2021 - 2022

Tom Tobin, SJ. 1945 - 2020
Our colleague and dear friend Tom Tobin, S.J. passed away on Sunday morning, August 30, at 9:25 am. Peter Bernardi, S.J. and two of his other Jesuit brothers were with him, praying at his bedside before he died. While Tom will be sorely missed by us, he and all he accomplished for the department over many years will not soon be forgotten. May Tom rest now in God's peace.

LUC Theology Faculty Hille Haker, Marcia Hermansen, and Miguel Diaz are joined by Paul Hutchison of the Loyola Medical Center in a program on the religious and bioethical dimensions of the COVID-19 pandemic.

2021 - 22 Annual Undergraduate Paper Competition
The LUC Department of Theology is pleased to announce its undergraduate paper prize competition. Three prizes are awarded annually to encourage publication-level work in the fields of theology and religious studies. The Department wishes to reward talented undergraduates who have engaged in original work in a theology or religious studies class here at LUC. Papers can be entered into one of three contests based on whether the class in which the writing emerged was a THEO 100, 200, or 300-level course.

Mark McIntosh, 1960 - 2021
Our colleague and friend Mark McIntosh suddenly passed away the afternoon of October 13, 2021, some four years after being diagnosed with ALS. According to his wife Anne, although he had been weakening in recent weeks, he was his normal self in the morning, even cheerful. He was into his afternoon routine of quiet reading, and it was only when someone came to check in on him that they discovered he had already slipped away. A memorial service will be held Saturday, November 20, 9:00 am at St. Luke's Episcopal Church, 939 Hinman Avenue, Evanston, IL 60202.

Cardinal Mario Grech, Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops
Cardinal Mario Grech, Secretary General of the Synod of Bishop, sent a video message to university students from across the Americas in anticipation of their conversation with Pope Francis.

Prof. Miguel Diaz Interviewed Regarding Building Bridges
An interview with Prof. Miguel Diaz, the John Courtney Murray Chair in Public Service, regarding Building Bridges has been published in both Spanish and Portuguese.

Catholic Press Coverage of Building Bridges
Stories by America Magazine and the National Catholic Reporter have been published on the dialogue to be led by Pope Francis with university students from North, Central, and South America on February 24. This historic event will be hosted by Loyola University Chicago in collaboration with the Argentinian theologian, Emilce Cuda, the new head of the office of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America.

Building Bridges: A Synodal Encounter between Pope Francis and University Students
This historic dialogue led by Pope Francis will gather university students from North, Central, and South America to address the salient challenges of our times. The dialogue will especially seek to include students who are themselves migrants or the children of migrants and to empower them to pursue projects that will lead the way to social justice and the common good. The Theology Department is both honored and humbled to be one of the sponsors of this historic dialogue.