Loyola University Chicago

Mathematics and Statistics


Loyola Mini-Datafest Results

Loyola Mini-Datafest Results

Congratulations to the following winners of this year's Loyola Datafest.

1st: Hunyong Cho and Byunghwe Ahn (The Random Duo)

2nd: Igor Schneider and Gabriela Nubling (Brazilian Miners)

3rd: Jessica de la Cruz and Robert Martinez (Shining Force)

Out of the 12 registered teams (Team Catnip, The Random Duo, Pichleap, Immortal, Cannonball Run, Wang, Shining Force, Patrick, Raed, Aziz, Brazilian Miners, and Can We Do Better) these three winning teams scored highest.

This year, our winners predicted how many people would use a city bike share program at any given moment, using 2 years worth of ridership data. Details are available from the original kaggle competition website. Such analytics help bike share programs, like Chicago's Divvy program, move bikes between stations more efficiently - so you always have a bike available and empty spaces to park one.

Congrats to the winners, and thanks to everyone who participated!