Loyola University Chicago

Modern Languages and Literatures

Special Announcements

Lead Photo

– captioned left to right – Dr. Frank Trocchio, DDS (Loyola alumnus), Abbie Romanowski, Assoc. Prof. Carla Simonini)

The Italian American Studies Program congratulates 2023 Columbian Club Scholarship winner Abbie Romanowski for receiving a $5,000.00 award in support of her studies. Abbie writes:

Lot’s of people simply know their family heritage, but not everyone knows the great history behind their descent. Minoring in Italian-American studies isn’t just taking mere core classes—it’s a cultural connection that I can relate to and understand. It’s about diving deeper into my familial history. It’s about understanding the food and the lifestyles. It’s about gaining awareness on how Italians helped to build our great country. It’s understanding the Italian experience in real-time. If you’re Italian, I encourage you to Minor is this remarkable program, and enrich your Italian descent. If you’re not Italian, you’ll still be welcomed with open arms, and by the end of all your classes, you’ll basically be Italian! So, what are you waiting for? “Non c'è tempo come il presente”(there’s no time like the present)!