Calculus Information
Calculus Websites from Around the World
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- Maple Student Center
- Math 161 Maple Labs ** switch to mathematica!! **
- Math 162 Maple Labs ** switch to mathematica!! **
- Calculus on the Web-Temple University
- Harvey Mudd College Calculus Tutorials
- University of Michigan Calculus Preparation
- University of Michigan Calculus Archive
- UPenn Maple Primer
- American Math Society Math Links
Math Placement at Loyola
First-Year students are automatically placed into a 100-level mathematics course based on their SAT/ACT scores. Students who wish to contest their initial placement may take the Math Placement Assessment Test (MPAT).
For more information, visit our placement page. Any questions about placement in calculus or other 100-level courses that remain after reading that section should be directed to John Houlihan, Mathematics Placement Director. Please e-mail him to set up an appointment.
Which calculus sequence, Math 161/162 or Math 131/132?
Math 161/162 (Calculus I, Calculus II) is a traditional calculus sequence covering all the basic topics of one-variable calculus. This sequence is a prerequisite for Multivariable Calculus (Math 263) as well as for almost all higher-level math courses. It is required for all students majoring in Chemistry, Engineering Science, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics. It is highly recommended, although not required, for students majoring in Biology, Computer Science and Economics.
Math 131/132 (Applied Calculus I, Applied Calculus II) is more of a survey sequence covering many of the basic topics in one-variable calculus as well as some topics in multivariable calculus and differential equations. It is a terminal sequence in that it does not satisfy the prerequisites of upper-level mathematics and statistics courses. Students who enjoyed mathematics in high school and earned ACT math scores of 28 and higher or SAT math scores of 660 and higher are encouraged to choose the Math 161/162 sequence.
Advanced Placement (AP Credit)
It is possible for incoming students to receive credit for Math 161, Math 162, or Stat 103 based on their AP exam scores. Follow this link for information about advanced placement.
Beyond Calculus
Math 201 (number theory) and Math 212 (linear algebra) are the first non-calculus mathematics courses. They have Math 161 and Math 162 as prerequisites, respectively. They may be taken concurrently, and they are prerequisites to all higher mathematics courses. Math 212 is required by majors in mathematics, as well as many science and economics majors.
Calculus Applets for Calc I and II
For Calculus I (131 or 161) tools click here. ** currently broken!! **
For Calculus II (132 or 162) tools click here. ** currently broken!! **