Resources and Policies
Graduate Program Handbook
The program handbook is a comprehensive reference containing information on program requirements, policies, procedures, and resources. Students are bound by the handbook in their year of entry to the program. Please direct any questions regarding the handbook to the Director of Graduate Programs (currently Dr. Ian Cornelius).
Students in the Department of English have many resources at their disposal for all kinds of professional activities and development as well as personal growth. See the links below for more information on how to research, craft, and present academic work for personal satisfaction and maximum returns. Also remember that collaborating with fellow graduate students to study, discuss, and workshop class material, presentations, and writing is an often overlooked resource that can confer benefits not only during coursework but throughout a professional career.
Remember to record conference presentations, awards, internships, and other successes on the Graduate School's GSPS website!
- Graduate School Forms
- Dissertation Readers Ballot
- Evaluation of Graduate Student Instructor
- Graduate Substitute Request Form
Guidelines for Teaching Assistants and Research Assistants