Join us for the launch of the Lili Elbe Digital Archive!

Loyola University Chicago will host a scholarly symposium for the official launch of the Lili Elbe Digital Archive (, a digital scholarly edition and archive of the first full-length narrative of a subject to undergo what was then called genital transformation surgery in 1930.
The archive is jointly produced and managed by Loyola’s Center for Textual Studies and Digital Humanities (CTSDH) and the University Libraries, with local and national participants who will present at Friday afternoon's symposium. Guest speakers include David Ebershoff, author of The Danish Girl (a biofictional novel based on Lili Elbe's life) and Susan Stryker, a leading scholar of transgender studies, author of Transgender History and co-editor of Transgender Studies Quarterly and the Transgender Studies Reader.
Please RSVP if attending either or both events.