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Submitting Contracts

How to submit contracts to the University

  1. Be sure you are ahead of the contract submission deadline. Completed contracts must be submitted 5 weeks before the event date. Late submissions will not be accepted or approved.
  2. Be sure you have all the components that are necessary to submit a contract. See the "Contracts" tab on the left taskbar, which contains a section outlining the necessary components.
  3. Contracts cannot be submitted via email, fax, or in person. Contracts must be submitted via LUCommunity, and uploaded to a payment request. Follow the directions outlined below:


Submitting a paid contract that is funded by the SAF

  1. Completed contracts have a 5-week submission deadline and must be uploaded on LUCommunity on your ‘Purchase Request’ under your organization’s ‘Finance’ portal to be approved. By completing these steps, you are both submitting a contract and simultaneously submitting the University purchase request. The 5-week deadline is a hard deadline that will be enforced. This deadline is made far in advance of your event because contracts need to be approved at multiple levels to be validated. Dr. Keith Champagne, the Vice President of the Division of Student Development, has final approval for all contracts submitted to the CSE office to ensure the contracted individual/company complies with Loyola’s standards and policies.
  2. Login to LUCommunity using your Loyola UVID and password.
  3. In the top left corner, click the three lines with an arrow to extend the side menu. Click on the profile icon of the organization you wish to submit the request for. Click ‘Finance’ from the drop-down box to access your organization’s accounts and requests page.
  4. Click the blue button in the top right corner of the page titled ‘Create Request.’ From the drop-down box, select ‘Create Purchase Request.’
  5. A new page will open, titled ‘Create Purchase Request,’ which will allow you to submit all the information needed regarding your Purchase Request.
  6. In the top right corner, select ‘Populate From Budget.’ Please select the budget for the event you are submitting this request. Select the specific line item correlating to the content of the request (I.e., if you are submitting the request for a food contract, select the line item for the specific restaurant. If you are submitting the request for a speaker contract, select the line item that was approved for this contract.)
  7. Once selected, the following information in the ‘Request Details’ section will auto-populate: ‘Subject,’ ‘Description,’ ‘Requested Amount,’ and ‘Account.’ You will need to select the option for the ‘Categories’ section. (For a contract funded by SAF, you will always select ‘SAF-Student Activity Fund’).
  8. In ‘Payee Information,’ you will fill out the name and address of the individual/company being paid. For a restaurant/vendor, fill in the restaurant name and address. For a speaker/performer, fill in the speaker’s name or company they are paid by and the address correlating to this information.
  9. When asked to give the ‘Payee Email/ Vendor Website/ Wishlist/ Payment Link,’ please provide either the email or website for the vendor/individual being paid. When asked to submit the ‘Payee/Vendor Phone Number,’ please provide the phone number for the vendor/individual being paid.
  10. Fill out the remaining information in the purchase request as normal.
  11. When asked to submit supporting documentation:
    • Vendor Certificate of Insurance (COI)- We will already hold a COI on file for all restaurants approved to be funded by SAF, so you will not need to upload this. For any other vendor (decorating company, performers, speakers, etc.), we will require that you upload a COI for this vendor to comply with University policy. Failure to upload this documentation will result in the request being denied. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact activities@luc.edu in advance, and we can direct you on how to work around any issues.
    • Loyola Performance Contract- A performance contract will need to be submitted for any type of performance or demonstration. This contract must be submitted by the correct deadline. After it is submitted, the CSE office will put it under review and contact your organization if any issues arise. Once the contract is ready, we will submit it for signature and approval by Dr. Keith Champagne. Failure to upload this documentation will result in the request being denied. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact activities@luc.edu in advance, and we can direct you on how to work around any issues.
    • Loyola Speaker Contract- A speaker contract must be submitted for any type of speaker. This contract must be submitted by the correct deadline. After it is submitted, the CSE office will put it under review and contact your organization if any issues arise. Once the contract is ready, we will submit it for signature and approval by Dr. Keith Champagne. Failure to upload this documentation will result in the request being denied. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact activities@luc.edu in advance, and we can direct you on how to work around any issues.
    • Talent Information & Event Schedule Form- This form is required for all contracts. For vendor contracts, you can skip the talent form portion, and fill out the Event Schedule section. Failure to upload this documentation will result in the request being denied. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact activities@luc.edu in advance, and we can direct you on how to work around any issues.
    • Loyola Vendor Contract- A vendor contract must be submitted for any type of vendor (decorating company, restaurant or caterer, event company). This contract must be submitted by the correct deadline. After it is submitted, the CSE office will put it under review and contact your organization if any issues arise. Once the contract is ready, we will submit it for signature and approval by Dr. Keith Champagne. Failure to upload this documentation will result in the request being denied. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please get in touch with activities@luc.edu in advance, and we can direct you on how to work around any issues.
    • If you are unsure which contracts are needed for your event, please get in touch with activities@luc.edu well before the 5-week deadline so you can receive the most accurate information and work with your vendor to submit this contract by the 5-week deadline.

Submitting a paid contract that is funded by organization revenue

  1. Completed contracts have a 5-week submission deadline and must be uploaded on LUCommunity on your 'Purchase Request' under your organization's 'Finance' portal to be approved. By completing these steps, you are both submitting a contract and simultaneously submitting the University purchase request. The 5-week deadline is a hard deadline that will be enforced. This deadline is made before your event because contracts must be approved at multiple levels to be validated. Dr. Keith Champagne, the Vice President of the Division of Student Development, finalizes all contracts submitted to the CSE office to ensure the contracted individual/company complies with Loyola's standards and policies.
  2. Login to LUCommunity using your Loyola UVID and password.
  3. In the top left corner, click the three lines with an arrow to extend the side menu. Click on the profile icon of the organization you wish to submit the request. Click 'Finance' from the drop-down box to access your organization's accounts and requests page.
  4. Click the blue button in the top right corner of the page titled 'Create Request.' From the drop-down box, select 'Create Purchase Request.'
  5. A new page will open, titled 'Create Purchase Request,' which will allow you to submit all the information needed regarding your Purchase Request.
  6. You will need to manually input any information into 'Request Details' as requests submitted from your organization's Revenue Fund do not have previously approved budgets.
  7. In the section titled 'Categories,' please select 'Revenue.' Please select your organization's Revenue account in the section titled 'Account.'
  8. 'Payee Information' you will fill out the name and address of the individual/company being paid. For a restaurant/vendor, fill in the restaurant name and address. For a speaker/performer, fill in the speaker's name or company they are paid by and the address correlating to this information.
  9. When asked to give the 'Payee Email/ Vendor Website/ Wishlist/ Payment Link,' please provide either the email or website for the vendor/individual being paid. When asked to submit the 'Payee/Vendor Phone Number,' please provide the phone number for the vendor/individual being paid.
  10. Fill out the remaining information in the purchase request as normal.
  11. When asked to submit supporting documentation: Refer to Step 11 from SAF Purchase Request Section
  12. If you are unsure which contracts are needed for your event, please get in touch with activities@luc.edu well before the 4-6-week deadline so you can receive the most accurate information and work with your vendor to submit this contract by the 5-week deadline.

Submitting an unpaid ($0) contract

  1. Events with unpaid vendors, speakers, or panelists need to submit all contract materials 14 days before the event. Students should submit a Talent Information & Event Schedule Form. No other documents are needed, since this is an unpaid vendor.
  2. Upload the Talent Information and Event Schedule Form on LUCommunity on your ‘Purchase Request’ under your organization’s ‘Finance’ portal to be approved. By completing these steps, you are both submitting a contract and simultaneously submitting the University purchase request. 
  3. Login to LUCommunity using your Loyola UVID and password.
  4. In the top left corner, click the three lines with an arrow to extend the side menu. Click on the profile icon of the organization you wish to submit the request. Click ‘Finance’ from the drop-down box to access your organization’s accounts and requests page.
  5. Click the blue button in the top right corner of the page titled, ‘Create Request’. From the drop-down box, select ‘Create Purchase Request.’
  6. A new page will open, titled ‘Create Purchase Request,’ which will allow you to submit all the information needed regarding your Purchase Request.
  7. You will need to manually input any information into ‘Request Details’ as requests submitted from your organization’s Revenue Fund do not have previously approved budgets.
    • In the ‘Amount’ category, please input $0.
    • In the section titled ‘Categories,’ please select ‘Revenue.’ Please select your organization’s Revenue account in the section titled ‘Account.’
  8. ‘Payee Information’ you will fill out the name and address of the individual/company being paid. For a restaurant/vendor, fill in the restaurant name and address. For a speaker/performer, fill in the speaker’s name or company they are paid by and the address correlating to this information.
  9. Fill out the remaining information in the purchase request as normal.
  10. When asked to give the ‘Payee Email/ Vendor Website/ Wishlist/ Payment Link,’ please provide either the email or website for the vendor/individual being paid. When asked to submit the ‘Payee/Vendor Phone Number,’ please provide the phone number for the vendor/individual being paid.
  11. When asked to submit supporting documentation:
    • Refer to Step 11 from SAF Purchase Request Section
    • All contracts should be $0 total
  12. If you are unsure which contracts are needed for your event, please get in touch with activities@luc.edu.

How to submit contracts to the University

  1. Be sure you are ahead of the contract submission deadline. Completed contracts must be submitted 5 weeks before the event date. Late submissions will not be accepted or approved.
  2. Be sure you have all the components that are necessary to submit a contract. See the "Contracts" tab on the left taskbar, which contains a section outlining the necessary components.
  3. Contracts cannot be submitted via email, fax, or in person. Contracts must be submitted via LUCommunity, and uploaded to a payment request. Follow the directions outlined below: