Loyola University Chicago

Writing Center

Request a Classroom Workshop

The Writing Center is delighted to offer Loyola faculty instructional support through Classroom Workshops. The topics of Workshops vary according to the instructor’s needs, but their primary aim is to administer a lesson on a particular writing skill or concept to the instructor’s class. Classroom Workshops are conducted by Graduate Tutors in consultation with our Instructional Director, Brandiann Molby. Examples of Workshop topics include: an introduction to the services provided by the Writing Center, basic formatting and citation procedures for all citation styles, outlining and organization, and much more! We are happy to work with instructors on a case-by-case basis in order to best meet the needs of your class.

To Request a Classroom Workshop

please contact the Writing Center's Instructional Director

Brandiann Molby at bmolby@luc.edu

When scheduling a Classroom Workshop, please be sure to describe your class’s needs and your instructional goals for the Workshop in as much detail as you can. Please attach any relevant documents (syllabus, assignment sheet, etc.) and provide a few dates and times that are convenient for your course. Last, we ask that you supply us with the class name and number as well as denote the specific meeting place (i.e., building and room number or Zoom link).