippi license requirements or equivalent requirements as determined by the State Board of Education. The Office of Educator Licensure will implement this new statute with applications submitted after June 30, 2011.

Applicants must submit to the Office of Educator Licensure:  

  1. Licensure application
  2. Valid out-of-state license.
    Upload a PDF copy of your valid out-of-state educator license via your Educator Licensure Management System (ELMS) account or submit a photocopy of your original educator license via postal mail.
  3. Sealed copy of all college transcripts.
  4. Documentation must be provided to show a passing score on a core subject test required for certification by the issuing state, or documentation that verifies the out-of-state license was obtained in a manner equivalent with current Mississippi license guidelines for that license.
Two Year Reciprocity License

Any applicant who possesses a valid license, which is less than standard from another state may apply for a two-year educator license through reciprocity.

Applicants must submit to the Office of Educator Licensure:  

  1. Licensure application
  2. Valid out-of-state license.
    Upload a PDF copy of your valid out-of-state educator license via your Educator Licensure Management System (ELMS) account or submit a photocopy of your original educator license via postal mail.
  3. Sealed copy of all college transcripts.
  4. Documentation must be provided to show a passing score on a core subject test required for certification by the issuing state, or documentation that verifies the out-of-state license was obtained in a manner equivalent with current Mississippi license guidelines for that license.

A Two-Year Educator License – Reciprocity is non-renewable and only issued at the Class A level.  To convert this provisional license to a five year renewable license, the applicant shall meet all current requirements of a Mississippi State Board of Education approved pathway to educator licensure.  (Please refer to the Guidelines for Mississippi Educator Licensure K-12)

Educator Licensure Policy change:  International 

The Office of Educator Licensure will no longer approve educator licensure applications for individuals seeking certification via international reciprocity. The MS Department of Education will honor all current, valid MS licenses obtained through international reciprocity prior to this date. However, all who request renewal of such license must meet current certification requirements at that time.

Educator Licensure Resources


Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Link(s) to state resources
Out-of-State Information
  • A NON-MISSOURI GRADUATE APPLICATION will need to be submitted.  To submit the online application, you will need to create a userid and password to establish an account in the Educator Certification System.  The Educator Certification System Help Guide provides the information needed to complete this step.

  • PROCESSING FEE OF $100 IS REQUIRED.  The fee will be paid at the time the application is submitted online.  Fees may be paid by credit/debit card or by e-check. All processing fees are NON-REFUNDABLE.
  • INSTITUTIONAL RECOMMENDATION (not required if you possess a valid out-of-state license) If you do not have a valid professional certificate in another state, you must complete the online application form and forward it to the certification officer at the institution where you completed your initial teacher education program. The certification officer must complete Section III and return it to our office. NOTE: This portion of the application is not required if you hold a valid professional teaching certificate in another state; a temporary, emergency, and/or substitute teaching certificate is not applicable. If you do not hold a valid out-of-state license, your application will be evaluated based on current Missouri requirements.
  • TRANSCRIPTS Original transcripts (no photocopies) from ALL institutions attended must be provided. Please be sure your complete social security number or educator ID is listed. NOTE: a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale is required. We are unable to accept faxed, scanned, emailed or photocopies of transcripts. Electronic transcripts will be accepted directly from the National Student Clearinghouse.
  • VALID TEACHING CERTIFICATE(S) If you hold a valid teaching certificate(s) or license(s) in another state, you must include a photocopy of the certificate(s) with your packet.
  • VERIFICATION OF APPROVED TEACHING EXPERIENCE Teaching experience must be contracted and at least half time employment. You have two options available to verify experience:
    • You will need to submit a completed Verification of teaching experience form showing the completion of experience; or
    • Your school district(s) will need to submit an official letter to the Department verifying your years of experience. The letter should include subject areas and grade levels taught, as well as dates of employment. Substitute teaching, student teaching, college-level teaching, or serving as a teacher's aide or assistant does not qualify as acceptable teaching experience. The letter must be signed by an official of the school system where you taught and be enclosed in the school’s official envelope. You may check Accrediting Agencies and Associations to determine the accreditation status of your previous district(s).

If you do not have approved teaching experience, you will not need to do the above steps.

  • BACKGROUND CHECK A criminal background check must be completed. This information will be sent to us directly by the Highway Patrol once you have printed with the fingerprint company.  It does not need to be mailed to us.

PLEASE BE SURE THAT YOUR APPLICATION PACKET IS COMPLETE! The items become the property of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and will not be returned or released to other agencies. Mail the complete application packet to: Educator Certification, Post Office Box 480, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0480.


Montana Office of Public Instruction

Link(s) to state resources
Educator Licensure (general information)
Educator Licenses
Know Your Options: Which License Should I Apply For
Requirements for Montana Class 1 Educator Licensure

There are three pathways to meeting Montana's requirements for Class 1 licensure

(per Administrative Rules of Montana 10.57.410 and 10.57.411). One of the following must be met:

  • Completion of an educator preparation program which is accredited by NCATE, CAEP, MACTE or is a state approved program from a regionally accredited college or university AND completion of student teaching or a supervised teaching experience through an educator preparation program. OR
  • Completion of a National Board Certification program. OR
  • Completion of a non-traditional teaching program with five (5) successful years of teaching experience, along with a current, standard, unrestricted out-of-state educator license.  

Additionally, each of the following must be met prior to licensure:

  1. Completion and verification of a master's degree in education or an endorsable area, OR, certification by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards AND
  2. Verification of the Montana required Praxis test score(s) meeting Montana standards for your endorsement area(s). Click here for PRAXIS information AND
  3. Completion and verification of the free, online course: An Introduction to Indian Education for All in Montana
  4. Verification of successful teaching experience while appropriately licensed and assigned:
      • 3 years for applicants who completed a traditional educator preparation program
Requirements for Montana Class 2 Educator Licensure

There are three pathways to meeting Montana’s requirements for Class 2 licensure (per Administrative Rules of Montana 10.57.410). One of the following must be met:

  1. Completion of an educator preparation program which is accredited by NCATE, CAEP, MACTE or is a state approved program from a regionally accredited college or university AND completion of student teaching or a supervised teaching experience through an educator preparation program. OR
  2. Completion of a National Board Certification program. OR  
  3. Completion of a non-traditional teaching program with five (5) successful years of teaching experience, along with a current, standard, unrestricted out-of-state educator license.

Additionally, each of the following must be met prior to licensure:

  1. Verification of the Montana required Praxis test score(s) meeting Montana standards for your endorsement area(s). Click here for PRAXIS informationAND
  2. Completion and verification of the free, online course: An Introduction to Indian Education for All in Montana.

Additional Note

If you meet all requirements but have:

  • An unrestricted, expired out-of-state teaching license
  • Have not earned 6 semester credits of college coursework from a regionally accredited college or university, within the past 5 years

Utilize this same application link, the system will automatically convert your Class 2 application to a Class 5 provisional license. The provisional license allows you to be employed in Montana as an educator while completing the outstanding requirements. This license is valid for a period of up to three years from date of validation.


Nebraska Department of Education

Link(s) to state resources
Teaching Certificates and Permits
  • Completion of a Baccalaureate Degree
  • Completion of a Teacher Education Program at a state approved college or university
  • Completion of the Human Relations Training Requirement
  • Completion of the Special Education Training Program
  • Praxis – CORE Academic Skills (Basic Skills)
  • Praxis Subject Assessments – (Content Test)
  • Recent college credits or employment experience within the past immediate 5 years

Before you submit your application, please review the requirements for Fingerprint cards and Transcripts

  • Completion of a Baccalaureate Degree
  • Completion of a Teacher Education Program at a state approved college or university
  • Completion of the Human Relations Training Requirement
  • Completion of the Special Education Training Program
  • Praxis – CORE Academic Skills (Basic Skills)
  • Praxis Subject Assessments – (Content Test)
  • Recent college credits or employment experience within the past immediate 5 years
  • 2 years Teaching Experience as a contractual teacher


Nevada Department of Education

Link(s) to state resources
Educator Licensure
New Teachers - Out of State Applicants
Out of State Applicants Information
Information for All Applicants

A criminal background check is a requirement of all applicants for Nevada Department of Education licensure pursuant to NRS 391.033. In all cases, you will also have to background for your employer. Please note that your employer and the NDE do not share your information and you will (in most cases) be required to do two separate background checks. Failure to background check for the NDE will result in denial of licensure and then you will need to reapply and repay the fees.

  • For more information about criminal background checks and fingerprinting, please visit the Background Process page link

You must meet all requirements for academic preparation, student teaching, and competency testing for the specific area of licensure for which you are applying. In some cases, full-time contracted teaching experience may waive student teaching requirements, please see NAC 391.042 for more information.

  • NAC 391.042
  • Verification of Teaching/Work Experience Form
Out-of-State Applicants Checklist

Nevada offers reciprocity for current, valid, non-provisional, and non-conditional licensees coming from other states. If you are applying for any Nevada educator license for the first time from out-of-state, including a substitute teaching licenses, you will need to first register for your online profile through OPAL and follow the checklist below:

  • Out-of-State Applicants Checklist 
Information on Adding Additional Endorsements

If you are applying for an additional endorsement or area of licensure to your existing Nevada educator license, you will need to register for your online profile through OPAL add these endorsements on during the application process please make sure to include: 

  • Proof of completion of all academic requirements for licensure in the specified area(s), in the form of original transcripts issued by a regionally accredited college or university and bearing the college or university seal. Electronic transcripts are acceptable if sent directly to the Department of Education from the issuing institution or a recognized clearinghouse such as eScript. Our email address for electronic transcripts is: transcripts@doe.nv.gov.
  • Competency testing score reports, if required.
  • Verification of teaching experience or work experience (for Administrators, Business & Industry and Special Qualifications applicants only), if applicable.
  • Additional endorsements are $50.00 each and payable with a credit or debit card through OPAL.
Reciprocity of Licensure from Other States

If you are applying for licensure with Nevada and currently have a valid, non-conditional, non-provisional license from another state, you may be eligible for reciprocal licensure. Reciprocal licensure, in most cases, will waive the testing requirements for Nevada and allow NDE staff to do the evaluation based on a license-for-license basis. Staff will reciprocate licenses and endorsements applied for to the closest available through Nevada Regulations. When applying for reciprocal licensure, original transcripts are still required as well as a valid copy of any/all current licenses applicants hold through other states. The license(s) held must be uploaded during the application process into the OPAL system as PDF document(s) in the “experience” section under the “out of state licensure” area in OPAL.

New Hampshire

New Hampshire Department of Education

Bureau of Credentialing

Link(s) to state resources
Credentialing Information
Out-of-State Applicant

Option 1: Approved Educator Preparation Program Out of State (AEPPOS): Completed an approved educator preparation program outside of NH for each endorsement sought:

  • within three years of date of application, or
  • if program completed more than three years prior to application, with documentation of licensure in the endorsement from the same state the program is located in that has not been expired for more than 3 years prior to the date of application

Option 2: Demonstrated Competencies - Experience under an Out of State License (DCEX): 3 years out of the last 7 years’ experience under a full, valid educator license issued outside of NH for each endorsement sought

New Jersey

State of New Jersey Department of Education

Office of Certification and Induction

Link(s) to state resources
Certification and Induction
Out of State License Applicants
Become a New Jersey Educator
  • Browse available certificate categories.
  • Learn more about the requirements for certification and test requirements for certification
  • Review the certification application checklist
  • Apply through the Teacher Certification Information System

New Mexico

New Mexico Public Education Department

Professional Licensure Bureau

Link(s) to state resources
Licensure General Information
Apply/Renew/Reciprocate License
What are different ways to become licensed as a teacher in NM?
  • There are two options: traditional and alternative. Teachers who completed a traditional education program will follow the initial pathway for licensure. Individuals who complete a bachelors program not in an educational program have the option of following the alternative pathway. Click the following link for access to the different pathways to see what you may qualify under. see Apply/Renew/Reciprocate License

New York

New York State Education Department

Link(s) to state resources
New York Licensing Information

How to Apply

  1. Apply online
  2. Upon completion of your application, apply for fingerprinting using your TEACH account.
    • For information about the fingerprint process, go to Fingerprinting .
  3. Official Transcripts: Contact the registrar's office of each college/university you attended and ask that they submit official transcripts to this office. How to Submit Documents
  4. If applicable, mail copies of your out-of-state certificates (including those that have expired) to tcert@nysed.gov. Please include your full name and birth date with your e-mail.

North Carolina

North Carolina Department of Public Instruction

Link(s) to state resources
Educator's Licensure
Beginning the Process for Educator's License
Initial Professional License (IPL)

The IPL may be issued to:

  • PreK - 12 teachers with fewer than 3 years of experience
  • PreK - 12 teachers with 3 or more years of experience who do not qualify for the CPL
  • Student Services Personnel and Administrators who have not met testing requirements

Step 1. Completion of an approved education preparation program

  • Alternative route programs that lead to licensure must be verified by letter from the state's department of education or licensing board where the approved route was completed

Step 2. Obtain the following official documents to be uploaded into your online application:

  • Degree-dated transcripts - bachelor's, master's, and all other post-secondary studies
  • Licensure content area examination(s) - if applicable
  • Valid and current educator's license from another state if held
  • Verification by Institution:  Completion of Approved Education Program (Form V)
  • Forms
    • Form V
    • Experience request forms for previous work
      • PreK-12 teaching/teacher's assistant (Form E)
      • Post-secondary (Form CE),
      • Non-teaching (Form NE),
      • Military Instructor or Leadership (Form ME)
        • Have each different employer complete and sign a separate form 
        • Review requirements for experience credit on each form prior to submitting the application

Step 3. Register for or log into your account at the NCDPI Online License System and apply for a license.

  • Upload all requested documentation into the online application for licensure.

Step 4. Pay the required non-refundable/non-transferrable licensure fee with a valid credit card.

North Dakota

North Dakota Department of Public Instruction

The Education Standards and Practices Board (ESPB)

Link(s) to state resources
Types of Licenses
License FAQs
Types of Licenses for Out-of-State applicants

Out-of-State Reciprocal License (Two-Years): Issued to individuals who graduated from an out-of-state university but do not hold a teaching license in another state. A transcript analysis is completed and a plan of study is developed for each individual indicating the coursework and testing needed. This license can be issued twice, so the educator has a total of four years to complete all requirements.

Other State Educator License (OSEL).  A two or five year license issued to those applicants who hold and submits a valid teaching license received from an approved regular teacher education program from another state. If the applicant has not tested in the sending state and has been licensed after 2002 in that state, they will have two years to complete ND tests. The regular application will be submitted including official transcripts, completed background packet, a copy of your current teaching license from another state, and/or confirmation form or test scores. If you have completed an approved program, including student teaching, hold a license in another state and have met their testing requirements, there will be no additional requirements.


Q: I have a valid teaching license in another state so can I get a ND Teaching License?

A: Yes. If you have completed a transcripted teacher education program, we will need a copy of your valid and current out-of-state teaching license and Confirmation of Other State Educator License form completed by your state's licensure agency. If you have completed an alternative certification program in another state and hold a valid license in that state, you will need to complete our Praxis I and Praxis II testing requirements for your content area(s) prior to being issued an OSEL in North Dakota. Apply online and the system will let you know what information is needed.

Q: How do I get a ND teaching license if I earned a degree in education outside of ND? 

A: We encourage anyone who completed teaching degree outside of ND to get a teaching license in the state where your degree was earned. This would enable you to then apply for an Other State Educator License (OSEL) and not have to meet ND standards (as you met the standards in the state the degree was earned.) If you are not able to get a teaching license in the state your degree was earned, then you will need to apply for an Out of State Reciprocal License and you will need to meet ND standards. A license can be issued and you could have up to 4 years to meet ND requirements. 


Ohio Department of Education

Link(s) to state resources
Educator Licenses
Out-of-state Licensure 

Out-of-State Licensure: Teachers

To become a licensed teacher in Ohio, you must have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree and have completed an approved, traditional teacher preparation program through an accredited college/university.


Four-Year Resident Educator – If you completed an approved, traditional teacher preparation program  through an accredited college/university and have less than three years of teaching experience under a standard or professional out-of-state teaching license, please apply for a resident educator license. Click here for a list of available licenses.

Five-Year Professional – If you have taught under a standard or professional out-of-state teaching license for three years or more, please apply for a professional license.

One-Year Out-of-State – If you are employed in an Ohio school, you may apply for a one-year out-of-state teaching license to allow time to complete the required Ohio licensure exam(s).  To be eligible for this license, you must hold a valid, standard out-of-state teaching license and have met all requirements for a standard Ohio teaching license except  for the Ohio licensure exams. You may only apply for the one-year out-of-state license at the request of your employing Ohio school.

Alternative Resident Educator – If you do not qualify for the above licensure types, please review the Ohio alternative licensure pathway option.


Ohio requires passing scores for both content area exam(s) and a professional knowledge/pedagogy exam for educator licensure. If you passed content and/or professional knowledge exams for the out-of-state license(s) you hold, please submit your official score report(s) with your online application for consideration.

Effective July 1, 2017, educators seeking an Early Childhood (grades PreK-3), Primary Childhood (grades PreK-5), Middle Childhood (grades 4-9), or any Intervention Specialist license (including multi-age, PreK-3 and PreK-5),  must also pass the Ohio Assessment for Educators (OAE) 090 Foundations of Reading exam. Read more about this exam here. Please see the Pearson Education website for exam registration.

Please note that if you are adding an area to an existing license or seeking a new license, and you completed your teacher preparation program after July 1, 1991, you must meet current exam requirements for the Ohio license.


If you are seeking an Early Childhood (grades PreK-3), Primary Childhood (grades PreK-5), Middle Childhood (grades 4-9), or any Intervention Specialist license (including multi-age, PreK-3 and PreK-5) in Ohio, you must successfully complete teaching of reading coursework through an accredited college or university (coursework must be reflected on an official transcript from that institution). This coursework includes:

  • Nine semester hours in the teaching of reading, and
  • A three-semester hour course in the teaching of phonics (in the context of reading, writing and spelling).

You must have completed at least six of the required 12 semester hours of reading/phonics coursework to be issued a standard teaching license in Ohio. The remaining coursework requirement will be listed as a limitation on your license. You must complete all remaining coursework requirements before you may advance or renew your license.

More information on the necessary documentation and application process can be found via the state resources above.


Oklahoma State Department of Education

Link(s) to state resources
Traditional Path for Oklahoma Teacher Certification
All Paths for Oklahoma Teacher Certification

The traditional path for Oklahoma teacher certification is for those who complete a state-approved teacher education program.

  • Graduated from an accredited institution of higher education that has an approved teacher education program for the certification area sought
  • Successfully completed a higher education teacher education program approved by the Office of Educational Quality and Accountability (OEQA);
  • Meets all other requirements as established by the Oklahoma State Board of Education;
  • Successfully passed the three required competency examinations; and
  • Has on file with the Oklahoma State Board of Education a current clear Oklahoma criminal history record search from the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation as well as a current clear national criminal history record search from the Federal Bureau of Investigation;
  • Applied to Teacher Certification and submitted the appropriate processing fee

  • Hold a full out-of-state certificate and meet standards set by the State Board of Education. Anything less than full certification will require review by Teacher Certification.
 Steps to Certification
  • If you hold an education degree from an Oklahoma state-approved teacher education program then please use the Oklahoma Education Single Sign-On to get started on certification.  Register for an account then navigate to the "Oklahoma Educator Credentialing System".
  • If you hold an education degree from outside the State of Oklahoma:
Addition FAQs can be found and answered on the state resources linked above


Oregon Department of Education

Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC)

Link(s) to state resource
Out of State Applicants
First Time License
Out of State Applicants

A TSPC license is required in order to serve in a certified position in an Oregon public school district or Educational Service District (ESD). The following licenses are available to you if you have completed an educator preparation program in another state and have not previously held a non-provisional license of the same type in Oregon:

  • Reciprocal Teaching License
  • Reciprocal Administrator License
  • Preliminary School Counselor License
  • Preliminary School Psychologist License
  • Preliminary School Social Worker License
Minimum Qualifications:

To be eligible to apply for any of the licenses above, you will need to meet the minimum requirements, which include a minimum degree requirement, preparation program requirement, and background clearance.

For complete requirements and in instructions for each of the licenses listed above, you will need to refer to the First Time License page, found under the Licensing section in the menu on the left.


Pennsylvania Department of Education

Column 1
Out-of-State Educators
Completed Approved Preparation Program Outside of PA
  • Verify that your state is part of the National Association Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) Interstate AgreementOpens In A New Window. If your state is not a party to the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement, your certification program will be evaluated against PA certification program guidelines.
  • Identify the comparable Pennsylvania certificate for which you will be applying (see Types of Certificates). Special note:  If applying for a certification in Special Education, you must already hold or qualify and apply for a Pennsylvania certificate in an appropriate content area. Refer to CSPG 61 (Grade-Level Scope of Certificates section) for more information.
  • Obtain all official transcripts (both bachelors and beyond). If submitting transcripts electronically, do not submit your transcript request until you have submitted your application in TIMS. A bachelor’s degree from a nationally accredited college/university is a base requirement for certification. These will be used to verify:
    • Bachelor’s degree conferral
    • 3.0 cumulative degree GPA
    • Program completion and/or required coursework for certification
    • Student teaching/internship/practicum or field experience
  • Obtain a photocopy of your current and valid state certificate comparable to the PA certificate you are seeking if available.
    • For School Speech and Language Pathologist certification, also submit a photocopy of your ASHA and/or PA Department of State license if applicable.\
  • Obtain a completed Education Preparation Program Verification Form, PDE338A as proof of completion of an educator preparation program approved for certification in the state in which the program was completed.
  • Confirm that the required tests have been completed and reported to PDE directly from the test administrator (ETS, ACTFL or ES Pearson); basic skills assessments in reading, writing and mathematics (PAPA, CORE, SAT or ACT) *See update below; Fundamental Subjects (for all subject areas PK-12); and the content area test(s). For test information, refer to the Certification Test and Score Requirements spreadsheet.*

    Per Act 136, the basic skills tests in reading, writing, and mathematics (PAPA, CORE, SAT, or ACT) will temporarily be waived for applications received and complete by June 30, 2021. Received and complete is defined as an application submitted and paid for in TIMS, as well as all documentation and information received moving it into "awaiting evaluation" status.
    • If submitting SAT or ACT scores to meet the basic skills assessments, obtain your paper score report in a sealed envelope from the testing agency.
    • You must take the PA required tests and meet the PA qualifying score.  No other tests can be substituted. 
    • The basic skills assessments are not required for post-baccalaureate program completers or for applicants who hold a conferred master’s degree. The basic skills tests will still be requested in your TIMS application as the determination to waive the basic skills requirement is not made by TIMS. It is determined by the certification specialist at the time the application is evaluated.
  • Complete and submit the application in TIMS.
    • All applicants for initial certification in PA must apply for a Level I credential type.
    • After completing the payment selection and successfully SUBMITTING your application in TIMS, you will be provided a link to the application cover sheet. First, upload all applicable documents possible. Follow directions for submitting transcripts. If documents cannot be uploaded or sent electronically, include the cover sheet with the documents and mail to the address indicated on the cover sheet.
    • All certification requirements including testing should be met for all subject areas applied for before submitting the required documentation for review.
    • Electronic payment (see Application Fees) accepted in TIMS.

Rhode Island

Rhode Island Department of Education

Link(s) to state resources
Certification - Current & Future Educators
Paths to Certification - Reciprocity

Reciprocity allows individuals who completed a state approved out-of-state preparation program or who hold valid full out-of-state certificates to pursue RI certification where similar certificate areas exist.

This pathway:

  • leads to full RI certification
  • recognizes state approved program completers from outside of Rhode Island
  • recognizes full and aligned out-of-state certificates
  • requires compliance with current RI testing requirements [PDF] (Changes to certification tests effective June 1, 2022)

Details for out-of-state program completers and out-of-state certified educators can be found below.  Prior to applying through this pathway, review your credentials to ensure you qualify.  National interstate agreements may also be found online through the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC.)

  • Out-of-State preparation program completer
  • Out-of-State certificate holder

South Carolina

South Carolina Department of Education

Link(s) to state resources
Apply for Certification
Traditional Program Completion
Reciprocity as an Out-of-State Educator
Application Checklist for Out of State Certificate Holders
Applying for Certification Based on Traditional Program Completion

Educators that have completed a traditional, approved preparation program through a regionally accredited institution of higher education (IHE) may apply for an Initial certificate through completion of South Carolina's required content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge assessments.

Please note that educators holding a current, valid out-of-state teaching credential may be eligible to have their credential Reciprocated in South Carolina without requiring completion of South Carolina's assessments.

Application requirements can be found on the relevant pages linked above.
Applying for Certification Reciprocity as an Out-of-State Educator

The issuance of a South Carolina educator certification based on a comparable certificate issued by another entity's Department of Education is referred to as reciprocity. Each individual employed in an instructional, classroom teaching position or who serves in a position designed for the support of the instructional program in a public school of this state must hold an appropriate South Carolina teaching credential.

Educator certificates issued by the Department of Education of another state, a United States territory, or the Department of Defense Dependents Schools (DODDS) may be eligible for reciprocity through South Carolina's reciprocity agreement. Because each state has its own policies, guidelines, regulations, and statutes regarding education, the transference of teaching credentials between each is rarely a “one to one” process. The Office of Educator Services evaluates each state’s certificate fields (sometimes referred to as areas or endorsements in other states) and attempts to grant a South Carolina certificate in as many comparable fields as possible. In addition, evaluators take into consideration South Carolina State Board of Education regulations and statutes that may not have comparable rules in the reciprocal applicant’s state. For a comprehensive listing of all fields and endorsements currently available in South Carolina, please visit our Fields and Endorsements webpage.

Application requirements can be found on the relevant pages linked above.

South Dakota

South Dakota Department of Education

Link(s) to state resources
Out-of-State Reciprocity
Out-of-State Initial Application Tips
Out-of-State Initial Application

You should apply using the Out-of-State Initial Educator Application if you completed an educator preparation program from a state other than South Dakota.

This application applies to the following certification areas:

  • Teacher
  • Administrator
  • Education Specialist (i.e. SPED director, school psychologist, school counselor, etc.)
 Click on the resources above to access links to the application as well as flowcharts describing each step of the process.


Tennessee Department of Education

Link(s) to state resources
Educator Licensure & Preparation
Out-of-State Educators
Practitioner License - with Out-of-State Initial Level License

The practitioner license is an initial license, valid for three years. To be issued a practitioner license using a valid out-of-state initial-level license, an applicant must:

  • hold a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university;
  • hold an initial level license in a state other than Tennessee,
  • submit a recommendation, using the Out-of-State Educator Preparation Verification form, from the out-of-state EPP where the educator completed a preparation program (all out-of-state providers must meet conditions stipulated in State Board Rule 0520-02-04); and
  • ensure that the department has official transcripts of all credits earned through an institution of higher education. The transcript must be submitted by the institution to Educator.Licensure@tn.gov through an approved clearinghouse, or mailed to 710 James Robertson Parkway, 9th Floor, Nashville, TN 37243. For more information, review the Academic Transcripts Operating Procedures.

Educators who meet the criteria will not be required to submit qualifying scores on required content and pedagogical assessments, as indicated in Professional Assessments for Tennessee Educators Policy 5.105, at the point of application, but must do so to renew or advance the license.


Texas Education Agency

Link(s) to state resources
Out-of-State Educators

You must apply for a review of credentials if you are seeking certification in Texas and you hold a standard certificate issued by another state or territory. A standard certificate is defined in TAC §230.111(c). 

Application Information
  1. Create an online account.
  2. Complete an application and pay the $164 non-refundable fee.
  3. Submit official transcripts from all colleges.
  4. Submit copies of all standard certificates.
  5. Submit proof of oral English language proficiency if your degree was earned outside the United States, including territories of the United States.
Important Note for Educators with Student Services or Administration Certification

If you hold a student services or administration certificate but do not hold a classroom teaching certificate, you will need to submit documentation of two years of acceptable school experience in the area of your certification. You must send acceptable documentation on an official verification of experience form, located on the Out-of-State Test Exemptions page.

Transcripts Accepted Electronically from the Institution

Official transcripts can be sent directly from your institution or servicer via email. Your institution should email the transcript directly to OSC75@tea.texas.gov. We will not accept emailed transcripts from you.

Please choose one method of sending your transcript. Do not mail your transcript if requesting it be electronically sent to us. Do not request to have it electronically sent if it is being mailed. Duplicate documents may slow down the review of your file.

Electronic Certificate Submissions

You may submit your out-of-state certificate online. Out-of-country documents will not be accepted electronically.

  • The application and fee for a review of credentials must be completed.
  • Click the My Documents tab on the left side of the ECOS menu.
  • Under Select Document Type choose the option for OSC-Out-of-State Certificate and finishing uploading your certificate. Please review our instructions for uploading documents if you need additional assistance.
  • Do not upload transcripts. We will not accept any transcripts sent from an educator; they will be deleted and treated as spam.
  • Do not mail a copy of your out-of-state certificate if you are uploading it. Duplicate documents may slow down the review of your file.

Allow up to 3 to 4 weeks to confirm receipt of documents submitted online. Response times are approximate and may be longer during peak periods.

Results of the Review

Once the review of credentials is completed you will receive a notification by email. The details of your review will be available online in your educator account from the Educator Main Menu under "My Documents". Please use Google Chrome to view PDF document(s).

Out-of-State Tests

If you were required to take tests to obtain the certificates that you submitted for the review of credentials, you must submit additional documentation for possible exemption of Texas tests. Out-of-state test scores will not be considered without a review of credentials.

One-Year Certificate

Once you have completed the review of credentials, you may be issued a One-Year non-renewable certificate. You may apply for the One-Year certificate at the same time as your review of credentials or after the review of credentials has been completed. While your One-Year certificate is valid, you must complete one or both of the following options:

  • Submit all required documents necessary to determine possible exemption of out-of-state tests to establish the standard certificate, based on your completed review of credentials.
  • Complete all appropriate tests to establish the standard certificate if not exempted from required tests.


Utah State Board of Education

Link(s) to state resources
Apply for an Educator License
Out-of-State (OOS)

Out-of-State (OOS)

If you have a standard renewable educator license from another state or country and would like to apply for a Utah Educator License, please read the following step by step instructions to prepare your OOS application packet for submission to Utah State Board of Education for review.

Links to the step-by-step instructions as well as Frequently Asked Questions can be found via the links above.


Vermont Agency of Education

Link(s) to state resources
Educator Licensure

Eligibility for licensure through reciprocity  is determined by meeting requirements under the rules of reciprocity per the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) Interstate Agreement. Vermont currently has educator reciprocity with all states except: New York, New Mexico, and South Dakota. Educators who hold a current license, or have a recommendation for licensure on their transcript, from any of these states; will need to apply for Initial License through Transcript Review.

What does it mean to apply under the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement? 

The NASDTEC Interstate Agreement is a statement by Vermont outlining which other states' educator certificates will be accepted. Specifically the agreement outlines which particular types of educator certificates (teachers, administrators, service personnel, or career/technical), and which particular styles of certifications (titles, fields, etc.) will be accepted.

  • Apply for an Initial Vermont Educator License under the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement
  • Frequently Asked Questions

More information can be accessed via the links above.


Virginia Department of Education

Link(s) to state resources
More Information

Please refer to the Licensure Regulations for School Personnel on the Virginia Department of Education’s website for all requirements for a license.

You may submit an application for an initial Virginia license if you meet the criteria in at least one of the following:

  • Have completed a state-approved preparation program, including student teaching or at the graduate level, a clinical practicum or internship. (If you have completed a Virginia approved program and are not employed by a Virginia school division or Virginia accredited nonpublic school, request that your application be submitted by the college or university or the Career Switcher program provider.)
  • Hold an active, valid license from another state with no deficiencies with comparable endorsement(s) to those offered in Virginia.
  • Are employed full-time as an educator under contract by a Virginia school division or a Virginia accredited nonpublic school. (Please submit your application directly to the Virginia employing school division or the Virginia accredited nonpublic school.)
  • Are military personnel or veteran applying for a Virginia license.

- excerpt from the Application for a Virginia Licensure (word) found via the link above -


Washington Office of Superintendant of Public Instruction (OSPI)

Link(s) to state resources
Teacher Certificate
Out-of-State Applicants - Teachers
Residency Teacher Out-of-State

This application is for those educators who have completed a teacher preparation program through an accredited institution or have held a full teaching credential in another state.

  • Completion of a bachelor's degree or higher. Must submit official transcripts showing degree conferral
  • Must complete a basic skills test (WEST-B or approved alternative) and pass a content area test for endorsement sought (WEST-E/NES or approved alternative). Teacher Testing Assessments
  • Submission of fingerprints for background check is required, if a valid certificates is not already on record

In addition, you must complete one of the following:

  • Completion of any state's approved teacher preparation program through an accredited institution Form 4020E, OR an approved alternate route program 4020E-1, 


  • Copy of an out of state teaching certificate (valid or expired) AND three years of out of state teaching experience 4020F-1 . The preparation program must include a defined course of study and a supervised student teaching/internship.

NOTE: Foreign Trained/Out of Country for additional requirement information.

Dual Endorsement Note: If you hold an Out-of-State Teaching Certificate with Bilingual Education, Early Childhood Special Education, English Language Learner, General Science, and/or Special Education, you will need to complete additional endorsement requirements before your Washington Teaching Certificate is issued. Dual Endorsement Requirements


If you have all necessary documentation to apply for this certificate, login to: E-Certification

*IMPORTANT: Please note that application fees are NOT refundable. Ensure that you select and submit the correct application. If you have questions regarding your application, please contact our office.

West Virginia

West Virginia Department of Education

Link(s) to state resources
Certification Info
Professional Teaching Certificate (Out-Of-State) Form 20A Application Instructions
Form 20A, 20R - Applicant User Guide (PDF)
Initial Application 
  • Application Fee: $100
  • Payment link:  https://wveis.k12.wv.us/certportal/
  • Validity Period: 3 years
  • General Requirements: US Citizen; good character; age 18 or older; physically, mentally, and emotionally qualified.
  • Education Level: Minimum of a bachelor’s degree (Regionally accredited IHE)
  • Grade Point Average: Minimum overall cumulative GPA of 2.5 for a bachelor’s degree OR minimum overall cumulative GPA of 3.0 for a Master’s Degree
  • Educational Work Experience: Documentation verifying successful completion of a student teaching experience.
  • Coursework/Training: Successful completion of a state approved teacher preparation program.
  • Credential: Based upon an official recommendation from a regionally accredited out-of-state institution of higher education’s state-approved teacher preparation program, no previous licensure is required.
  • Testing: Pass all WVBE required exams for the requested certificate and endorsement area if applying based upon official recommendation from a regionally accredited out-of-state institution of higher education’s state approved teacher preparation program.
  • Employment Required: No
  • Official Recommendation: Designated college official AND Superintendent or FORM 4B
  • Official Transcripts (when applicable): To send official transcripts to our office electronically, please have those sent to cert.transcripts.wvde@k12.wv.us. If you select to send them electronically, they must be sent directly from the institution to our office to the aforementioned email address.
  • Primary Contact Info: Brad Fittro, Email: bfittro@k12.wv.us


Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

Link(s) to state resources
Out of State Pathways
Application Directions for Teachers Prepared Outside of Wisconsin
Out-of-State Pathway
  • Bachelor's degree
  • Completed an approved educator preparation program outside Wisconsin
  • Seeking Initial WI license

Applicants have completed the testing requirements of a state-approved educator preparation program and are eligible for licensure in that state. Candidates should apply for the Wisconsin license that most closely matches their out-of-state license. Upon application, a review will be completed to determine comparability with Wisconsin preparation, testing, and statutory requirements.

If you fit this pathway profile:
  1. DETERMINE the Wisconsin license that most closely matches the out-of-state license you hold.
  2. COMPLETE the Wisconsin Testing Requirements.  Elementary Educators, please see Out-of-state Elementary Education Candidates for more specific information.
  3. UNDERSTAND the Wisconsin statutory and administrative rule requirements. Learn about the most common stipulations at Common Wisconsin Stipulations for Out-of-State Applicants
  4. APPLY for a Wisconsin License using the ELO System.
Notes and related information:
  • It takes approximately 12-16 weeks for out-of-state applications to be reviewed. You can speed the approval of your application by providing all required documents when you apply.
  • Upon application review, DPI will determine for which license you are currently eligible. If you are not eligible for the license for which you applied, DPI will issue the most similar license for which you are eligible. This may be a One-Year License with Stipulations, a License Based on Reciprocity, or a Five-Year Long-Term Substitute license. If there is no license for which you are eligible your application may be denied.
  • If you have a valid license from another state and have at least one year of experience under that license, you may be eligible to apply through our License Based on Reciprocity Pathway.
  • If you completed an alternative route program outside Wisconsin, refer to the Out-of-State Alternative Routes section below to determine your best pathway.
  • For Frequently Asked Questions about the Out-of-State Pathway see the Frequently Asked Questions - Out-of-State page.


Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board

Link(s) to state resources
Becoming Licensed
Out-of-State Applicants
Traditional Route to Licensure

The traditional route to teacher licensure in Wyoming requires the completion of a teacher preparation program from a regionally or nationally accredited institution of higher education. Teacher preparation programs are typically offered through the College of Education at most colleges or universities. The program must include student teaching and lead to a degree in Education in a specific endorsement area or areas. The program must also lead to an Institutional Recommendation for Licensure.

Applicants who have graduated from a regionally or nationally accredited college or university with a bachelors degree or higher in education are eligible for licensure via the traditional route.

Please review the following required elements of the licensure process:

Requirements for Out-of-State Program completion applicants
  • Completion of an approved Educator Preparation Program
    • Program must be from an accredited college or university
    • Program must include student teaching and lead to an Institutional Recommendation (IR) for licensure
      • Note: In order for applicants to obtain an Institutional Recommendation form they must be eligible for licensure in the state in which the college or university is located.
      • Applicants do not have to obtain licensure in that state; however, they must be eligible for licensure. In some states, individuals may be required to complete testing for licensure in that state (i.e. applicants who have/will complete an Arizona program must complete the Arizona testing requirements and will not need to complete the Praxis exams required for Wyoming for initial licensure.)
  • Official transcripts documenting the completion of a teacher preparation program
  • Submission of two (2) blue FBI Fingerprint Cards including a background check
  • Knowledge of the U.S. and Wyoming Constitutions
  • Teacher Testing Requirements
  • Submission of a complete application packet