  • Faculty Spotlight

    Sandra Kaufmann discusses Martha Graham's "Suite from Appalachian Spring"

    Sandra Kaufmann, Founding Director of the Loyola University Chicago Dance Program, brings her deep knowledge of the Graham technique to Kanopy Dance's Graham: In HER Voice, presented this Spring at the Overture Center for the Arts in Madison, WI.

    As a Guest Regisseur for Kanopy Dance Company, Sandra uses her extensive performing career with the Martha Graham Dance Company to restage and contextualize Graham's "Suite from Appalachian Spring." The historic work premiered in 1944, exuding optimism and celebration during a time of war and grief. In the 21st Century, "Suite from Appalachian Spring" continues to spark imagination and harbor hope for a more joyous future.

    Video Courtesy of Kanopy Dance

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  • Faculty Research

    Recent Art History Publications by Dr. Olivia Wolf

    Dr. Olivia Wolf, Assistant Professor in Art History, has published several new peer-reviewed texts over the 2022-23 academic year, engaging with both her primary and secondary areas of research in Latin American and Middle Eastern art, respectively.

    Most recently, her article, "Transnational traces in the Espigas repository: Bibí Zogbé's artistic production and early critical reception at the Galerías Witcomb (1934-1937)" was published as part of the bilingual Spanish-English Cuadernos series by the Centro de Estudios Espigas / Centro de Investigaciones en Arte y Patrimonio (CONICET-UNSAM). In this article, Wolf examines the creative production and critical framing of Arab-Argentine artist Bibí Zogbé via a series of exhibition catalogs published by the Buenos Aires-based Witcomb Gallery in the 1930s and 40s.