

Preston Reilly, Ph.D. Director preilly3@luc.edu MacKenzie Rotherham Director, Graduate, Professional, & Adult Student Life mrotherham@luc.edu Sundas Shahid Coordinator, Programming & Special Events sshahid1@luc.edu Sarah Rudy Assistant Director, Registered Student Organizations and Commuter Student Life srudy2@luc.edu Emily Koneval Assistant Director, Sorority & Fraternity Life ekoneval@luc.edu Gabrielle Young Coordinator, Sorority & Fraternity Life gyoung1@luc.edu Rowan Ownby Graduate Intern, Sorority & Fraternity Life rownby@luc.edu Ryan SC Wong Coordinator, Student Organizations and Engagement rwong1@luc.edu Emmalee Osborne Budget Coordinator eosborne2@luc.edu Lina Flores Wolf Coordinator, Student Organizations & Involvement lfloreswolf@luc.edu Graduate Interns