Loyola University Chicago

Mathematics and Statistics

Summer Opportunities


LUROP, Loyola's center for experiential learning, is a great resource for Loyola students that can help you find a research program that is right for you. 

Handshake also lists math and stats jobs and internship summer opportunities. Try using different keywords in your search such as: math, data, programming, statistics, etc.

You can also check out our Scholarships & Opportunities page for some other options.

The US National Science Foundation (NSF) funds a number of programs offering research experiences for undergraduates (REUs) in the Mathematical Sciences. These programs introduce students entering their junior or senior year to research topics in Mathematics; they last anywhere between four and eight weeks during the summer.

You can apply for financial assistance to participate in these programs. Typically this will include travel and local expenses, as well as a stipend. The selection process is highly competitive. In addition to an application form, you will most likely need two or three letters of recommendation from faculty who are familiar with your abilities.

If you have taken or are currently taking any advanced 300 level Mathematics/Statistics classes or if you are seriously considering pursuing graduate studies, browse through lists of current REUs maintained by the NSF and AMS.

Note that there will be a lot of intersection among the three lists. If you decide to apply, please don't hesitate to contact any of your professors in the Department of Mathematics & Statistics with any questions that you might have. We will be happy to assist you in any way we can.

For your convenience, below we give a selection from the ever-changing lists above (updated March 13th, 2018), funded by NSF or other agencies/institutions:

** please note that many of these applications have rolling deadlines, i.e. applications will continue to be reviewed until positions are filled ** 

Argonne National Laboratory DOE Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships Argonne National Laboratory Student Research Participation Programs
Arizona State University Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Institute Summer Program Auburn University REU Site: Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Boise State University REU Site: Complexity Across Disciplines
Brown University ICERM
California State University, Fresno Mathematics Research Program
California State University at Chico Research Experience for Undergraduates and Teachers: Mathematical Modeling
Clemson University RTG/REU: Coding theory, Cryptography, and Number theory

Cornell University RTG: Dynamics, Probability, and Partial Differential Equations in Pure and Applied Mathematics

Emory University REU Site: Research Experiences for Undergraduates Florida Institute of Technology REU Site: Intersection of Mathematics and Biology: Biomath

Georgetown University REU Site: Environmental science and policy in the nation’s capital

Grand Valley State University Mathematical Research Program
Illinois State University Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Mathematics  Indiana University REU Site: Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program
Indiana University REU Program in mathematics with applications to medical sciences, biophysics, and inverse problems Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics Research in Industrial Projects

James Madison University
REU Site: Mathematics Research for Undergraduates 

Kansas State University Summer Undergraduate Mathematics Research (SUMaR)

Kent State University
Math REU

Lafayette College Mathematical Research
Mathematical Association of America
National Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program 
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute REU Site: MSRI Summer Program
Michigan State University REU Site: Discrete and Applied Mathematics 
Missouri State University Research Experience for Undergraduates in Mathematics
Muhlenberg College
REU Site: Research Challenges of Identifying Integer Sequences Using the OEIS
Ohio State University
REU Site: A Distributed REU in the Mathematical Biosciences
Ohio Wesleyan University Research Experience for Undergraduates Oregon State University Research Programs for Mathematics
Oregon State University Research Programs in Statistics
Rochester Institute of Technology NSF-REU Program in Mathematics 
Rochester Institute of Technology
REU Site: Summer Undergraduate Research for Students who are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing in Applying Mathematical and Statistical Methods to Problems from the Sciences
Rutgers University DIMACS REU Program
San Diego State University REU Site: Mathematics Research Experience for Undergraduates
St. Mary's College of Maryland
Emerging Scholars Research Experience for Undergraduates (rolling admissions begin in April)

Texas A&M University REU Site: Undergraduate Research in the Mathematical Sciences and Their Applications

University of Chicago
The University of Chicago Mathematics REU

University of Michigan Dearborn
REU Site: Mathematical Analysis and Applications

University of Minnesota
Mathematics Summer REU in Combinatorics

University of Minnesota Duluth
An Undergraduate Research Program in Combinatorics and Number Theory

University of North Carolina Greensboro
REU Site: Mathematical Biology at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro
University of North Carolina Wilmington
REU Site: Interdisciplinary Integration in Statistical Learning and Data Mining
University of Texas at Tyler REU Site: Graph Theory, Combinatorics, and Abstract Algebra
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
REU Site: Mathematical Ecology
Valparasio University Experience Research by Undergraduate Mathematicians
Williams College SMALL REU Program