2022 - 2023

New MA Concentration in Bioethics & Health Care Policy
The Bioethics & Health Care Policy concentration is a new concentration offered jointly with the Neiswanger Institute for Bioethics at Loyola's Health Care campus in Maywood. This concentration is appropriate for students interested in pursuing a social ethical understanding of bioethics. Courses in this concentration address the history of bioethics including the issues of racism and eugenics; methods and approaches in medical ethics and bioethics (ethnography, narrative bioethics, feminist bioethics); and topics in bioethics such as reproductive medicine and reproductive justice, genetics, disability ethics, spiritual care ethics, end of life, and healthcare justice.

Mike Schuck is the recipient of the 2022 Alpha Sigma Nu Magis Medal
Prof. Michael Schuck is the recipient of the 2022 Alpha Sigma Nu Magis Medal, which is awarded annually to Alpha Sigma Nu members who best exemplify scholarship, loyalty, and service in their work to better the world. The award of the Magis Medal serves to highlight the exemplary work AΣN members are doing as they live their AΣN pledge out in the world and to inspire new members to carry that flame with them as they graduate.

Entangled Responsibility - Clergy Sexual Abuse...And What It Has To Do With Loyola University Chicago
During the 2021 – 22 academic year, the Richard A. McCormick S.J. Chair in Moral Theology received a grant from Fordham University’s Taking Responsibility Project to document the sexual assault and abuse cases committed by Roman Catholic clergy associated with Loyola University Chicago and to create an online archive where the documentation would be hosted. In addition to the funding provided by Fordham, the McCormick Chair and the Hank Center for the Catholic Heritage provided funding that allowed the hiring of Dr. Sebastian Wuepper, a recent PhD graduate from our History Department, to undertake the process of documentation and the creation of the online archive. The Center for Textual Studies and Digital Humanities provided their crucial expertise in the design of the online archive. The online archive will be officially made public as a part of this event and the 2022 McCormick Lecture will be given by German theological ethicist Doris Reisenger.

Uppsala University, Sweden, has awarded Professor Hille Haker the honorary title Doctor theologiae honoris causa
Uppsala University, Sweden, has awarded Professor Hille Haker the honorary title Doctor theologiae honoris causa "in appreciation of Professor Haker’s academic achievements as well as her most professional and generous contributions to international academic networks and projects.

Bravo Company: An Afghanistan Deployment and its Aftermath
The Theology Department and the Peace, Justice, and Conflict Studies Department will host a special lecture by Ben Kesling titled “Bravo Company: An Afghanistan Deployment and Its Aftermath” on Thursday, February 2, from 5:30 – 6:30 pm in the Information Commons 4th Floor Lecture Hall. Ben is a reporter with the Wall Street Journal and served in the Marines in Iraq and Afghanistan and has now published a book that follows the deployment of Bravo Company, a parachute infantry regiment in the 82nd Airborne Division, in Afghanistan in 2009, and reports on the impact of the war on the lives of the solders after they returned stateside.

Integral Ecology as a Pathway of Lenten Transformation
On March 9, 2023, Prof. Michael Schuck gave a Lenten reflection with Alice Carwardine of Caritas Australia for the Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development and the Dicastery's 'Laudato Si Action Platform" project. The reflection addressed the relation between the care for creation and the Cry of the Poor. The program sought to provide the worldwide audience of some 500 persons with ways to bring care for creation into their Lenten activities.

Spiritual Audacity: The Abraham Joshua Heschel Story
The Theology Department and The Renewal of Public Moral Discourse Project will host a screening of a documentary by Martin Doblmeier and Journey Films on the life of Abraham Joshua Heschel titled “Spiritual Audacity: The Abraham Joshua Heschel Story” on Monday, March 27, at 5:30 pm in the Damen Student Center Cinema. The film profiles one of the most remarkable and inspiring religious figures of 20th century America. Heschel was a mentor to Martin Luther King, Jr. and the entire civil rights movement, a leading critic of the Vietnam War, a champion for Soviet Jews and a pioneer in the work of interfaith dialogue.