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RSO Resource Library

This page covers selected resources for student organizations. For more information, please contact Campus Activities Network at CAN@luc.edu directly or browse LUCommunity!

Contact List

  • If you have questions about your event status, LUCommunity portal, or overall organizational operations, please contact Campus Activities Network at CAN@luc.edu.
  • If you have questions about your budget allocations, please contact the Allocations Committee at allocations@luc.edu
  • If you have questions about your purchase request, contract submission, or reimbursement process, please email activities@luc.edu directly.
  • If you have questions about spaces on campus, please contact Campus Reservations directly via email at campus-reservations@luc.edu.

Please note that student organizations are inactive during University breaks, holidays, exam periods, and other specified dates on the Student Organization Handbook. Requests might only be processed when classes are in session or during Fall/Spring semester. Please pay close attention to email outreach to learn more about expectations of communications and operations. 


Student Organization Resources

Virtual Resources 

Tips for Hosting Effective Virtual Meetings

Virtual Ice Breakers

Virtual Event Thought Process


Goal Setting Worksheet

LUCommunity Resources

Intro to Engage (LUCommunity) for Student Leaders 

Organization Rosters

Roster Walkthrough

Organization Primary Contacts

Sending a Message as an Organization Leader

Changing Position Holders in your Organization

Removing Members from your Organization

Approving Organization Membership Requests

Inviting New Members to Join an Organization

Creating Positions specific to your Organization

Event Management

Events Walkthrough

Creating a New Event in your Organization

Tracking Event Participation

CSE Event Planning Guide

Organization Content

Changing Visibility Permissions of an Organization's Content

Forms Walkthrough

Documents Overview

News Walkthrough

Changing your Organization's Profile Picture

Purchasing and Contract Tools

Purchasing Cheatsheet 

Types of Contracts Cheatsheet

Additional Organization Tools

Creating an Organization Election

Executive Board Templates & Resource Folder

Hosting a Zoom GBM