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Faculty & Staff Profiles

Professor, Public Health Sciences

Health Sciences Campus

  • I am a clinician with a strong passion for prevention. After I finished my Nephrology fellowship, I completed a MPH degree and had an "aha" moment. During my first course in epidemiology, I realized that I have the ability to look at diseases and disease risk at the forest level—instead of the trees. Epidemiology brought me the clarity to see how the world we live in (the politics, our family structures, education and habits) influence disease. While I continue to care for patients, I also spend my time doing research that can positively influence the health of populations and reduce health disparities. I love teaching so that I can help develop future health leaders and help them develop passion for public health and research. Lastly, I help other researchers develop collaborations and their career plan. I also volunteer my time for organizations that are people centered and share my passion for prevention. My overall goal in life is to have a positive influence on health, reduce disease burden, and help others do the same. 

    Research Interests

    My passion is research—especially research the reduces health disparities.

    • Bachelor's degree, MacMurray College
    • MPH, Harvard University School of Public Health
    • MD, Indiana University
    • Residency in Internal Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine
    • Fellowship in Internal Medicine: Nephrology, Harvard University Medical School

    What prompted you to pursue your field?

    My mother was a dialysis nurse and helped start some of the very first dialysis units in Northeast Indiana. She told me so many times while I was in high school that I have to help prevent kidney disease because dialysis can be so incredibly difficult for patients. It is better to prevent kidney disease all together.

    Why is this area of study important at this point in time?

    I am very passionate about kidney disease. Of all chronic diseases, kidney disease has the strongest disparities. People from underrepresented groups, those with lower achieved education, and those with poor access to healthcare are at highest risk of kidney disease. Currently, Medicare spends $68 billion every year on dialysis alone. For all kidney disease, Medicare spends $130 billion every year. Fighting kidney disease will reduce health care costs and help people live better lives.


    • Increasing Mortality in Adults With Diabetes and Low Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate in the Absence of Albuminuria Kramer,H.; Boucher,R. E.; Leehey,D.; Fried,L.; Wei,G.; Greene,T.; Rosas,S. E.; Cooper,R.; Cao,G.; Beddhu,S. Diabetes care 2018 ;41(4):775-781
    • Pros and Cons of Intensive Systolic Blood Pressure Lowering Kramer,H.; Cooper,R. Current hypertension reports 2018 ;20(2):16-018-0806-x
    • Response by Bress et al to Letters Regarding Article, "Potential Deaths Averted and Serious Adverse Events Incurred From Adoption of the SPRINT (Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial) Intensive Blood Pressure Regimen in the United States: Projections from NHANES (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey)" Bress,A. P.; Kramer,H.; Cooper,R. S. Circulation 2017 ;136(12):1174-1175
    • Potential Deaths Averted and Serious Adverse Events Incurred From Adoption of the SPRINT (Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial) Intensive Blood Pressure Regimen in the United States: Projections From NHANES (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey) Bress,A. P.; Kramer,H.; Khatib,R.; Beddhu,S.; Cheung,A. K.; Hess,R.; Bansal,V. K.; Cao,G.; Yee,J.; Moran,A. E.; Durazo-Arvizu,R.; Muntner,P.; Cooper,R. S. Circulation 2017 ;135(17):1617-1628
    • Non-dialysis dependent chronic kidney disease is associated with high total and out-of-pocket healthcare expenditures Small,C.; Kramer,H. J.; Griffin,K. A.; Vellanki,K.; Leehey,D. J.; Bansal,V. K.; Markossian,T. W. BMC Nephrology 2017 ;18(1):3-016-0432-2
    • Nutrient-enriched Infant Formula Is Associated With Higher Weight Gain for Low Birth Weight Infants Ngan,M.; Durazo-Arvizu,R.; Weiss,M. G.; Kramer,H. JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC GASTROENTEROLOGY AND NUTRITION 2017 ;64(6):975-978
    • Genome-Wide Association Study of Blood Pressure Traits by Hispanic/Latino Background: the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos Sofer,T.; Wong,Q.; Hartwig,F. P.; Taylor,K.; Warren,H. R.; Evangelou,E.; Cabrera,C. P.; Levy,D.; Kramer,H.; Lange,L. A.; Horta,B. L.; COGENT-BP consortium; Kerr,K. F.; Reiner,A. P.; Franceschini,N. Scientific reports 2017 ;7(1):10348-017-09019-1
    • 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and blood pressure: a plateau effect in adults with African ancestry living at different latitudes Chiang,D.; Kramer,H.; Luke,A.; Cooper,R.; Aloia,J.; Bovet,P.; Plange-Rhule,J.; Forrester,T.; Lambert,V.; Camacho,P.; Dugas,L.; Durazo-Arvizu,R. Journal of hypertension 2017 ;35(5):968-974
    • KDOQI US Commentary on the 2017 KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline Update for the Diagnosis, Evaluation, Prevention, and Treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral and Bone Disorder (CKD-MBD) Isakova,T.; Nickolas,T. L.; Denburg,M.; Yarlagadda,S.; Weiner,D. E.; Gutierrez,O. M.; Bansal,V.; Rosas,S. E.; Nigwekar,S.; Yee,J.; Kramer,H. American Journal of Kidney Diseases : The Official Journal of the National Kidney Foundation 2017 ;70(6):737-751
    • Oral Anticoagulants to Prevent Stroke in Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation in Patients With CKD Stage 5D: An NKF-KDOQI Controversies Report Bansal,V. K.; Herzog,C. A.; Sarnak,M. J.; Choi,M. J.; Mehta,R.; Jaar,B. G.; Rocco,M. V.; Kramer,H. American Journal of Kidney Diseases : The Official Journal of the National Kidney Foundation 2017 ;70(6):859-868
    • Urinary incontinence and diuretic avoidance among adults with chronic kidney disease Patel,M.; Vellanki,K.; Leehey,D. J.; Bansal,V. K.; Brubaker,L.; Flanigan,R.; Koval,J.; Wadhwa,A.; Balasubramanian,N.; Sandhu,J.; Kramer,H. International Urology and Nephrology 2016
    • Controversies Regarding Lipid Management and Statin Use for Cardiovascular Risk Reduction in Patients With CKD Markossian,T.; Burge,N.; Ling,B.; Schneider,J.; Pacold,I.; Bansal,V.; Leehey,D.; Stroupe,K.; Chang,A.; Kramer,H. American Journal of Kidney Diseases : The Official Journal of the National Kidney Foundation 2016
    • Diabetes and Clinical and Subclinical CVD Bertoni,A. G.; Kramer,H.; Watson,K.; Post,W. S. Global heart 2016 ;11(3):337-342
    • Smoking patterns and chronic kidney disease in US Hispanics: the Hispanics Community Health Study/the Study of Latinos Franceschini,N.; Deng,Y.; Flessner,M. F.; Eckfeldt,J. H.; Kramer,H. J.; Lash,J. P.; Lee,D. J.; Melamed,M. L.; Moncrieft,A. E.; Ricardo,A. C.; Rosas,S. E.; Kaplan,R. C.; Raij,L.; Cai,J. Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association 2016
    • African Ancestry-Specific Alleles and Kidney Disease Risk in Hispanics/LatinosKramer,H. J.; Stilp,A. M.; Laurie,C. C.; Reiner,A. P.; Lash,J.; Daviglus,M. L.; Rosas,S. E.; Ricardo,A. C.; Tayo,B. O.; Flessner,M. F.; Kerr,K. F.; Peralta,C.; Durazo-Arvizu,R.; Conomos,M.; Thornton,T.; Rotter,J.; Taylor,K. D.; Cai,J.; Eckfeldt,J.; Chen,H.; Papanicolau,G.; Franceschini,N. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN 2016
    • Dietary factors and fibroblast growth factor-23 levels in young adults with African ancestry Kosk,D.; Kramer,H.; Luke,A.; Camacho,P.; Bovet,P.; Rhule,J. P.; Forrester,T.; Wolf,M.; Sempos,C.; Melamed,M. L.; Dugas,L. R.; Cooper,R.; Durazo-Arvizu,R. Journal of bone and mineral metabolism 2016
    • Fibroblast Growth Factor-23 (FGF-23) Levels Differ Across Populations by Degree of Industrialization Yuen,S. N.; Kramer,H.; Luke,A.; Bovet,P.; Plange-Rhule,J.; Forrester,T.; Lambert,V.; Wolfe,M.; Camacho,P.; Harders,R.; Dugas,L.; Cooper,R.; Durazo-Arvizu,R. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 2016 :jc20153558
    • Genetic associations at 53 loci highlight cell types and biological pathways relevant for kidney function Pattaro,C.; Teumer,A.; Gorski,M.; Chu,A. Y.; Li,M.; Mijatovic,V.; Garnaas,M.; Tin,A.; Sorice,R.; Li,Y.; Taliun,D.; Olden,M.; Foster,M.; Yang,Q.; Chen,M. H.; Pers,T. H.; Johnson,A. D.; Ko,Y. A.; Fuchsberger,C.; Tayo,B.; Nalls,M.; Feitosa,M. F.; Isaacs,A.; Dehghan,A.; d'Adamo,P.; Adeyemo,A.; Dieffenbach,A. K.; Zonderman,A. B.; Nolte,I. M.; van der Most,P. J.; Wright,A. F.; Shuldiner,A. R.; Morrison,A. C.; Hofman,A.; Smith,A. V.; Dreisbach,A. W.; Franke,A.; Uitterlinden,A. G.; Metspalu,A.; Tonjes,A.; Lupo,A.; Robino,A.; Johansson,A.; Demirkan,A.; Kollerits,B.; Freedman,B. I.; Ponte,B.; Oostra,B. A.; Paulweber,B.; Kramer,B. K.; Mitchell,B. D.; Buckley,B. M.; Peralta,C. A.; Hayward,C.; Helmer,C.; Rotimi,C. N.; Shaffer,C. M.; Muller,C.; Sala,C.; van Duijn,C. M.; Saint-Pierre,A.; Ackermann,D.; Shriner,D.; Ruggiero,D.; Toniolo,D.; Lu,Y.; Cusi,D.; Czamara,D.; Ellinghaus,D.; Siscovick,D. S.; Ruderfer,D.; Gieger,C.; Grallert,H.; Rochtchina,E.; Atkinson,E. J.; Holliday,E. G.; Boerwinkle,E.; Salvi,E.; Bottinger,E. P.; Murgia,F.; Rivadeneira,F.; Ernst,F.; Kronenberg,F.; Hu,F. B.; Navis,G. J.; Curhan,G. C.; Ehret,G. B.; Homuth,G.; Coassin,S.; Thun,G. A.; Pistis,G.; Gambaro,G.; Malerba,G.; Montgomery,G. W.; Eiriksdottir,G.; Jacobs,G.; Li,G.; Wichmann,H. E.; Campbell,H.; Schmidt,H.; Wallaschofski,H.; Volzke,H.; Brenner,H.; Kroemer,H. K.; Kramer,H.; Lin,H.; Mateo Leach,I.; Ford,I.; Guessous,I.; Rudan,I.; Prokopenko,I.; Borecki,I.; Heid,I. M.; Kolcic,I.; Persico,I.; Jukema,J. W.; Wilson,J. F.; Felix,J. F.; Divers,J.; Lambert,J. C.; Stafford,J. M.; Gaspoz,J. M.; Smith,J. A.; Faul,J. D.; Wang,J. J.; Ding,J.; Hirschhorn,J. N.; Attia,J.; Whitfield,J. B.; Chalmers,J.; Viikari,J.; Coresh,J.; Denny,J. C.; Karjalainen,J.; Fernandes,J. K.; Endlich,K.; Butterbach,K.; Keene,K. L.; Lohman,K.; Portas,L.; Launer,L. J.; Lyytikainen,L. P.; Yengo,L.; Franke,L.; Ferrucci,L.; Rose,L. M.; Kedenko,L.; Rao,M.; Struchalin,M.; Kleber,M. E.; Cavalieri,M.; Haun,M.; Cornelis,M. C.; Ciullo,M.; Pirastu,M.; de Andrade,M.; McEvoy,M. A.; Woodward,M.; Adam,M.; Cocca,M.; Nauck,M.; Imboden,M.; Waldenberger,M.; Pruijm,M.; Metzger,M.; Stumvoll,M.; Evans,M. K.; Sale,M. M.; Kahonen,M.; Boban,M.; Bochud,M.; Rheinberger,M.; Verweij,N.; Bouatia-Naji,N.; Martin,N. G.; Hastie,N.; Probst-Hensch,N.; Soranzo,N.; Devuyst,O.; Raitakari,O.; Gottesman,O.; Franco,O. H.; Polasek,O.; Gasparini,P.; Munroe,P. B.; Ridker,P. M.; Mitchell,P.; Muntner,P.; Meisinger,C.; Smit,J. H.; ICBP Consortium; AGEN Consortium; CARDIOGRAM; CHARGe-Heart Failure Group; ECHOGen Consortium; Kovacs,P.; Wild,P. S.; Froguel,P.; Rettig,R.; Magi,R.; Biffar,R.; Schmidt,R.; Middelberg,R. P.; Carroll,R. J.; Penninx,B. W.; Scott,R. J.; Katz,R.; Sedaghat,S.; Wild,S. H.; Kardia,S. L.; Ulivi,S.; Hwang,S. J.; Enroth,S.; Kloiber,S.; Trompet,S.; Stengel,B.; Hancock,S. J.; Turner,S. T.; Rosas,S. E.; Stracke,S.; Harris,T. B.; Zeller,T.; Zemunik,T.; Lehtimaki,T.; Illig,T.; Aspelund,T.; Nikopensius,T.; Esko,T.; Tanaka,T.; Gyllensten,U.; Volker,U.; Emilsson,V.; Vitart,V.; Aalto,V.; Gudnason,V.; Chouraki,V.; Chen,W. M.; Igl,W.; Marz,W.; Koenig,W.; Lieb,W.; Loos,R. J.; Liu,Y.; Snieder,H.; Pramstaller,P. P.; Parsa,A.; O'Connell,J. R.; Susztak,K.; Hamet,P.; Tremblay,J.; de Boer,I. H.; Boger,C. A.; Goessling,W.; Chasman,D. I.; Kottgen,A.; Kao,W. H.; Fox,C. S. Nature communications 2016 ;7:10023
    • The Association between the PR Interval and Left Ventricular Measurements in the Multiethnic Study of Atherosclerosis Husby,M. P.; Soliman,E. Z.; Goldberger,J. J.; Liu,K.; Lloyd-Jones,D.; Durazo-Arvizu,R.; Kramer,H. Cardiology research and practice 2015 ;2015:193698
    • Depression in the US population during the time periods surrounding the great recession Mehta,K.; Kramer,H.; Durazo-Arvizu,R.; Cao,G.; Tong,L.; Rao,M. The Journal of clinical psychiatry 2015 ;76(4):e499-504
    • Impact of westernization on fibroblast growth factor 23 levels among individuals of African ancestry Eckberg,K.; Kramer,H.; Wolf,M.; Durazo-Arvizu,R.; Tayo,B.; Luke,A.; Cooper,R. Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association 2015 ;30(4):630-635
    • Obesity, metabolic health, and the risk of end-stage renal disease Panwar,B.; Hanks,L. J.; Tanner,R. M.; Muntner,P.; Kramer,H.; McClellan,W. M.; Warnock,D. G.; Judd,S. E.; Gutierrez,O. M. Kidney international 2015 ;87(6):1216-1222
    • The Western diet and chronic kidney disease Hariharan,D.; Vellanki,K.; Kramer,H. Current hypertension reports 2015 ;17(4):529-014-0529-6
    • Validation of an Albuminuria Self-assessment Tool in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis Tanner,R. M.; Woodward,M.; Peralta,C.; Warnock,D. G.; Gutierrez,O.; Shimbo,D.; Kramer,H.; Katz,R.; Muntner,P. Ethnicity & disease 2015 ;25(4):427-434
    • Genome-wide Association Studies Identify Genetic Loci Associated with Albuminuria in Diabetes Teumer,A.; Tin,A.; Sorice,R.; Gorski,M.; Yeo,N. C.; Chu,A. Y.; Li,M.; Li,Y.; Mijatovic,V.; Ko,Y. A.; Taliun,D.; Luciani,A.; Chen,M. H.; Yang,Q.; Foster,M. C.; Olden,M.; Hiraki,L. T.; Tayo,B. O.; Fuchsberger,C.; Dieffenbach,A. K.; Shuldiner,A. R.; Smith,A. V.; Zappa,A. M.; Lupo,A.; Kollerits,B.; Ponte,B.; Stengel,B.; Kramer,B. K.; Paulweber,B.; Mitchell,B. D.; Hayward,C.; Helmer,C.; Meisinger,C.; Gieger,C.; Shaffer,C. M.; Muller,C.; Langenberg,C.; Ackermann,D.; Siscovick,D.; DCCT/EDIC; Boerwinkle,E.; Kronenberg,F.; Ehret,G. B.; Homuth,G.; Waeber,G.; Navis,G.; Gambaro,G.; Malerba,G.; Eiriksdottir,G.; Li,G.; Wichmann,H. E.; Grallert,H.; Wallaschofski,H.; Volzke,H.; Brenner,H.; Kramer,H.; Leach,I. M.; Rudan,I.; Hillege,J. L.; Beckmann,J. S.; Lambert,J. C.; Luan,J.; Zhao,J. H.; Chalmers,J.; Coresh,J.; Denny,J. C.; Butterbach,K.; Launer,L. J.; Ferrucci,L.; Kedenko,L.; Haun,M.; Metzger,M.; Woodward,M.; Hoffman,M. J.; Nauck,M.; Waldenberger,M.; Pruijm,M.; Bochud,M.; Rheinberger,M.; Verweij,N.; Wareham,N. J.; Endlich,N.; Soranzo,N.; Polasek,O.; van der Harst,P.; Pramstaller,P. P.; Vollenweider,P.; Wild,P. S.; Gansevoort,R. T.; Rettig,R.; Biffar,R.; Carroll,R. J.; Katz,R.; Loos,R. J.; Hwang,S. J.; Coassin,S.; Bergmann,S.; Rosas,S. E.; Stracke,S.; Harris,T. B.; Corre,T.; Zeller,T.; Illig,T.; Aspelund,T.; Tanaka,T.; Lendeckel,U.; Volker,U.; Gudnason,V.; Chouraki,V.; Koenig,W.; Kutalik,Z.; O'Connell,J. R.; Parsa,A.; Heid,I. M.; Paterson,A. D.; de Boer,I. H.; Devuyst,O.; Lazar,J.; Endlich,K.; Susztak,K.; Tremblay,J.; Hamet,P.; Jacob,H. J.; Boger,C. A.; Fox,C. S.; Pattaro,C.; Kottgen,A. Diabetes 2015
    • Long-Term Blood Pressure Variability, New-Onset Diabetes Mellitus, and New-Onset Chronic Kidney Disease in the Japanese General Population Yano,Y.; Fujimoto,S.; Kramer,H.; Sato,Y.; Konta,T.; Iseki,K.; Iseki,C.; Moriyama,T.; Yamagata,K.; Tsuruya,K.; Narita,I.; Kondo,M.; Kimura,K.; Asahi,K.; Kurahashi,I.; Ohashi,Y.; Watanabe,T. Hypertension 2015 ;66(1):30-36
    • Association of albumin-creatinine ratio and cystatin C with change in ankle-brachial index: the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) Garimella,P. S.; Ix,J. H.; Katz,R.; Shlipak,M. G.; Criqui,M. H.; Siscovick,D. S.; Kramer,H.; Sibley,C. T.; Sarnak,M. J. American Journal of Kidney Diseases : The Official Journal of the National Kidney Foundation 2015 ;65(1):33-40
    • Time trends in the association of ESRD incidence with area-level poverty in the US population Garrity,B. H.; Kramer,H.; Vellanki,K.; Leehey,D.; Brown,J.; Shoham,D. A. Hemodialysis international.International Symposium on Home Hemodialysis 2015
    • Genome-wide association study of kidney function decline in individuals of European descent Gorski,M.; Tin,A.; Garnaas,M.; McMahon,G. M.; Chu,A. Y.; Tayo,B. O.; Pattaro,C.; Teumer,A.; Chasman,D. I.; Chalmers,J.; Hamet,P.; Tremblay,J.; Woodward,M.; Aspelund,T.; Eiriksdottir,G.; Gudnason,V.; Harris,T. B.; Launer,L. J.; Smith,A. V.; Mitchell,B. D.; O'Connell,J. R.; Shuldiner,A. R.; Coresh,J.; Li,M.; Freudenberger,P.; Hofer,E.; Schmidt,H.; Schmidt,R.; Holliday,E. G.; Mitchell,P.; Wang,J. J.; de Boer,I. H.; Li,G.; Siscovick,D. S.; Kutalik,Z.; Corre,T.; Vollenweider,P.; Waeber,G.; Gupta,J.; Kanetsky,P. A.; Hwang,S. J.; Olden,M.; Yang,Q.; de Andrade,M.; Atkinson,E. J.; Kardia,S. L.; Turner,S. T.; Stafford,J. M.; Ding,J.; Liu,Y.; Barlassina,C.; Cusi,D.; Salvi,E.; Staessen,J. A.; Ridker,P. M.; Grallert,H.; Meisinger,C.; Muller-Nurasyid,M.; Kramer,B. K.; Kramer,H.; Rosas,S. E.; Nolte,I. M.; Penninx,B. W.; Snieder,H.; Fabiola Del Greco,M.; Franke,A.; Nothlings,U.; Lieb,W.; Bakker,S. J.; Gansevoort,R. T.; van der Harst,P.; Dehghan,A.; Franco,O. H.; Hofman,A.; Rivadeneira,F.; Sedaghat,S.; Uitterlinden,A. G.; Coassin,S.; Haun,M.; Kollerits,B.; Kronenberg,F.; Paulweber,B.; Aumann,N.; Endlich,K.; Pietzner,M.; Volker,U.; Rettig,R.; Chouraki,V.; Helmer,C.; Lambert,J. C.; Metzger,M.; Stengel,B.; Lehtimaki,T.; Lyytikainen,L. P.; Raitakari,O.; Johnson,A.; Parsa,A.; Bochud,M.; Heid,I. M.; Goessling,W.; Kottgen,A.; Kao,W. H.; Fox,C. S.; Boger,C. A. Kidney international 2015 ;87(5):1017-1029
    • The effects of weight change on glomerular filtration rate Chang,A.; Greene,T. H.; Wang,X.; Kendrick,C.; Kramer,H.; Wright,J.; Astor,B.; Shafi,T.; Toto,R.; Lewis,J.; Appel,L. J.; Grams,M. Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association 2015 ;30(11):1870-1877
    • Estimated GFR and Subsequent Higher Left Ventricular Mass in Young and Middle-Aged Adults With Normal Kidney Function: The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study Bansal,N.; Lin,F.; Vittinghoff,E.; Peralta,C.; Lima,J.; Kramer,H.; Shlipak,M.; Bibbins-Domingo,K. American Journal of Kidney Diseases : The Official Journal of the National Kidney Foundation 2015
    • Waist Circumference, Body Mass Index, and ESRD in the REGARDS (Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke) Study Kramer,H.; Gutierrez,O. M.; Judd,S. E.; Muntner,P.; Warnock,D. G.; Tanner,R. M.; Panwar,B.; Shoham,D. A.; McClellan,W. American Journal of Kidney Diseases : The Official Journal of the National Kidney Foundation 2015
    • Prevalence of risk of deficiency and inadequacy of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in US children: NHANES 2003-2006 Karalius,V. P.; Zinn,D.; Wu,J.; Cao,G.; Minutti,C.; Luke,A.; Kramer,H.; Durazo-Arvizu,R. Journal of pediatric endocrinology & metabolism : JPEM 2014 ;27(5-6):461-466
    • Erratum to: Genetic variation in APOL1 and MYH9 genes is associated with chronic kidney disease among Nigerians Tayo,B. O.; Kramer,H.; Salako,B. L.; Gottesman,O.; McKenzie,C. A.; Ogunniyi,A.; Bottinger,E. P.; Cooper,R. S. International Urology and Nephrology 2014 ;46(12):2429
    • Bariatric surgery: the solution to a big problem? Alhosaini,M.; Leehey,D.; Kramer,H. American Journal of Kidney Diseases : The Official Journal of the National Kidney Foundation 2014 ;64(3):332-334
    • Association between Anxiety Levels and Weight Change in the Multiethnic Study of Atherosclerosis Rieke,K.; Durazo-Arvizu,R.; Liu,K.; Michos,E. D.; Luke,A.; Kramer,H. Journal of obesity 2014 ;2014:894627
    • Cumulative systolic BP and changes in urine albumin-to-creatinine ratios in nondiabetic participants of the multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis Zemaitis,P.; Liu,K.; Jacobs,D. R.,Jr; Cushman,M.; Durazo-Arvizu,R.; Shoham,D.; Palmas,W.; Cooper,R.; Kramer,H. Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN 2014 ;9(11):1922-1929
    • 25-Hydroxyvitamin D testing and supplementation in CKD: an NKF-KDOQI controversies report Kramer,H.; Berns,J. S.; Choi,M. J.; Martin,K.; Rocco,M. V. American Journal of Kidney Diseases : The Official Journal of the National Kidney Foundation 2014 ;64(4):499-509
    • Obesity as an effect modifier of the risk of death in chronic kidney diseaseKramer,H.; Dugas,L.; Shoham,D. Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association 2013 ;28 Suppl 4:iv65-72
    • Metabolic subtypes and risk of mortality in normal weight, overweight, and obese individuals with CKD Hanks,L. J.; Tanner,R. M.; Muntner,P.; Kramer,H.; McClellan,W. M.; Warnock,D. G.; Judd,S. E.; Gutierrez,O. M.; REGARDS Investigators Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN 2013 ;8(12):2064-2071
    • Obesity and kidney disease: potential mechanisms Wickman,C.; Kramer,H. Seminars in nephrology 2013 ;33(1):14-22
    • Is there a reverse J-shaped association between 25-hydroxyvitamin D and all-cause mortality? Results from the U.S. nationally representative NHANESSempos,C. T.; Durazo-Arvizu,R. A.; Dawson-Hughes,B.; Yetley,E. A.; Looker,A. C.; Schleicher,R. L.; Cao,G.; Burt,V.; Kramer,H.; Bailey,R. L.; Dwyer,J. T.; Zhang,X.; Gahche,J.; Coates,P. M.; Picciano,M. F. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 2013 ;98(7):3001-3009
    • Genetic variation in APOL1 and MYH9 genes is associated with chronic kidney disease among Nigerians Tayo,B. O.; Kramer,H.; Salako,B. L.; Gottesman,O.; McKenzie,C. A.; Ogunniyi,A.; Bottinger,E. P.; Cooper,R. S. International Urology and Nephrology 2013 ;45(2):485-494
    • Moving dietary management of diabetes forward Kramer,H.; Chang,A. JAMA internal medicine 2013 ;173(18):1692-1693
    • Race and the insulin resistance syndrome Kramer,H.; Dugas,L.; Rosas,S. E. Seminars in nephrology 2013 ;33(5):457-467
    • Diet: the "keys" to longevity Kramer,H. Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN 2013 ;8(9):1469-1470
    • Dietary patterns, calories, and kidney disease Kramer,H. Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease 2013 ;20(2):135-140
    • Mortality rates across 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) levels among adults with and without estimated glomerular filtration rate <60 ml/min/1.73 m2: the third national health and nutrition examination survey Kramer,H.; Sempos,C.; Cao,G.; Luke,A.; Shoham,D.; Cooper,R.; Durazo-Arvizu,R. PLoS ONE 2012 ;7(10):e47458
    • Patterns of sodium and potassium excretion and blood pressure in the African Diaspora Tayo,B. O.; Luke,A.; McKenzie,C. A.; Kramer,H.; Cao,G.; Durazo-Arvizu,R.; Forrester,T.; Adeyemo,A. A.; Cooper,R. S. Journal of human hypertension 2012 ;26(5):315-324
    • Medium and long-term outcomes after pneumatic dilation or laparoscopic Heller myotomy for achalasia: a meta-analysis Weber,C. E.; Davis,C. S.; Kramer,H. J.; Gibbs,J. T.; Robles,L.; Fisichella,P. M. Surgical laparoscopy, endoscopy & percutaneous techniques 2012 ;22(4):289-296
    • Association of carotid intima-media thickness with progression of urine albumin-creatinine ratios in The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). Yu,Z.; Schneck,M.; Jacobs,D. R.,Jr; Liu,K.; Allison,M.; O'Leary,D.; Durazo,R.; Darwin,C.; Kramer,H. American Journal of Kidney Diseases 2011 ;57(1):62-70
    • Association of Waist Circumference and Body Mass Index With All-Cause Mortality in CKD: The REGARDS (Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke) Study Kramer,H.; Shoham,D.; McClure,L. A.; Durazo-Arvizu,R.; Howard,G.; Judd,S.; Muntner,P.; Safford,M.; Warnock,D. G.; McClellan,W. American Journal of Kidney Diseases 2011 ;58(2):177-185
    • The effect of including cystatin C or creatinine in a cardiovascular risk model for asymptomatic individuals: the multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis. Ito,H.; Pacold,I. V.; Durazo-Arvizu,R.; Liu,K.; Shilipak,M. G.; Goff,D. C.,Jr; Tracy,R. P.; Kramer,H. American Journal of Epidemiology 2011 ;174(8):949-957
    • The National Kidney Foundation's Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI) Grant Initiative: moving clinical practice forward. Kramer,H. American Journal of Kidney Diseases 2010 ;55(3):411-414
    • Increasing BMI and waist circumference and prevalence of obesity among adults with Type 2 diabetes: the National Health and Nutrition Examination SurveysKramer,H.; Cao,G.; Dugas,L.; Luke,A.; Cooper,R.; Durazo-Arvizu,R. A. Journal of diabetes and its complications 2010 ;24(6):368-374
    • Obesity and albuminuria among adults with type 2 diabetes: the Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes) Study. Kramer,H.; Reboussin,D.; Bertoni,A. G.; Marcovina,S.; Lipkin,E.; Greenway,F. L.,3rd; Brancati,F. L. Diabetes care 2009 ;32(5):851-853
    • Obesity management in adults with CKD Kramer,H.; Tuttle,K. R.; Leehey,D.; Luke,A.; Durazo-Arvizu,R.; Shoham,D.; Cooper,R.; Beddhu,S. American Journal of Kidney Diseases 2009 ;53(1):151-165
    • Can comprehensive lifestyle change alter the course of chronic kidney disease?Tuttle,K. R.; Sunwold,D.; Kramer,H. Seminars in nephrology 2009 ;29(5):512-523
    • Adverse renal consequences of obesity Griffin,K. A.; Kramer,H.; Bidani,A. K. American Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology 2008 ;294(4):F685-96
    • Mild elevations of urine albumin excretion are associated with atherogenic lipoprotein abnormalities in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). de Boer,I. H.; Astor,B. C.; Kramer,H.; Palmas,W.; Rudser,K.; Seliger,S. L.; Shlipak,M. G.; Siscovick,D. S.; Tsai,M. Y.; Kestenbaum,B. Atherosclerosis 2008 ;197(1):407-414
    • Lipoprotein abnormalities associated with mild impairment of kidney function in the multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis. de Boer,I. H.; Astor,B. C.; Kramer,H.; Palmas,W.; Seliger,S. L.; Shlipak,M. G.; Siscovick,D. S.; Tsai,M. Y.; Kestenbaum,B. Clinical Journal of The American Society of Nephrology: CJASN 2008 ;3(1):125-132
    • Urinary incontinence prevalence: results from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Dooley,Y.; Kenton,K.; Cao,G.; Luke,A.; Durazo-Arvizu,R. A.; Kramer,H.; Brubaker,L. Journal of Urology 2008 ;179(2):656-661
    • Chronic kidney disease prevalence estimates among racial/ethnic groups: the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. Kramer,H.; Palmas,W.; Kestenbaum,B.; Cushman,M.; Allison,M.; Astor,B.; Shlipak,M. Clinical Journal of The American Society of Nephrology: CJASN 2008 ;3(5):1391-1397
    • Metabolic syndrome and self-reported history of kidney stones: the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) 1988-1994. West,B.; Luke,A.; Durazo-Arvizu,R. A.; Cao,G.; Shoham,D. A.; Kramer,H. American Journal of Kidney Diseases 2008 ;51(5):741-747
    • Ethnicity and sex modify the association of serum c-reactive protein with microalbuminuria. Palmas,W.; Ma,S.; Jacobs,D. R.,Jr; Arnett,D.; Jackson,S.; Olson,J.; Saad,M. F.; Kronmal,R.; Kramer,H.; Barr,R. G. Ethnicity & disease 2008 ;18(3):324-329
    • Sugary soda consumption and albuminuria: results from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999-2004. Shoham,D. A.; Durazo-Arvizu,R. A.; Kramer,H.; Luke,A.; Vupputuri,S.; Kshirsagar,A. PLoS ONE [Electronic Resource] 2008 ;3(10):e3431
    • Association of mild to moderate kidney dysfunction and coronary calcification.Ix,J. H.; Katz,R.; Kestenbaum,B.; Fried,L. F.; Kramer,H.; Stehman-Breen,C.; Shlipak,M. G. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2008 ;19(3):579-585
    • Prevalence and impact of nocturia in a urogynecologic population. Lowenstein,L.; Brubaker,L.; Kenton,K.; Kramer,H.; Shott,S.; FitzGerald,M. P. International Urogynecology Journal 2007 ;18(9):1049-1052
    • Ethnicity, energy expenditure and obesity: are the observed black/white differences meaningful? Luke,A.; Dugas,L.; Kramer,H. Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes & Obesity 2007 ;14(5):370-373
    • Regional left ventricular function in individuals with mild to moderate renal insufficiency: the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. Nasir,K.; Rosen,B. D.; Kramer,H. J.; Edvardsen,T.; Bluemke,D. A.; Liu,K.; Lima,J. A. American Heart Journal 2007 ;153(4):545-551
    • Obesity and kidney disease: a big dilemma Kramer,H.; Luke,A. Current Opinion in Nephrology & Hypertension 2007 ;16(3):237-241
    • Acculturation is associated with hypertension in a multiethnic sample. Moran,A.; Roux,A. V.; Jackson,S. A.; Kramer,H.; Manolio,T. A.; Shrager,S.; Shea,S. American Journal of Hypertension 2007 ;20(4):354-363
    • Obesity and chronic kidney disease Kramer,H. Contributions to nephrology 2006 ;151:1-18
    • Increasing body mass index and obesity in the incident ESRD population.Kramer,H. J.; Saranathan,A.; Luke,A.; Durazo-Arvizu,R. A.; Guichan,C.; Hou,S.; Cooper,R. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2006 ;17(5):1453-1459
    • Dyslipidemia prevalence, treatment, and control in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA): gender, ethnicity, and coronary artery calcium Goff,D. C.,Jr; Bertoni,A. G.; Kramer,H.; Bonds,D.; Blumenthal,R. S.; Tsai,M. Y.; Psaty,B. M. Circulation 2006 ;113(5):647-656
    • Screening for kidney disease in adults with diabetes and prediabetes Kramer,H. Current Opinion in Nephrology & Hypertension 2005 ;14(3):249-252
    • Urine albumin excretion and subclinical cardiovascular disease. The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis Kramer,H.; Jacobs,D. R.,Jr; Bild,D.; Post,W.; Saad,M. F.; Detrano,R.; Tracy,R.; Cooper,R.; Liu,K. Hypertension 2005 ;46(1):38-43
    • Obesity and prevalent and incident CKD: the Hypertension Detection and Follow-Up Program. Kramer,H.; Luke,A.; Bidani,A. K.; Cao,G.; Cooper,R.; McGee,D. American Journal of Kidney Diseases 2005 ;46(4):587-594
    • Screening for kidney disease in adults with diabetes. Kramer,H.; Molitch,M. E. Diabetes care 2005 ;28(7):1813-1816
    • Association between chronic kidney disease and coronary artery calcification: the Dallas Heart Study. Kramer,H.; Toto,R.; Peshock,R.; Cooper,R.; Victor,R. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2005 ;16(2):507-513
    • Angiotensin-converting enzyme gene polymorphisms and obesity: an examination of three black populations. Kramer,H.; Wu,X.; Kan,D.; Luke,A.; Zhu,X.; Adeyemo,A.; McKenzie,C.; Cooper,R. Obesity research 2005 ;13(5):823-828
    • A randomized trial on sodium reduction in two developing countries. Forrester,T.; Adeyemo,A.; Soarres-Wynter,S.; Sargent,L.; Bennett,F.; Wilks,R.; Luke,A.; Prewitt,E.; Kramer,H. Journal of human hypertension 2005 ;19(1):55-60
    • Progression of kidney disease in type 2 diabetes - beyond blood pressure control: an observational study. Leehey,D. J.; Kramer,H. J.; Daoud,T. M.; Chatha,M. P.; Isreb,M. A. BMC Nephrology 2005 ;6(1):8
    • Relationship between blood pressure and physical activity assessed with stable isotopes. Luke,A.; Kramer,H.; Adeyemo,A.; Forrester,T.; Wilks,R.; Schoeller,D.; Leman,C. Journal of human hypertension 2005 ;19(2):127-132
    • Hypertension treatment and control in five European countries, Canada, and the United States. Wolf-Maier,K.; Kramer,H.; Banegas,J. R.; Giampaoli,S.; Joffres,M. R.; Poulter,N.; Primatesta,P.; Stegmayr,B.; Thamm,M. Hypertension 2004 ;43(1):10-17
    • Association between blood pressure and resting energy expenditure independent of body size Luke,A.; Adeyemo,A.; Kramer,H.; Forrester,T. Hypertension 2004 ;43(3):555-560
    • Screening for kidney disease in adults with diabetes mellitus: don't forget serum creatinine.[comment] Kramer,H. American Journal of Kidney Diseases 2004 ;44(5):921-923
    • Racial/ethnic differences in hypertension and hypertension treatment and control in the multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis (MESA). Kramer,H.; Han,C.; Post,W.; Goff,D.; Diez-Roux,A.; Cooper,R.; Jinagouda,S.; Shea,S. American Journal of Hypertension 2004 ;17(10):963-970
    • Comparison of three tacrolimus-based immunosuppressive regimens in lung transplantation. Bhorade,S. M.; Jordan,A.; Villanueva,J.; Yu,A.; Kramer,H.; Vigneswaran,W. T.; Garrity,E. R. American Journal of Transplantation 2003 ;3(12):1570-1575
    • High-normal blood pressure and microalbuminuria. Knight,E. L.; Kramer,H. M.; Curhan,G. C. American Journal of Kidney Diseases 2003 ;41(3):588-595
    • The association between gout and nephrolithiasis in men: The Health Professionals' Follow-Up Study. Kramer,H. J.; Choi,H. K.; Atkinson,K.; Stampfer,M.; Curhan,G. C. Kidney international 2003 ;64(3):1022-1026
    • Renal insufficiency in the absence of albuminuria and retinopathy among adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus Kramer,H. J.; Nguyen,Q. D.; Curhan,G.; Hsu,C. Y. JAMA 2003 ;289(24):3273-3277
    • Hemodialysis and estrogen levels in postmenopausal (HELP) patients: The multicenter HELP study. Kramer,H. M.; Curhan,G.; Singh,A. American Journal of Kidney Diseases 2003 ;41(6):1240-1246
    • Permanent cessation of menses and postmenopausal hormone use in dialysis-dependent women: the HELP study. Kramer,H. M.; Curhan,G. C.; Singh,A. American Journal of Kidney Diseases 2003 ;41(3):643-650
    • The association between gout and nephrolithiasis: the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III, 1988-1994. Kramer,H. M.; Curhan,G. American Journal of Kidney Diseases 2002 ;40(1):37-42