Loyola University Chicago

Writing Center


Abigail Palmisano

Abigail Palmisano

Associate Director (AY 23-24)

  • Email: apalmisano1@luc.edu
  • Contact for general inquiries regarding the Writing Center, our tutors and resources, classroom visits for a Writing Center Introduction, and special tutoring requests.

Abigail Palmisano is a 5th year PhD candidate in English at Loyola University Chicago. Her dissertation examines lexicons and literary depictions of cognition and the soul in medieval literarure and thier relationships to broader systems of philosophy and theology in medieval English culture. Her interest in metacognition and epistemology extends into the modern world as well, and Abigail is very concerned with the everyday, practical ways in which we learn and make meaning of our world. As such, she is passionate about helping students to discover writing practices that work for them as individuals. A neurodivergent learner herself, Abigail is especially interested in helping other neurodivergent students to understand their own minds and use that knowledge to navigate the writing process. In her free time, Abigail enjoys spending time with her family and playing with her mischievous cat, Luna.

Specialties: Brainstorming, idea mapping/organization, close reading, thesis development, and Chicago and MLA formatting