5-year BS/MS in Chemistry or Biochemistry
The 5-Year BS/MS program allows currently Loyola University Chicago undergraduate students to obtain both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in a compressed time period. This program structure is beneficial for those planning to take a gap year between undergraduate graduation, medical school, dental school, or other higher education. The research experience and courses with faculty you know and love allow you to build the references that will help you successfully transition to your next step. Your coursework keeps your chemical intuition sharp when preparing for admissions tests.
Students complete the bachelor's degree, but also take two graduate courses as undergraduates their senior year that count toward both their Bachelor’s and Master’s degree. By doing so, the 6 additional graduate courses can be finished in a single year for this 4+1 program.
Starting Fall 2023:
In completing the bachelor's degree, students can take up to four courses as underegraduates their Senior Year that count toward both their Bachelor's and Master's degrees. By doing so, the six additional graduate courses can be finished in a single year for this 4+1 program.
Career Outcomes
Students are highly successful in moving on to medical school or other career goals. Check out for success stories of those completing the 5-Year BS/MS program in Chemistry.
Program Structure
Students apply to the program their junior year. Admitted applicants will complete the BS degree during Senior year, and officially begin the Graduate program during the 5th.
Starting Fall 2023:
During their Senior year of BS, student may complete four courses at the 400-level, and it will count towards both the BS and MS requirements. In the fifth year, six graduate courses will be taken at the 400-level. Altogether, successful completion of the BS/MS degree will result in 30 hours of Gradaute coursework.
Special BS/MS Admissions Requirements
In addition to the standard application materials, applicants to the BS/MS program must also have the following:
-3.3 cumulative GPA
3.3 chemistry GPA in at least 7 lecture courses (plus labs)
-Junior level standings
-At least 3 courses at the 300 level chemistry lecture courses
Explore the Program
Next Steps
Request Information
Interested students are encouraged to contact the Graduate Program Director, Dr. Jacob Ciszek, at jciszek@luc.edu more information.