
Graduate Course Descriptions

Research Courses (1-9)
Courses 429, 439, 449, 459, and 469 (see below) are intended for all master's degree applicants and for those doctoral degree aspirants who have not yet successfully completed the cumulative examination requirement. Research course 509 is intended for all doctoral candidates.
395 Special Topics in Chemistry (3)
Topics include X-ray methods, organometallic chemistry and catalysis, electrochemistry, NMR spectroscopy, mass spectroscopy, and other current topics.
400 Seminar (1)
This weekly seminar series on current topics in Chemistry is presented by experts from outside Loyola.
420 Advanced Organic Chemistry I: Structure, Mechanism and Reactions (3)
Important organic chemical concepts. Includes discussion of the stereochemistry of carbon, organic quantum mechanics, chemical kinetics and related mechanistic concepts, and an introduction to synthetic methodology.
421 Advanced Organic Chemistry II: Synthesis (3)
Strategy and reactions involved in the total syntheses of complex organic compounds. Specific topics include: logistics involved in planning the total synthesis of complex molecules; extensive survey of the use of protecting groups in synthesis; important methods of generating various carbocyclic ring systems from acyclic precursors; and a survey of important reduction and alkylation reactions in modern organic chemistry from both a mechanistic and a synthetic viewpoint.
422 Advanced Organic Chemistry III: Reaction Mechanisms (3)
This is an intensive review of the more general types of organic chemical mechanisms, such as electrophilic and nucleophilic additions, substitution reactions, elimination processes, and hemolytic processes. The experimental approach to mechanisms is emphasized.
423 Medicinal Chemistry (3)
This course explores how medicinal chemists design and synthesize new drug candidates as well as the hurdles that must be overcome in meeting the FDA requirements of efficacy and safety on the road to market, emphasizing the therapeutic index that underscores the risk/benefit consideration of every drug.
425 Special Topics in Organic Chemistry (3)
Some courses are: natural products, free radicals, molecular rearrangements, photochemistry, heteronuclear NMR, carbocyclic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, synthetic organic methodology, pericyclic reactions, heterocycles.
429 Research in Organic Chemistry (1-9)
Lab. Related to Research Courses listed above.
430 Physical Chemistry Survey (3)
Prerequisites: calculus and undergraduate physical chemistry. Covers chemical thermodynamics, molecular structure and spectra, and chemical kinetics. It includes review and survey of some recent research.
431 Chemical Thermo-dynamics (3)
Prerequisites: calculus and undergraduate physical chemistry. An extended study of the principles of the thermodynamic laws followed by applications to real and ideal systems of gases, liquids, and solids; partial molal properties; principles and applications of quantum statistical thermodynamics to gaseous equilibria
433 Chemical Kinetics (3)
Prerequisites: calculus and undergraduate physical chemistry. Description of rates of chemical reactions and interpretations thereof; principal theories of bimolecular and unimolecular processes; chain reactions; development of absolute reaction rate theory and application to a number of chemical systems; potential energy surfaces; includes heterogeneous kinetics, solution phenomena, isotopic effects, flow systems, empirical kinetic relations.
435 Special Topics in Physical Chemistry (3)
Some courses are NMR spectroscopy, photophysical processes, molecular spectroscopy, computational chemistry, molecular modeling, and spectroscopy of surfaces.
436 Statistical Thermodynamics (3)
Methods of classical and quantum statistical mechanics applied to thermodynamic problems; calculation of thermodynamic quantities from spectral data; properties of real gases; selected problems in the solid sate.
437 Quantum Mechanics I (3)
Prerequisites: 302 or equivalent; strong courses in calculus and modern physical chemistry, and some knowledge of computer programming. A thorough introduction to elementary quantum chemistry: angular momentum, quantum mechanical operators, interaction of radiation with matter, the many-electron atom, introduction to matrix mechanics, approximate methods, SCF calculations, electronic structure of polyatomic molecules, recent molecular orbital calculations.
438 Quantum Mechanics II (3)
Prerequisite: 437. This course is a continuation of Chemistry 437.
439 Research in Physical Chemistry (1-9)
Lab. Related to Research Courses listed above.
441 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (3)
The important topics in inorganic and organometallic chemistry are surveyed.
445 Special Topics in Inorganic Chemistry (3)
Some courses are organometallic chemistry and catalysis, bioinorganic chemistry, physical methods in inorganic chemistry, inorganic reaction mechanisms, non-metal chemistry, transition metal clusters and X-ray crystallography.
449 Research in Inorganic Chemistry (1-9)
Lab. Related to Research Courses listed above.
451 Chemical Methods of Analysis (3)
Topics covered include the statistical evaluation of analytical results and sources of errors, sampling and significance of proper samples, optimization of experiments, review of acid-base theory, chelometry and its applications, theory of precipitation, oxidation and reduction reactions and applications.
452 Electrochemistry (3)
Fundamentals of electrochemistry, the application of electrochemical techniques and current literature.
454 Analytical Separation (3)
Topics include aspects of chromatography, partition, thin layer, gas and liquid chromatography, mass spectroscopy and other techniques.
455 Special Topics in Analytical Chemistry (3)
This course may involve a lab. Some courses are analytical absorption and emission spectroscopy, electroanalytical methods, environmental chemistry, lasers in analytical spectroscopy, and mass spectroscopy.
456 Analytical Spectroscopy (3)
We will discuss photometric instrumentation, absorption, emission and fluorescence spectroscopy and types of analytical laser spectroscopy.
459 Research in Analytical Chemistry (1-9)
Lab. Related to Research Courses listed above.
460 Biophysical Chemistry (3)
This class will cover the role of molecular interactions in determining the structure and reactivity of complex biological molecules. Modern experimental techniques are used in studying these interactions in biological systems.
461 Biochemistry (3)
The conformation, dynamics and biological activities of macromolecules, generation and storage of metabolic energy, and genetic information and biosynthesis will be discussed.
465 Special Topics in Biochemistry (3)
Some courses are protein chemistry, sequence and 3D structure, magnetic resonance spectroscopy, protein crystallography, bio-inorganic chemistry, molecular biology, molecular dynamics of proteins, and current developments in biochemistry and related areas.
469 Research in Biochemistry (1-9)
Lab. Related to Research Courses listed above.
470 Biochemistry I (3)
This is the first part of a two-semester Biochemistry series that emphasizes important biochemical concepts on the structure and function of proteins, enzymes, carbohydrates, lipids and cell membranes as well as on the bioenergetic and regulatory principles behind the central and carbohydrate pathways.
479 Research in Chemical Education (1-9) Pre-/co-requisites:  RMTD 400 and CIEP 229.
This course will count toward the research credits of those students seeking a Ph.D. degree with a focus on Chemical Education. It will examine the effects of numerous variables on the learning and teaching of chemical principles and skills.
480 Chemistry for Teachers I
491 Laboratory Investigations in Chemistry (1)
A course designed for high school science teachers to help construct and create chemistry laboratories for students in the context of urban high schools.
500 Graduate Student Seminar (1)
This gives students an opportunity to prepare and present a professional chemistry seminar for other professional chemists. The presenter is trained in organizing materials for the 500 Graduate Student Seminar (1)presentation and has the experience of conveying high level technical information to a friendly audience in preparation for subsequent professional presentations in the industrial, academic, and/or scientific meeting arena. The topics of the seminar should not be related to the student’s research. The course should be taken at least once by all degree-seeking students.
501 Directed Study (1-6)
A special reading project is undertaken by qualified students and directed by a faculty member of the department with chairperson’s approval.
509 Doctoral Research (1-9)
Lab. Related to Research Courses listed above.
595 Thesis Supervision (0)
The course is for master’s degree candidates after completion of course requirements.
600 Dissertation Supervision (0)
The course is for Ph.D. degree candidates after completion of courses, cumulative examinations, and research tool requirements.
605 Master’s Study (0)
This course is for MS students in the (up to two) intervening semesters between completing coursework/research credits and beginning their thesis supervision.
610 Doctoral Study (0)
This course is for PhD students in the intervening two semesters (pre-candidacy) between completing coursework/research credits and beginning their dissertation supervision.
Research Courses (1-9)
Courses 429, 439, 449, 459, and 469 (see below) are intended for all master's degree applicants and for those doctoral degree aspirants who have not yet successfully completed the cumulative examination requirement. Research course 509 is intended for all doctoral candidates.
395 Special Topics in Chemistry (3)
Topics include X-ray methods, organometallic chemistry and catalysis, electrochemistry, NMR spectroscopy, mass spectroscopy, and other current topics.
400 Seminar (1)
This weekly seminar series on current topics in Chemistry is presented by experts from outside Loyola.
420 Advanced Organic Chemistry I: Structure, Mechanism and Reactions (3)
Important organic chemical concepts. Includes discussion of the stereochemistry of carbon, organic quantum mechanics, chemical kinetics and related mechanistic concepts, and an introduction to synthetic methodology.
421 Advanced Organic Chemistry II: Synthesis (3)
Strategy and reactions involved in the total syntheses of complex organic compounds. Specific topics include: logistics involved in planning the total synthesis of complex molecules; extensive survey of the use of protecting groups in synthesis; important methods of generating various carbocyclic ring systems from acyclic precursors; and a survey of important reduction and alkylation reactions in modern organic chemistry from both a mechanistic and a synthetic viewpoint.
422 Advanced Organic Chemistry III: Reaction Mechanisms (3)
This is an intensive review of the more general types of organic chemical mechanisms, such as electrophilic and nucleophilic additions, substitution reactions, elimination processes, and hemolytic processes. The experimental approach to mechanisms is emphasized.
423 Medicinal Chemistry (3)
This course explores how medicinal chemists design and synthesize new drug candidates as well as the hurdles that must be overcome in meeting the FDA requirements of efficacy and safety on the road to market, emphasizing the therapeutic index that underscores the risk/benefit consideration of every drug.
425 Special Topics in Organic Chemistry (3)
Some courses are: natural products, free radicals, molecular rearrangements, photochemistry, heteronuclear NMR, carbocyclic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, synthetic organic methodology, pericyclic reactions, heterocycles.
429 Research in Organic Chemistry (1-9)
Lab. Related to Research Courses listed above.
430 Physical Chemistry Survey (3)
Prerequisites: calculus and undergraduate physical chemistry. Covers chemical thermodynamics, molecular structure and spectra, and chemical kinetics. It includes review and survey of some recent research.
431 Chemical Thermo-dynamics (3)
Prerequisites: calculus and undergraduate physical chemistry. An extended study of the principles of the thermodynamic laws followed by applications to real and ideal systems of gases, liquids, and solids; partial molal properties; principles and applications of quantum statistical thermodynamics to gaseous equilibria
433 Chemical Kinetics (3)
Prerequisites: calculus and undergraduate physical chemistry. Description of rates of chemical reactions and interpretations thereof; principal theories of bimolecular and unimolecular processes; chain reactions; development of absolute reaction rate theory and application to a number of chemical systems; potential energy surfaces; includes heterogeneous kinetics, solution phenomena, isotopic effects, flow systems, empirical kinetic relations.
435 Special Topics in Physical Chemistry (3)
Some courses are NMR spectroscopy, photophysical processes, molecular spectroscopy, computational chemistry, molecular modeling, and spectroscopy of surfaces.
436 Statistical Thermodynamics (3)
Methods of classical and quantum statistical mechanics applied to thermodynamic problems; calculation of thermodynamic quantities from spectral data; properties of real gases; selected problems in the solid sate.
437 Quantum Mechanics I (3)
Prerequisites: 302 or equivalent; strong courses in calculus and modern physical chemistry, and some knowledge of computer programming. A thorough introduction to elementary quantum chemistry: angular momentum, quantum mechanical operators, interaction of radiation with matter, the many-electron atom, introduction to matrix mechanics, approximate methods, SCF calculations, electronic structure of polyatomic molecules, recent molecular orbital calculations.
438 Quantum Mechanics II (3)
Prerequisite: 437. This course is a continuation of Chemistry 437.
439 Research in Physical Chemistry (1-9)
Lab. Related to Research Courses listed above.
441 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (3)
The important topics in inorganic and organometallic chemistry are surveyed.
445 Special Topics in Inorganic Chemistry (3)
Some courses are organometallic chemistry and catalysis, bioinorganic chemistry, physical methods in inorganic chemistry, inorganic reaction mechanisms, non-metal chemistry, transition metal clusters and X-ray crystallography.
449 Research in Inorganic Chemistry (1-9)
Lab. Related to Research Courses listed above.
451 Chemical Methods of Analysis (3)
Topics covered include the statistical evaluation of analytical results and sources of errors, sampling and significance of proper samples, optimization of experiments, review of acid-base theory, chelometry and its applications, theory of precipitation, oxidation and reduction reactions and applications.
452 Electrochemistry (3)
Fundamentals of electrochemistry, the application of electrochemical techniques and current literature.
454 Analytical Separation (3)
Topics include aspects of chromatography, partition, thin layer, gas and liquid chromatography, mass spectroscopy and other techniques.
455 Special Topics in Analytical Chemistry (3)
This course may involve a lab. Some courses are analytical absorption and emission spectroscopy, electroanalytical methods, environmental chemistry, lasers in analytical spectroscopy, and mass spectroscopy.
456 Analytical Spectroscopy (3)
We will discuss photometric instrumentation, absorption, emission and fluorescence spectroscopy and types of analytical laser spectroscopy.
459 Research in Analytical Chemistry (1-9)
Lab. Related to Research Courses listed above.
460 Biophysical Chemistry (3)
This class will cover the role of molecular interactions in determining the structure and reactivity of complex biological molecules. Modern experimental techniques are used in studying these interactions in biological systems.
461 Biochemistry (3)
The conformation, dynamics and biological activities of macromolecules, generation and storage of metabolic energy, and genetic information and biosynthesis will be discussed.
465 Special Topics in Biochemistry (3)
Some courses are protein chemistry, sequence and 3D structure, magnetic resonance spectroscopy, protein crystallography, bio-inorganic chemistry, molecular biology, molecular dynamics of proteins, and current developments in biochemistry and related areas.
469 Research in Biochemistry (1-9)
Lab. Related to Research Courses listed above.
470 Biochemistry I (3)
This is the first part of a two-semester Biochemistry series that emphasizes important biochemical concepts on the structure and function of proteins, enzymes, carbohydrates, lipids and cell membranes as well as on the bioenergetic and regulatory principles behind the central and carbohydrate pathways.
479 Research in Chemical Education (1-9) Pre-/co-requisites:  RMTD 400 and CIEP 229.
This course will count toward the research credits of those students seeking a Ph.D. degree with a focus on Chemical Education. It will examine the effects of numerous variables on the learning and teaching of chemical principles and skills.
480 Chemistry for Teachers I
491 Laboratory Investigations in Chemistry (1)
A course designed for high school science teachers to help construct and create chemistry laboratories for students in the context of urban high schools.
500 Graduate Student Seminar (1)
This gives students an opportunity to prepare and present a professional chemistry seminar for other professional chemists. The presenter is trained in organizing materials for the 500 Graduate Student Seminar (1)presentation and has the experience of conveying high level technical information to a friendly audience in preparation for subsequent professional presentations in the industrial, academic, and/or scientific meeting arena. The topics of the seminar should not be related to the student’s research. The course should be taken at least once by all degree-seeking students.
501 Directed Study (1-6)
A special reading project is undertaken by qualified students and directed by a faculty member of the department with chairperson’s approval.
509 Doctoral Research (1-9)
Lab. Related to Research Courses listed above.
595 Thesis Supervision (0)
The course is for master’s degree candidates after completion of course requirements.
600 Dissertation Supervision (0)
The course is for Ph.D. degree candidates after completion of courses, cumulative examinations, and research tool requirements.
605 Master’s Study (0)
This course is for MS students in the (up to two) intervening semesters between completing coursework/research credits and beginning their thesis supervision.
610 Doctoral Study (0)
This course is for PhD students in the intervening two semesters (pre-candidacy) between completing coursework/research credits and beginning their dissertation supervision.