Loyola University Chicago

Office of the Dean of Students

Division of Student Development

Housing Security Resources

Housing Insecurity Resources

Housing insecurity includes a broader set of challenges such as the inability to pay rent or utilities or the need to move frequently. All of these challenges affect students, and the results this year suggest that it is more common to endure them during college than to have all of one’s needs met.


Homelessness means that a person is without a place to live, often residing in a shelter, an automobile, an abandoned building or outside.

If you are experiencing or know someone who is experiencing housing insecurity/ homelessness, please submit a CARE Referral, and a staff member will email you to schedule a CARE meeting. Click here to submit a CARE Referral.

Take time to read the full report, "Still Hungry and Homeless in College" (Goldrick, et. al., 2018)