Loyola University Chicago

Office of the Bursar

Course, Lab and Supplies Fees Summer 2020

Summer 2020

Science and Math labs, per course number
Biology Courses (BIOL)
111, 112 $100.00
242, 243, 283 $300.00
302, 396 $100.00
Chemistry Courses (CHEM)
111, 112 $200.00
225, 226 $250.00
300 $250.00
Physics Courses (PHYS)
111L, 112L $150.00
Computer Science Courses (COMP)
125, 150, 170 $50.00
313 $70.00
Nursing Courses, per course number
Combined Lab and Testing Fee
GNUR 384
MCN 273L, 374L
MSN 277L
Nursing Standardized Testing Fee
GNUR 294 $140.00
Nursing Lab Replacement Fee
CMAN 380L $190.00
Music Courses (MUSC)
280A-Z and 280AA, 280BB $300.00


*Please note: all tuition and fees are subject to change