Assistance for Temporary Disabilities
LUC students experiencing temporary disabilities resulting from major illness, surgery, or an accident may qualify for assistance if the disability substantially negatively impacts your ability to participate in the classroom and campus activities. Not all temporary impairments qualify as disabilities. If you are unsure about whether you should request assistance through the SAC, please contact us at Requests for temporary arrangements that are not related to a temporary disability should be submitted through the CURA Network.
Apply for Assistance:
Submitting an application as soon as possible will allow our office to connect you with resources and begin working on your behalf. When completing the application, please select that you are requesting assistance for a temporary disability and answer the subsequent questions. Upon receipt of your request, you will receive an email prompting you to schedule an appointment to discuss reasonable and appropriate arrangements related to academic barriers you may encounter.
Temporary Arrangement Documentation Guidelines:
Documentation is a key component of a student’s application for temporary arrangements. Accessibility specialists utilize documentation to better understand the recent impact of a student’s disability(s). Students must submit sufficient documentation to the SAC in order to receive temporary arrangements.
Documentation should…
- contain a diagnosis of a temporary disability
- verify the nature and extent of the temporary disability’s impact
- support the need for a specific temporary request
- describe the recent impact of the temporary disability conditions
- contain an end date of the temporary arrangement
- contain a signature from an appropriate licensed professional
- contain the licensed professional’s license number
- be typed on letterhead
- be un-editable
The SAC provides a Student Accessibility Center Disability Verification Form as an option for students seeking documentation from their professional provider. This document is available on the SAC’s website and the Accommodate Resource Library.
Additional Resources and Information:
Each of the parking garages on LUC's campus has elevator access. Parking spots for people with disabilities who have designated parking passes/tags/license plates are in close proximity to these elevators. Although LUC does not provide parking tags or passes for individuals with temporary disabilities to park in these spaces, a temporary parking pass may be provided by a healthcare provider.
If you encounter a need for rental equipment for mobility and transportation, please contact the SAC for a list of rental providers in the Rogers Park area.