Production Models
3-Day Experiment
- 2 days in rehearsal space
- 1 performance or presentation
- Sound, lighting, and projection capabilities are available exactly as they are in the assigned space
- Departmental standard rehearsal cubes, platforms, or chairs are available for use
Materials and Resources
- No materials budget is provided to 3-day Experiments
- All other props, costumes, materials will be the applicant’s responsibility to procure (i.e. 3-day experiments will not have access to departmental costumes or properties storages for projects)
- No performance royalties are paid (if proposing a project or material that is copyrighted, the applicant will be responsible for securing performance licenses).
- 100 photocopies
- Advertising in the DFPA Newsletter and/or on the Departmental BLOG
- No Program or Poster will be provided
- Faculty mentors will be available to discuss projects during office hours; it is the responsibility of the applicant to seek out a mentor.
- A Production Coordinator will be assigned to your project that will supervise activities when the project is in the space and assist with the operation of any technical equipment
- All other team members must be recruited by the applicant
Experience Required
- Must be a declared theatre major or minor and a student in good standing with at least 27 credits
- In general, 3 - Day Experiments carry NO course credit. However, depending on the nature of the project, independent study credit may be available – see your advisor.
2-week Lab
- 2 weeks in dedicated rehearsal space (evenings and weekends) for rehearsals
- 2 performances – on Friday and Saturday evening (unless the needs of your project dictate otherwise)
- Use of the assigned space’s sound, lighting and projection capabilities
- If in the Underground, will use standard space seating platform configuration and standard lighting plot
Materials and Resources
- Up to $100 for materials budget
- Up to $150 paid performance rights
- Access to pull props, costumes or furniture project
- 200 photocopies (potentially including posters or flyers)
- Advertising in the DFPA Newsletter and/or on the Departmental BLOG
- Listing on Program or Poster would be coordinated by DFPA
- One faculty mentor will be assigned to the project and will meet pre-production, as well as attend a select rehearsal and tech
- A Production coordinator will be assigned to your project to attend some of the rehearsals; assist with organizing production meetings; act as a technician / back stage crew member that can assist with costumes, scenery or light/sound board operation depending on the nature of the project.
- 1 - 2 other coordinators for scenic/costumes/lighting/sound needs or other requirements of the project may be assigned to your project
- Performances will have a Front of House staff to coordinate audiences and reservations for performances, and there will be a paid ticket fee for performances.
Experience Required
- Must be a declared theatre major or minor and a student in good standing
- Must have taken at least 18 hours of theatre credit
- Directors chosen for 2 week Labs MUST enroll in 1 credit of THTR 323: Rehearsal and Performance. Practicum credit is available for other coordinators on projects.
2-week New Play Workshop
- 2 weeks in dedicated rehearsal space (evenings and weekends) for rehearsals
- 2 performances – first is an invited reading and the second is a public reading in the 2nd week
- Use of the assigned space’s sound, lighting and projection capabilities
- Sound, lighting, and projection capabilities are available exactly as they are in the assigned space
- Departmental standard rehearsal cubes, platforms, or chairs are available for use
Rehearsal and Performance Breakdown
- There will be a first week of rehearsals ending in an invited reading and mentored talkback. Time is given to the playwright to reflect and make appropriate revisions which is followed by a second week of rehearsals. The process is finished with a public reading and a second mentored talkback.
Materials and Resources
- Folding tables and chairs will be provided for the first two days
- A music stand and chair for every actor, the director, and the SM will be provided after the first two days
- 6 rehearsal blocks, critical furniture from stock, and a standard set of rehearsal props will be provided for the 2nd week of rehearsals
- An audio recording of talkback will be provided to the playwright and director immediately after the mentored talkbacks
Staff/ Mentoring
- A faculty playwright mentor will be assigned to the project as well as a guest director
- A stage manager will be assigned to help with auditions, printing, note-taking, organizing new pages, coordinating the invited guests, break schedules, keeping talk-backs on time and reading stage directions
- There will be a 2 meetings with the playwright, guest director, and faculty playwright mentor
- Must be a declared theatre major or minor and a student in good standing
- Must have taken at least 18 hours of theatre credit
- Playwrights chosen for 2 week new Play Workshop MUST have taken or be enrolled in THTR 204: Playwriting and MUST enroll in 1 credit of THTR 323: Rehearsal and Performance in the semester of the workshop
12-week Production
- 4 weeks in Underground Theatre or Studio 409 for rehearsals and performances
- 4 performances with a preview (one week Thursday – Sunday)
- Use of the assigned space’s sound, lighting and projection capabilities
- Access to rehearsal spaces and meeting spaces that are not in departmental use
Materials and Resources
- $600-1000 for materials budget
- Performance Royalties are covered for 4 performances
- 200 photocopies
- Advertising in the DFPA Newsletter and/or on the Departmental BLOG
- Poster will be designed by a student designer working for DFPA
- Program would be compiled by Box Office Staff
- One design faculty mentor and one directing mentor will be assigned to the project and will meet pre-production as well as attend a select rehearsal and tech (stage managers will also have a mentor)
- Labor of the Scene and Costume Shop to assist with realizing design concepts
- Assigned Stage Manager and Design Team
- Assigned technicians / back stage crew member to assist with costumes, scenery or light/sound board operation depending on the nature of the production.
- Paid tickets, and performances will have a Front of House staff
Experience Required
- Must be a declared theatre major or minor and a student in good standing.
- Must have completed or be currently enrolled in Play Direction by the time you apply.
- Must have served as a production staff member on another Loyola production.
- If selected as a director for 12-week Production you must enroll in 3 credits of THTR 323: Rehearsal and Performance in the semester which your project culminates. THTR 321 practicum credit or applied design credit is available for other production staff members.
Script Selection
In choosing scripts to propose for 12-week production, please consider the following:
- Ideal plays will be no longer than an hour and a half in length.
- Ideal plays for the studio will have no more than 8 characters/actors
- Our current available acting pool
- When proposing shows that are set in periods other than modern or in styles/genres that have specific scenic or production requirements, please address how these might be achieved successfully in the studio with limited resources.
- Special consideration given to projects that address a special justice issue and consistent with Loyola’s mission in addressing the injustices of our society
3-Day Experiment
- 2 days in rehearsal space
- 1 performance or presentation
- Sound, lighting, and projection capabilities are available exactly as they are in the assigned space
- Departmental standard rehearsal cubes, platforms, or chairs are available for use
Materials and Resources
- No materials budget is provided to 3-day Experiments
- All other props, costumes, materials will be the applicant’s responsibility to procure (i.e. 3-day experiments will not have access to departmental costumes or properties storages for projects)
- No performance royalties are paid (if proposing a project or material that is copyrighted, the applicant will be responsible for securing performance licenses).
- 100 photocopies
- Advertising in the DFPA Newsletter and/or on the Departmental BLOG
- No Program or Poster will be provided
- Faculty mentors will be available to discuss projects during office hours; it is the responsibility of the applicant to seek out a mentor.
- A Production Coordinator will be assigned to your project that will supervise activities when the project is in the space and assist with the operation of any technical equipment
- All other team members must be recruited by the applicant
Experience Required
- Must be a declared theatre major or minor and a student in good standing with at least 27 credits
- In general, 3 - Day Experiments carry NO course credit. However, depending on the nature of the project, independent study credit may be available – see your advisor.
2-week Lab
- 2 weeks in dedicated rehearsal space (evenings and weekends) for rehearsals
- 2 performances – on Friday and Saturday evening (unless the needs of your project dictate otherwise)
- Use of the assigned space’s sound, lighting and projection capabilities
- If in the Underground, will use standard space seating platform configuration and standard lighting plot
Materials and Resources
- Up to $100 for materials budget
- Up to $150 paid performance rights
- Access to pull props, costumes or furniture project
- 200 photocopies (potentially including posters or flyers)
- Advertising in the DFPA Newsletter and/or on the Departmental BLOG
- Listing on Program or Poster would be coordinated by DFPA
- One faculty mentor will be assigned to the project and will meet pre-production, as well as attend a select rehearsal and tech
- A Production coordinator will be assigned to your project to attend some of the rehearsals; assist with organizing production meetings; act as a technician / back stage crew member that can assist with costumes, scenery or light/sound board operation depending on the nature of the project.
- 1 - 2 other coordinators for scenic/costumes/lighting/sound needs or other requirements of the project may be assigned to your project
- Performances will have a Front of House staff to coordinate audiences and reservations for performances, and there will be a paid ticket fee for performances.
Experience Required
- Must be a declared theatre major or minor and a student in good standing
- Must have taken at least 18 hours of theatre credit
- Directors chosen for 2 week Labs MUST enroll in 1 credit of THTR 323: Rehearsal and Performance. Practicum credit is available for other coordinators on projects.
2-week New Play Workshop
- 2 weeks in dedicated rehearsal space (evenings and weekends) for rehearsals
- 2 performances – first is an invited reading and the second is a public reading in the 2nd week
- Use of the assigned space’s sound, lighting and projection capabilities
- Sound, lighting, and projection capabilities are available exactly as they are in the assigned space
- Departmental standard rehearsal cubes, platforms, or chairs are available for use
Rehearsal and Performance Breakdown
- There will be a first week of rehearsals ending in an invited reading and mentored talkback. Time is given to the playwright to reflect and make appropriate revisions which is followed by a second week of rehearsals. The process is finished with a public reading and a second mentored talkback.
Materials and Resources
- Folding tables and chairs will be provided for the first two days
- A music stand and chair for every actor, the director, and the SM will be provided after the first two days
- 6 rehearsal blocks, critical furniture from stock, and a standard set of rehearsal props will be provided for the 2nd week of rehearsals
- An audio recording of talkback will be provided to the playwright and director immediately after the mentored talkbacks
Staff/ Mentoring
- A faculty playwright mentor will be assigned to the project as well as a guest director
- A stage manager will be assigned to help with auditions, printing, note-taking, organizing new pages, coordinating the invited guests, break schedules, keeping talk-backs on time and reading stage directions
- There will be a 2 meetings with the playwright, guest director, and faculty playwright mentor
- Must be a declared theatre major or minor and a student in good standing
- Must have taken at least 18 hours of theatre credit
- Playwrights chosen for 2 week new Play Workshop MUST have taken or be enrolled in THTR 204: Playwriting and MUST enroll in 1 credit of THTR 323: Rehearsal and Performance in the semester of the workshop
12-week Production
- 4 weeks in Underground Theatre or Studio 409 for rehearsals and performances
- 4 performances with a preview (one week Thursday – Sunday)
- Use of the assigned space’s sound, lighting and projection capabilities
- Access to rehearsal spaces and meeting spaces that are not in departmental use
Materials and Resources
- $600-1000 for materials budget
- Performance Royalties are covered for 4 performances
- 200 photocopies
- Advertising in the DFPA Newsletter and/or on the Departmental BLOG
- Poster will be designed by a student designer working for DFPA
- Program would be compiled by Box Office Staff
- One design faculty mentor and one directing mentor will be assigned to the project and will meet pre-production as well as attend a select rehearsal and tech (stage managers will also have a mentor)
- Labor of the Scene and Costume Shop to assist with realizing design concepts
- Assigned Stage Manager and Design Team
- Assigned technicians / back stage crew member to assist with costumes, scenery or light/sound board operation depending on the nature of the production.
- Paid tickets, and performances will have a Front of House staff
Experience Required
- Must be a declared theatre major or minor and a student in good standing.
- Must have completed or be currently enrolled in Play Direction by the time you apply.
- Must have served as a production staff member on another Loyola production.
- If selected as a director for 12-week Production you must enroll in 3 credits of THTR 323: Rehearsal and Performance in the semester which your project culminates. THTR 321 practicum credit or applied design credit is available for other production staff members.
Script Selection
In choosing scripts to propose for 12-week production, please consider the following:
- Ideal plays will be no longer than an hour and a half in length.
- Ideal plays for the studio will have no more than 8 characters/actors
- Our current available acting pool
- When proposing shows that are set in periods other than modern or in styles/genres that have specific scenic or production requirements, please address how these might be achieved successfully in the studio with limited resources.
- Special consideration given to projects that address a special justice issue and consistent with Loyola’s mission in addressing the injustices of our society