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Navigating LUCommunity


LUCommunity is the central hub of student life, where LUC students and LUC community members can take part in defining their Loyola experience and getting involved! LUCommunity allows student leaders to market, promote, and manage their student organization. Student leaders can manage their organization's roster, create events, store documents, conduct elections, manage finances, and more on LUCommunity. It is a requirement for all Registered Student Organizations to have an active portal within LUCommunity. To get started, simply sign into LUCommunity using your LUC login credentials.

LUCommunity Tutorials

To learn more about LUCommunity capabilities, please view our resources below:

Introduction to LUCommunity: This video tutorial provides a broad overview of the LUCommunity (Engage) platform. The video covers site navigation, tracking involvement, exploring organizations and events, and managing organizations as a student leader.

Overview of Account/User Drawer: This link has a collection of information and guides on what you can do with your Account/User Drawer. This covers how to edit your name on LUCommunity, view your event and other involvement history, change your privacy and notification settings, update profile picture, and more!

Search for Organization: With other 180 organizations on campus, there are many communities for you to be involved with! This link has information on how to navigate the search function for you to easily find your community!

Student Leader Resources: Here is a collection of resources designed to help our student leaders (new or experienced) to navigate LUCommunity. This covers walkthrough for tool menu, communication tool, organization membership, activity request, news, and other functions you have access to as the leader of your organization!


If you require assistance with LUCommunity, please contact Campus Activities Network via email at CAN@luc.edu