Meet the ACE Support Staff
ACE Undergraduate Specialist & STP Lead Intern
Salma Muhammad
Major: Psychology
Minor: Spanish Language and Marketing
Year: Senior
Involvement On-Campus: Resident Advisor (RA)
Favorite Part of ACE: Seeing the ACE community at all our events and workshops
ACE STP Intern
Veronica Diaz Gomez
Major: Psychology
Minors: Biology & Neuroscience
Year: Sophomore
Favorite Part of ACE: The community. Having a family away from home. Most of the friends I have are from ACE.
ACE STP Intern
Nicole Tarasewicz
Major: Psychology
Minor: Marketing
Year: Sophomore
Involvement On-Campus: Polish Club
Favorite Part of ACE: The retreats.
ACE Marketing Specialist
Maya Rosenfeld
Major: Marketing
Minor: English
Year: Senior
Involvement On-Campus: LUC Women's Ultimate Frisbee, The Feminist Forum, Women in Business
Favorite Part of ACE: EVERYTHING, but mainly the people.
ACE Marketing Specialist
Maritza Machuca
Major: Marketing and Sports Management
Year: Junior
Involvement On-Campus: Delta Sigma Pi, WIB, MASA, LASO, AMA
Favorite Part of ACE: The community.
ACE Social Media Specialist
Erica Chavez
Major: Public Health, Pre-Med
Minor: Biostatistics
Year: Senior
Involvement On-Campus: Phi Delta Epsilon, MedLife
Favorite Part of ACE: TUTORING!!!
ACE Multimedia Specialist
Sofia Leon
Major: Biology
Year: Sophomore
Involvement On-Campus: Student Ambassador for AMSA