Concerto/Aria Competition
Every fall the Department of Fine and Performing Arts hosts the annual Concerto/Aria Competition in which the winner(s) perform at the spring concert with the LUC Symphony Orchestra. The competition is open to all Loyola students enrolled in both Applied Music and a LUC large ensemble (guitar, percussion and piano students are only required to be enrolled in Applied Music).
Each contestant is to perform a concerto or concerto movement, or appropriate vocal equivalent, limited to approximately 15 minutes in length. The music must be memorized and accompanied by piano.
To be sure that the chosen repertoire is appropriate for the LUC Symphony Orchestra (difficulty, instrumentation, length, etc.), all teachers are encouraged to review their student's selections well in advance of the competition with Dr. Colin Holman, LUC Symphony Orchestra Director.
Entrants must have the permission of their studio teacher, and the winner(s) must be available in the spring semester to rehearse with the LUC Symphony Orchestra, M/W 4:30—6:00 pm.
Judges retain the right not to award a winner. Multiple winners may be announced.
For details and audition schedule, visit the Concerto/Aria Competition sign-up page
Please direct questions to Dr. Colin Holman: