Loyola University Chicago

Achieving College Excellence

Student Academic Services

Internship - Research - Career Planning Resources

Listed below are resources for our students to review as regarding finding an internship, partaking in undergraduate research, finding a job (part-time while a student or full-time after graduation), all as part of the process of planning a career.  These are important for students to consider their junior and senior year at Loyola, especially if they are considering one of the top tier graduate schools or working for one of the top accounting or consulting businesses after graduation.

Also interesting is this article by a New York Times Columnist Called The Moral Bucket List about that "there are two sets of virtues, the résumé virtues and the eulogy virtues. The résumé virtues are the skills you bring to the marketplace. The eulogy virtues are the ones that are talked about at your funeral — whether you were kind, brave, honest or faithful. Were you capable of deep love?"  


Within Loyola:

Academic Internship Manual for Students Created by the Center for Experiential Learning, this 29-page manual guides students through why to get an internship, FAQ's, how to plan for an internship, how to make the most of an internship, as well as other resources.
Career Development Center Helps students and alumni find internships and jobs, determine what career path interests you, career fairs, and resume assistance, among other services.  Lots of resources to explore, including two main ones (job guides and sample resumes) highlighted below.
CDC's Job Search Guides Tips on writing resumes, cover letters, contacting potential employers, interviewing, finding jobs to apply to - part of the Career Development Center.
C-SAW: Career Self-Assessment Workshop Given by the Career Development Center, this is a two-part workshop where self-assessment inventories are used to assist you in determining your interests, values, skills and personality preferences. With the guidance of a career advisor, you connect the information you learn about yourself to possible majors and careers.  Students must sign-up in advance at the link.  The workshops are given a couple times each month, with the schedule online.
Center for Experiential Learning How to find an academic internship, and get course credit for it.  Ongoing Process, but usually to be completed before the start of the semester during which you have the internship.
FindYourCalling.com For students just starting to consider careers, this is a six-question tool that can help you start to narrow your career interests.  We highly recommend you discuss your results with an ACE staff member after completing this, and also encourage all ACE Scholars to complete the C-SAW through the Career Development Center.
LUROP: Loyola Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program explains why research experience as an undergraduate is so important for graduate school and job searches, how to get involved in research, and sometimes get paid for it.  Application deadlines vary by program.
Handshake Website with hundreds of part-time jobs, federal work study jobs, internships, and even full-time positions after graduation.
Research Mentoring Program Available through LUROP, over the summer, pairs undergraduate students with PhD students to help conduct their doctoral level research and get paid for it.  Applications due early in January.
Sample Resumes and Letters Sample resumes for many majors, as well as sample letters for all parts of the job applying process from initially requesting information, cover letters, thank-you letters after an interview.  Keep in mind, these are samples and you should adjust your resume for you and your specific experiences.
Summer Research Opportunities A collection of information about various Summer Research Opportunity Programs designed for a range of majors and career paths, including science, math, pre-med, social sciences, humanities.  This is from a presentation that FSYA Advisor Quortne Hutchings presented to ACE Scholars, and he agreed to answer questions from interested ACE Scholars, as he has helped guide previous students through the application process for these.



Beyond Loyola:

CareerBuilder.com One of the dominant job search databases listing internships and job opportunities nationwide.  Students can also post a copy of their resume for employers to find.
Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium (CAURS) is one of the largest annual undergraduate research conferences in the country. Held once a year in Chicago, this conference brings together undergraduate students in the Chicago area from all academic fields to explore various research opportunities and present their own findings.
Committe on Institutional Cooperation Summer Research Opportunities Program For underrepresented students (minority students, first-generation college students and students from low-income families) who are strongly considering pursuing a Ph.D., this program offers intensive research experiences with faculty mentors at a variety of midwest universities, with many of the research positions being all-expenses paid and including a small paycheck.
HealthCareCareers.org This website offers an overview of over fifty jobs in the medical field, providing a brief introduction of the job, the required education, the pros/cons, and growth potential of that particular job.  Great resource for students who are interested in medicine or a helping profession, but aren't sure what job specifically in the medical field.
Indeed.com This website has listings of both internships and jobs, searchable by location and type of position.
Internmatch.com This website allows for a location based search on different internship opportunities by deadlines for applications, categories for types of internships, and number of applicants. 
Internships.com This website breaks down what the differences between a job and an internship are including how to get started for an interview process. It also provides a listing of over 70,000 internships nationwide. 
GCF Learn Free Online lessons which will help you plan and research a career path. You'll learn how to assess your own needs, look up salary information, gain new skills, and create meaningful career goals. 
Jobwatch.com JobWatch is a job posting and career development site designed exclusively for clinical research professionals of all levels. 
Linked In.Com - Internships Listing  A frequently used career planning website gives listings of internships in the local area, paid or not, qualifications, job descriptions, and examples of what past interns have done.
Political Science Association - Internships Listing Lists internships related to political science, public policy, leadership development, etc. with a diverse outlook on internships along with other resources on finding internships. 


Mobile Apps (Phone or Tablet):

BenchPrep An interactive course library with graduate and professional exam study material for the LSAT, MCAT, and GMAT.
LinkedIn A professional social media platform where you can expand your professional network and connections. The app also posts several news articles that are relevant to your career interests.
Magoosh Provides engaging test prep for the GRE and GMAT.
MCAT 2015 Mastery Great for those who are studying for the MCAT. This app has questions relevant to the new 2015 version of the test!