Loyola University Chicago

Mathematics and Statistics

STAT 495: Statistical Consulting Capstone

Course Details
Credit Hours: 2
Description:  Students enrolled in this course will be introduced to statistical consulting techniques useful for work with researchers and decision-makers in university, medical, financial and industrial settings. To better appreciate the practical nuances and subtleties of consulting, enrolled students will engage in actual hands-on statistical consulting with administrators, researchers, or students at one of Loyola’s lakeside campuses (via the Course Practicum) or remotely. Ethical issues related to the use and misuse of statistical methods, surveys, and studies will also be thoroughly discussed. Students will summarize their consulting activities in class discussions and reports, give class presentations, and write a final summary course paper. Since statistical consulting requires the integration/synthesis and use of course material across the full statistics curriculum spectrum, this course unreservedly serves as a capstone course experience for the MS program in Applied Statistics. As such, this course also provides an excellent opportunity to assess the quality of our program by measuring key student outcomes.