Project Site FAQs
Create a Project Site - How to create a project site in Sakai.
Add Participants to a Project Site - Add users to a project site.
Sakai: Course Sites and Project Sites - What's the difference?
Reset Guest Password - How to have your external guests (non-Loyola project site users) reset their passwords for access to the project site in Sakai.
FAQs About Project Sites in Sakai
What are project sites?
A project site is not limited to a specific academic term, and can be used to collaborate with colleagues inside and outside of the Loyola community for group work, committees, and research projects. Examples of uses of project sites are university committees, registered and sponsored student organizations, student groups, communities, organizations, collaborative research projects, training initiatives, and groups of instructors who will be teaching similar lab sections.
Who can create a project site?
All Loyola students, faculty, and staff users can create project sites for collaboration in Sakai.
What tools are available in project sites?
All of the same Sakai tools you would find available in a course site are also available in a project site.
What can the “maintain” role do in a project site?
The maintain role is most similar to the instructor role from a course site. By default, the creator of a new project site will have the maintain role which allows users to read, revise, delete, and add content as well as mark content public or private and edit site permissions. Maintain users also have the authority to add or remove participants from the project site (which is NOT available in course sites).
What can the “access” role do in a project site?
The access role is most similar to the student role from a course site. By default, the access user will only be able to read content in the project site, and add content where appropriate as provided access by the maintain users.
Who can be added to a project site?
The maintain users of a project site can add anyone to the site by using either that person's Loyola credentials (UVID/Loyola email address) or an external email account (Gmail, Yahoo, etc.). Non-Loyola users will be emailed a welcome notification with a prompt to establish a password to join the project site, and the email address of the guest automatically becomes his/her username in Sakai.
How can I delete a project site?
The original creator of the project site must write an email to with the full project site name and Site URL (found under the Site Info tool) to request deletion. Only Sakai system administrators can remove sites.
Create a Project Site - How to create a project site in Sakai.
Add Participants to a Project Site - Add users to a project site.
Sakai: Course Sites and Project Sites - What's the difference?
Reset Guest Password - How to have your external guests (non-Loyola project site users) reset their passwords for access to the project site in Sakai.