Loyola University Chicago

Department of Physics


Rasha Abbasi awarded NSF grant for research on the Microphysics of Lightning.

Rasha Abbasi awarded NSF grant for research on the Microphysics of Lightning.

Dr. Rasha Abbasi has been awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation to support her research for three years, starting in Fall 2021. The NSF proposal submitted in December "The Microphysics of Lightening: Observing the Optical Emission from Downward Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes" AGS-2112709 has been accepted for funding for $505,230 for 36 months.

The objective of the project is to purchase and operate a 40,000 fps video camera at the Telescope Array, in order to record the optical component of the lightning responsible for the Telescope Array downward Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes. It is a significant step forward for continued lightning studies at the Telescope Array, and will result in some very cool videos. See e.g. 


which was shot with the same camera model.