Loyola University Chicago

Financial Services

Nonresident Alien Compliance

GLACIER Nonresident Alien Tax Compliance System

All Foreign National (NRA) Faculty, Staff and Students who are working or receiving taxable scholarship/fellowship/grant/stipend payments must sign up for an account with the GLACIER System to determine appropriate tax withholding from paychecks and other payments.  This nonresident alien tax compliance system uses information you enter to determine foreign national residency status, determine eligibility for tax treaty benefits, and generate tax reporting documents.

How to Log in and Create Your Profile in the GLACIER System

If you are a Foreign National working or receiving a taxable payment from the University you will be added to the GLACIER System. The system will send you an email from support@online-tax.net, with a subject line of "Payments from Loyola University Chicago". The email is from the GLACIER System, and contains your personal login and password information. 
If you have not received an email or have deleted it in error, here are the steps to take:
Request a username and password
  • Send an e-mail to nra-processing@luc.edu requesting a GLACIER account
  • Your e-mail should contain your full legal name and e-mail address
  • You will receive an e-mail, to the address you provided, with a username and password
  • Access GLACIER with the link provided in the e-mail, or here: www.online-tax.net
NOTE: By accepting the User Agreement, you agree to receive your Form 1042-S electronically.
The GLACIER software answers almost any question you could have as you go along. The software includes sample instructions and comments for each Glacier page and should help you complete your information online.  Also see the Glacier - Step by Step Guide (employees) in the Resources section below for a guide to completing your profile.
The GLACIER process should take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete. Unless you have already provided copies of your immigration documents with your New Hire Paperwork, please provide copies of all requested personal documents you prepare and submit for your records. 
Contact GLACIER directly with any questions or technical problems you encounter in the software. If you have any questions about the software or what a particular question means, contact the GLACIER Support Center where help is available that will respond to your questions within 24 hours.


If you have not received your SSN/ITIN

If you have applied for but not yet received a Social Security Number/ITIN, you will need to log into GLACIER and update your profile once you have received your card in the mail.

GLACIER provides a Tax Summary Report, which includes the following (if applicable):

Form 8233
Tax Treaty Statement
W-4/IL W-4

Send Information to General Accounting

You will need to print, sign and mail the signed copy of your Tax Summary Report along with any forms that GLACIER may have printed for you. Unless you have already provided copies of your immigration documents with your New Hire Paperwork, include photocopies of your personal documents listed on the bottom right section of the Tax Summary Report.  The Tax Summary Report is not final until it is reviewed and approved by General Accounting.  You will be notified if there are any changes to your Tax Summary Report.
Completed packets may be sent via mail/inter-campus mail to:
NRA Processing
General Accounting
Loyola University of Chicago
820 N. Michigan Avenue, Lewis Towers 13th Floor
Chicago, IL 60611
GLACIER will also produce the year-end form 1042-S for reporting payments that were made to foreign employees and vendors. It also produces the Form 1042 that campuses file annually with the IRS.

If Your Information Changes

If your information changes, please log back on to GLACIER and update your record. You will need to print, sign and mail the updated Tax Summary Report and document copies to General Accounting so that your changes may be reflected in the systems from which you might be receiving payments.

If you have questions or need assistance with your GLACIER profile, email nra-processing@luc.edu
