
PHIL 321: Ethics and Society

PHIL 321: Ethics and Society

The Generic Catalog Description

Rights, duties, and virtues of the human as an individual and as a member of society; the basic human societies of the family and the state; social justice; international society; war and world order. 

PHIL 321: Ethics and Society: Globalization Ethics (class is linked with Dr. Schweickart's PHIL 468)

Jacqueline Scott

In this class, we will investigate the social construction of race in the United States, and how these modes of construction have affected social and political rights as well as the existential well-being of members of racially constructed groups. In this course we will examine several contemporary arguments within the field of critical race theory. The two major questions we will consider are:

1. What values do and/or should we assign to race in our society?

2. How might we re(conceive) of race to end or reduce racism in our society?

In this course we will use our responses to the above two questions in order to have more interesting and thoughtful discussions (and policies) about race, and the political and ethical issues it affects.

This course has both an Ethics and Values (E&V) designation and a Law, Society, and Social Justice (LSSJ) designation for the purposes of major specialization. It also fulfills a Writing Intensive (WI) requirement.

PHIL 321: Ethics and Society

The Generic Catalog Description

Rights, duties, and virtues of the human as an individual and as a member of society; the basic human societies of the family and the state; social justice; international society; war and world order. 

PHIL 321: Ethics and Society: Globalization Ethics (class is linked with Dr. Schweickart's PHIL 468)

Jacqueline Scott

In this class, we will investigate the social construction of race in the United States, and how these modes of construction have affected social and political rights as well as the existential well-being of members of racially constructed groups. In this course we will examine several contemporary arguments within the field of critical race theory. The two major questions we will consider are:

1. What values do and/or should we assign to race in our society?

2. How might we re(conceive) of race to end or reduce racism in our society?

In this course we will use our responses to the above two questions in order to have more interesting and thoughtful discussions (and policies) about race, and the political and ethical issues it affects.

This course has both an Ethics and Values (E&V) designation and a Law, Society, and Social Justice (LSSJ) designation for the purposes of major specialization. It also fulfills a Writing Intensive (WI) requirement.