Loyola University Chicago

Department of Fine and Performing Arts

Faculty and Staff Resources

DFPA Space Reservation Calendar (Calendar Wiz)

  • DFPA faculty and staff may submit a request directly through CalendarWiz. Students are not permitted to request space directly, but may do so through a sponsoring faculty or staff member.
  • DFPA faculty and staff may also contact April Browning for any space-related questions. Additionally, there are activity calendars for each performance venue that are available upon request to select DFPA faculty members. 
  • All other requests to reserve DFPA spaces, including requests from other Loyola (and non-DFPA) faculty should be submitted to dfpa@luc.edu. 
  • Other faculty members should submit reservations for non-DFPA spaces through Campus Reservations and 25Live.

Faculty Course Visitations

  • Course Visitation Report Form  - copy and paste this template into a separate Word document for each course visitation. Visitations take place during the first semester for new instructors.
  • Course Visitation Submission - Complete this form and uplaod the completed Course Visitation Report Form

Faculty Resources - College of Arts and Sciences - includes information on budget management, faculty review, committees, additional policies and procedures, and a variety of forms. 

Grant Submission Guidelines for College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) - When possible, please adhere to these guidelines to both provide yourself sufficient time to prepare a strong proposal and for staff at the Office of Research Services (ORS) to review your material. The goal here is to efficiently utilize the resources available to do our best to submit quality proposals. The second page highlights the recommended lead times for the various proposal elements.

New to Proposal submission or Loyola? Contact your ORS Research Administrator, Annemarie Diaz (adiaz14@luc.edu) and get set up in PTAP.

Office of Registration and Records - includes information on Course Schedules, Class Rosters, Undergraduate Course Catalog, Academic Standards and Regulations

Professional Development Request Form

  • Primarily intended for full-time faculty, but staff and part-time faculty are welcome to submit requests.
  • Request funding for professional development, technological equipment or recruitment activities. Please see form for details.
  • Proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis for opportunities occurring from September 1, 2024 - May 31, 2025.
  • Please note that development funds are competitive and limited. Individual awards will be initially limited to $1000 each, typically not to exceeding a maximum of $3000 total for all requests during this fiscal year. If funding remains after March 1st, applicants who had expenses that exceeded their awards may be invited to reapply for additional funding.
    • Funds awarded to support recruitment activities or attendance at professional organizations on behalf of the department (NAST, NASM, ICFAD, etc.) do not count toward this total.
  • Awards for professional development funding do not roll over from year to year and the funds awarded are associated with a specific request. Unused funding from one request is not to be applied to another activity. A separate request should be made for more funding.
  • If you are awarded Professional Development Funds, to receive a reimbursement you will need to complete the DFPA Reimbursement Form.
  • Unionized Faculty Members are encouraged to apply for the CBA Professional Development Funds established for unionized faculty member prior to seeking DFPA funding. The DFPA Request form can be used to submit the CBA Professional Development Fund application for Chair review.
    • Primarily intended for CAS unionized faculty members (CBA17.1) (full- and part-time) who are no longer in the probationary phase of their employment (CBA 25.7)
    • Link to the Unionized Faculty Professional Development Application is here: 2023 Professional Development Fund Application Form
    • Fund is administered by the College of Arts and Sciences
    • Applicants are eligible for up to $600 in funding per year to underwrite expenses associated, for example, with attendance to conferences, seminars, and workshops as well as engagement in pedagogically related professional development activities.

Service Requests (Lakeshore Campus)

  • File a service request for facility issues or repairs
  • Priority is given to life safety
  • View this brief video tutorial to get started.
  • If you feel your work request should receive immediate attention, please contact 773.508.2100


Policies and Procedures:

If you cannot conduct class on a given day (whether due to illness or a prearranged trip out of town for a legitimate reason, such as attending a conference), you must notify your Division Director in advance. It is not sufficient to make private arrangements with a colleague to cover the classes. In cases where longer notice is not possible (as in the case of illness that comes on overnight), you may report your unavailability to teach by leaving a detailed message with the department staff at 773-508-7510 and with your Division Director. We will make every effort to see to it that your students are alerted, and, if appropriate, notified of the work they should begin during your absence.

Please see the Academic Integrity Statement from the College of Arts & Sciences

The Office of the Provost, along with all academic units, has been working towards implementation of an academic misconduct reporting platform and database.

We are now ready to use Maxient, the same software utilized for student conduct, BCT and CARE, to report all instances of academic misconduct. The platform provides a simplified template for reporting all incidents, pulling student data directly from LOCUS. We anticipate the move will make the entire process easier, from faculty report through student notification. Additionally, all student conduct records (both disciplinary and academic) will now be centralized in one location.



  • Prior to submitting an Academic Misconduct Form, a communication should be sent to the student notifying them of your intentsion to submit a form.
  • CAS faculty should select “College of Arts and Sciences” as the “Instructor College/School;” this will route all reports to the CAS Dean’s Office for review and action. If the student listed in the report has a major in another school, we will route the report to the appropriate person for student notification.


Link to the Academic Misconduct Form


If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback about the new platform, please do not hesitate to contact Adam Patricoski, Assistant Dean for Student Academic Affairs, CAS Dean’s Office (apatricoski@luc.edu).


Class rosters can be printed from LOCUS. Each of you should have access to your rosters and the Department recommends that you check your roster each week during the first two weeks of class, at Mid-term and towards the end of the semester to assure your students are properly registered for your class.  Students who do not appear on your roster should not be permitted to attend your class unless they present proof of registration. There are no exceptions to this policy.


Grade Rosters:

Loyola uses plus and minus grades in its grading scale.  Below are the corresponding point values for grades.

A = 4, A-= 3.67, B+ = 3.33, B = 3.0, B- = 2.67, C+ = 2.33, C= 2.0, C- = 1.67, D+ = 1.33, D = 1.0, F = 0, WF = 0

Academic Alerts:

You are asked to post grades at mid-term only of students who are receiving a grade at “C” or lower.

Final grades must be posted 72 hours after your final exam end-time.

Please consult LOCUS to locate your classroom and check it again just before your first class. Sometimes it is necessary to move classes due to additional enrollments.  Please note that it is not an instructor's prerogative to change the location in which a class meets, nor is it acceptable practice for an instructor to approach the Registration and Records staff directly to request such a change.  Such steps short-circuit a system that is designed to notify all those who might later need to know that a change has occurred (our own staff, the Dean's office, and so forth).  If you wish to request a different room, you must begin by approaching the Chairperson.

Early Alert Grades are entered for Undergraduate students who are struggling academically. You only need to enter the grade if, at mid-term, the student has one of the following grades: C-, D, D+, F, NR (enter NR for students who have never attended the class section you are instructing).

Note that grades of “W” or “WF” are for administrative withdrawal and will automatically populate for students who have dropped a class section. Early Alert Grades are able to be entered the eighth week of the semester. The Office of Academic Advising will review the grade and contact the struggling student.

Please see the Faculty Instructions for Early Alert Grade Entry for more details.

For information regarding promotions, please see the Lecturer/Advanced Lecturer Promotion Guidelines & Evaluation Procedures as well as the Departmental Guidelines for Evaluation, Tenure, and Promotion. Both of these documents are also available on the N Drive.

Mundelein Center Regular Building Hours

7:00am-10:00pm: Monday-Saturday (Campus Safety unlocks/locks the doors)

9:00am-10:00pm: Sunday (via swipe card access)


Ralph Arnold Annex Regular Building Hours

7:00am-10:00pm: Monday-Saturday (via swipe card access)

9:00am-10:00pm: Sunday (via swipe card access)


Academic Breaks and University Holidays

During academic breaks building hours are reduced. Unless there are specific University-supported events scheduled, all academic buildings during any break generally lock around 6pm. If there are any events running later than 6pm, the building stays open for that event. DFPA administration regularly communicates with campus safety regarding access needed for DFPA events.


All academic buildings are closed for official University holidays, staff does not report for work and there is a limited number of essential Campus Safety personnel on campus. Students, unless accompanied by a faculty member, will not be able to access studio and classroom spaces during University holidays.


It is recommended that faculty note these adjustments to building access in their syllabi so that students do not assume they will have the same access to spaces during academic breaks and University holidays.


Anyone who is on a building swipe access list for afterhours still has access whether the afterhours starts at 11pm (regular building hours) or 6pm (reduced hours).  Should it be absolutely necessary for a student to access studio space when the University buildings are closed, a faculty member must be present.


Faculty Access

All faculty with a University ID can access the building 24 hours a day, any day of the week. However, if they are planning on being in the building past regular building hours on a regular basis they are encouraged to notify the DFPA Main Office and Campus Safety so that they are aware of these activities and do not send officers over unnecessarily to investigate an entry outside of building hours. If faculty members are approached or challenged by Campus Safety, they should explain that they are a member of the Department of Fine and Performing Arts and show their University ID.

Please see the 2019-2020 for a comprehensive view of current policies.

Through the Faculty Center in LOCUS, an instructor may request a change of grade eight weeks into the following semester for Undergraduate Students. Approval through LOCUS by the Dean’s office of the school the student belongs to is required after submitting the grade change. An automated process is run after a Dean approves a grade change and, if approved, the change will post to the student’s record within 24 hours. Please see the Faculty Instructions for Requesting Grade Changes for more details.

Today the syllabus is viewed as a contract in which professors explain their expectations so that there are no surprises later. Please see the DFPA Syllabus Guidelines 2020 for more details