Chapel Reservations - Internal Form Part I All fields are required.Please indicate "n/a" if the question does not apply to your request. Chapel Location: Select One: LSC - Madonna della Strada Chapel (capacity: 100-500) LSC - Rosary Chapel (capacity: 10-100) WTC - All Saints(capacity: 1-20) Name of Event:< Date of Event: Time of Event: Contact Person: E-mail: Phone: Part II Please select the type of event: Select One Mass Other Liturgy Speaker Concert Other Estimate the length of the event: Select One 30 mins 45 mins 1 hour 1.5 hours 2 hours or more How many people do you expect to be in attendance? Select One 1-50 50-100 100-150 150-200 200-350 350-400 If you are having a Mass or another type of liturgy who will be the priest/presider/celebrant for the liturgy?Please indicate "n/a" if this does not apply to your request. Name: E-mail: Phone: Do you plan to produce printed program or order of service? YES NO Do you request Campus Ministry to produce a basic order of service for you?(If yes, someone will contact you.) YES NO Do you plan to have music at this event?(If yes, the chapel music director will contact you regarding music.) YES NO Do you require the services of the chapel music director? YES NO Do you require the services of a cantor? (singer) YES NO If you do not require the services of the chapel music director and are having music, please explain how the music will be executed and provide contact information for the musicians.(All music must be approved by the chapel music director.)Please indicate "n/a" if this does not apply to your request. Please enter the CAPTCHA code in the box below: